Sean has pink- eye - poor thing. Donovan has a post nasal drip and is coughing - poor baby. And Marke is fine, very seldom gets sick PTL!!! Hubby is packing on the muscle from our gyming and he's looking very good! I have lost 5 point something kg and I am feeling very happy about that, plus a whole lote of cm - but i dunno how many.
I would like to just welcome some new readers who have been stopping by lately to bless me. Kpjara from Can You Hear Me Now, she is a really special lady with a heart for the Lord Diane from Praying For Your Prodigal I have few prodigals in my family and Diane is partnering with me and many others in praying for them to return to Jesus, so if you have any prodigals, go and visit her - she is very encouraging!!And also David from Sugarloaf Mountain - he writes beautiful poetry and he has really awesome photos of his family on their trip to Hawaii, looks like a jol!!! So lets all say "Welcome" to them, and their links are on the left there, under "Fantabulous Blogs" if you'd like to go and visit them too.
Anyway - I will write something interesting soon - this is just a quick Hello, Welcome, and God Bless and see you sooon from me!!
Just in case you were all wondering where I went.
helloo! god bless you too!
so... when you gonna let me in on the secret?!?
can't wait for august 26th!
So glad you're doing ok. I lurk often without saying anything, but I am still here -- praying for you and wishing you God's best every day.
Pink eye is miserable!!! Hope he gets better soon (and that is doesn't spread through the entire household). Glad all is going well - and super keen to hear about the project. Soentjies! xoxo
Thanks for the warm welcome! I was beginning to wonder if you'd slipped into some southern equatorial abyss.
Okay, so dumb american question #436: What is "JOL"? I would guess but I don't want to embarrass myself further.
This blog is not only God-inspired and ispiring, but full of lessons on language!
what a warm welcome! Thank you
i have seen your comments lately and am looking for more Christian bloggers to fellowship with. Glad you liked my poems.
Heyyyyyy I didn't get a welcome like that!! :'(
What in the heck is pink eye?? Is that like red eye that you get from camera flashes except it's pink lol!
Angel - Hi!! Sorry, it wouldn't be a secret if I told you!!
Yea - giddyup!!!
Peach - Hey Peachy!! Good to see ya! I know you're around, and I can feel your prayers!!:)
Dawn - Yea, it is rather. I have asked him to remember to wash his hands regulary through the day so he doesn't spread it around, and I got him some "muti" today. Eyedrops, I just hope they don't burn the poor thing too much. {{Drukkies}}
Kpjara You are welcome!! It's a new thing I decided to start doing, I think I owe some other people a bit of a welcome too... :{
So technically I am a Southern Belle - or does that only count if you're American??
You would probably guess right, if you had to give it a shot. It's another Afrikaans word we have adopted into our English language as slang for "Fun", "Party" it's basically the same as Lekka... if that helps!! Happy to oblige with the language lessons - now go and try them out on your family, I promise they are noe dirty words - LOL!!
David - You are welcome (pun intended). Alot of the links on my blog are christian bloggers namely "Can you hear me now" "Praying for your prodigal" "Just peachy", Karen's Ramblings" "Blessed Be Your Name"... maybe you would like to visit them too. Keep up with the poems, I'll be round again often...
Gareth - *guilty sigh* I am SO sorry Gareth, I will make it up to - uuuuummm, oo, I know: I really like your name, it is the same as somebody I love very very dearly and everytime I see your name here, it makes me smile!! So you have a very special name.
Hows that, feel better?
Pink eye is a really painful eye infection, it weeps and runs and gets really mucky when you sleep and your eyes get really red inside and pink around the outside. I dunno what the proper name is for it - I just thought EVERYONE knew what pink-eye was. And it is extremely contagious.
Helllloooo :)
ooh pink eye I hate it!!! Hope he is much better real soon.
I feel better now lol. It was either your nice words that did it or me rubbing my tummy. I can't quite decide :p
Beads - I just hope the eye drops don't burn - I am dreading that...
Gareth - Probably a bit of both - you nutter!! LOL
My sister use to get pink eye ALL THE TIME. She still does. I have a nasty summer cold that wont go away. It is bothering my ears now!
Hello, glad to hear all is ok, except the pink eye! It is nice to busy at work, makes the day go by faster!!!!
Hi Spookie,
I know what you mean about being busy at work. It's been manic for me too. New things going on all the time but hopefully good stuff.
Just wanted to say hi and I've been thinking of you, honey.
Hi Spookie! I'm still around, just working a lot. I've missed everyone too. I'll try to keep up. God bless.
Myutopia - Ugh, thats lousy - both for you and your sister. Hope you get over it quickly.
NMOTB - I think we caught the pink-eye in the "nico time" - he he!! It seems to be a mild case. And he is a real trooper with the eye drops, bless him.
Bunny - Oh, I been wondering where you were. Good to see you, and I hope things are a little less manic for you today. And I've been thinking of you too!!
Debs - As long as it's just work and nothing serious. I am not putting pressure - just missing you!! ;o)
God bless you too.
Hi Spookie!
Another great posting. God is really stirring your heart at a deeper level for the prodigals. Very encouraging.
What a lovely lady you are.
How are the boys doing now? What is pink eye by the way?
My son is getting a lot better, still hacking and coughing but improving.
Karen - Ag thanks man...God is definitely stirring things up in my heart!! You are so sweet, thank you for your encouraging words. My boys are doing alot better. Pionk-eye is (I found out) Conjunctivitis - it is apianful infection of the eyes and extremley contagious. I have given Sean eyedrops, which he took like a star even though it burned some and he must avoid sharp and bright lights for a while. So he is at home and no-one visits cause they scared of catching it. LOL!!!
I sure hope your son is better soon and that the coughing stops - I can ahndle being sick most times, but when cannot stop coughing, that's just the worst - it is exhausting and draining. I will pray for him for healing.
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