Monday, August 21, 2006


In the eight years that I have been married I have learned so much from the Lord about myself and my ways that I felt it would be a good share. You see, I have known the Lord my whole life – but I back slid really badly during and after high-school and it was only after I was married, that I realized that I could no longer hear or feel God in my life – though He had always been there, it was me who had turned away from Him and I felt a huge yearning and loss right in the middle of my heart. Oh how it hurt to know that I had lost my dearest friend, my Father, the only one who had always been there for me. How my heart broke when I realized that I had turned my back on the only one who loves me unconditionally.
And I decided it was time to turn back to Jesus, so I began to hack back through all the thorny sins that had entangled themselves around my heart and I cut away at each one and once I had the forgiveness of Jesus and His hand finally caught mine through my struggling and pushing and reaching, did my heart find rest. He pulled me to His chest and held me so close; He whispered and asked me if I knew how much He loved me. He cleaned away all the sin that taken root in my heart and He told me I was His child, forgiven and washed clean by His blood and that He was so happy that I had returned to Him at last.
Since that day I have again experienced the wonderful presence of Jesus in my life, and I will live my life in a way that is pleasing only to my savior, my Precious Jesus. I want to be a servant and I take comfort in knowing that He loves me unconditionally and never EVER recalls nor remembers past and forgiven sins. My Jesus loves me and He is always with me and my life will be empty and meaningless without Him. I am living for Him, for Jesus, and I cannot wait for the day that I get to see His beautiful face and hear His voice when He says “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
One thing I have struggled with almost endlessly since then is that fact that my husband and I are unequally yoked, I had never considered this before – but now that I had learned so much more from the Word, I realized that this could be a huge problem – and was for many couples. I began to pray for my husband’s salvation. I wanted so badly for him to come to know the Lord intimately and personally the way that I know Him. But one day God rebuked me gently and showed me that I was praying and wanting his salvation for all the wrong reasons. I was wanting it for me, cause then my life would be easier and happier. God showed me that He has His own plans and timing and that we should pray for others to be saved for Christ – not for us. For His glory and to do His work, not to for our own gain. Boy was that ever a tough lesson – but I accepted what God was showing me and I began to change my way of thinking and of praying for my Husband. I know he will come to know the lord – and I know that he will be used so mightily by God, but I know now too that God’s timing is perfect, and things will happen in and when He has planned it. Another thing I had to learn was the lesson of submission. I had a friend who used to tell me “Tjomma, (My friend), there is blessing in submission” and man did I ever get mad at her every time she said that!! But it began a process in me of discovering that the Bible says we as women need to submit to our husbands and be obedient to them – unless it is sin. Our husbands are the leaders of our homes and we need to show them the correct amount of respect and love to make them see that they are the leaders. I never just go where I want to go, or do what I want to do – I always check with my husband first. I run everything I want to do by him first because that’s how it should be done and by doing it that way I get his support too. He has never stood in my way of going to church or to prayer meetings and he has no problem with me giving my offerings either and he is letting me go on the LTT (leadership training time) in September to Bloemfontein. There truly is blessing in submission – and I have learned that the hard way too, I have so much within me that God is dealing with and He has just taught me that I need to take my eyes off my husbands life and focus them in Him – I need to stop worrying and hand it over to God. That is not easy as a wife and a mother running a household and submitting to God and my husband is not an easy thing to do at all – but I am learning and growing as I go.

I have a wonderful husband who loves me – and tells me and shows me that he loves me. He is supportive and strong and protective, with him I always feel safe. He is funny and attractive and people are drawn to him wherever we go. I am happy that I married him and I can see a great calling and blessing on his life. I love him dearly – and if it weren’t for him, I would never have learned the things I have learned. God uses everyone and each situation to grow us – I am just really blessed that He is using my husband to grow me, to teach me humility, love and respect. It’s like – ok God I finally get what you are doing – and then BAM! He shows me something else that I need to fix in my heart.

This was inspired by a post from one lady’s blog (I am sure you know who you are) – cause I know how hard it can be. I remember a point when I was on the verge of quitting and I called out to God through my tears and asked Him what did He want me to do – Where was I to go from there? How was I to carry on? And He made it clear that leaving was not an option. Satan loves nothing more than a failed marriage – but God hates divorce! It is not His plan for us. Don’t let satan get another victory, don’t let him get the better of you, hang on to Jesus and cry out to Him. Just don’t give up. I have learned to rely on God as my “husband” spiritually in many ways where my husband does not yet (note I say YET) meet me where I am. But I never stop praying and believing that he will one day. And man – what a day that will be!!!!

I realise this is a long read, but I really felt it was necessary. That there is a need out there.
God Bless and thank you for reading...


Unknown said...

Spooks,- I so admire your faith, but above all else - your honesty. I am sure your husband and children value you so greatly because you must be such a guiding and shining example to them - even if they themselves don't realize it or see it all the time. I got a wonderful message in an email this weekend in which I was reminded that the Universe never makes mistakes. I so believe it all happens as and when it is exactly meant to. Love you, Tjomma.

kpjara said...

I think it speaks volumes of your "heart" that you wrote a msg for one struggling lamb and you spoke to so many of us.

God bless!

AngelConradie said...

wow... the world SO needs more teachers like you!
love you madly!

Masked Rabbit said...

Hey Spookie,

Thanks darling one. I hear what you're saying. I do pray and continue to hope. I think also that my motives may be less than perfect, after all, what an easy life I'd have if it was all "sorted". But like you, I know that God has placed in my husband wonderful virtues which will be a blessing to the kingdom. He is compassionate and kind and so many other things. He is far more patient with people and more forgiving than I am - and I'm the supposed Christian! So there are lessons to be learnt there.
Thanks for sharing your heart and your experience. No-one understands better than one who has been there.
Bless you honey and keep me in your prayers

the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

My Hubby went on a mens camp this weekend and has come back a new person - you don't know what this means to us as a family - it is truly amazing and a miracle - the road ahead is going to be tough but we are more that half way there!

A Captured Reflection said...

Once again an inspiring posting Spookie! It's like a fresh anointing has fallen on you recently, the postings have become deeper and really anointed.

I am so blessed to have a strong christian husband, but my background wasn't christian. When my Mum became a Christian she prayed faithfully for my Dad for 14 years before he came to God.

I also read a book recently that talked of this very subject - women who were praying for their husbands to be saved, changed etc, but nothing was happening - the issue was their motivation, once that was addressed their prayer lives and personal lives changed.

In fact in one of the cases it was the CHANGE in the Christian wife that was the big witness to her husband.

Thanks Spookie, awesome.

Soul Reflections said...

Such wisdom could only come from God for such a young one as you. It's taken me years to understand this, to look at my husbans as if he is already saved. So many times I have prayed for him to worship God as I do, but that is a fatal mistake, as he will worship Him the way that God made him. God bless you Spookie. He has given you (and us) a boldness to confront issues that are too strong for the timid. Keep the faith, baby!

Brigitte said...

Dawn - Thanks tjoina! That means alot to me.

Kpjara - Thank you, I am happy to be used by the Lord.

Angel - Wow, thank you.

Bunny - You are always in my prayers - and I really believe that what you learn from all you are going through now, will be a worthy lesson for somebody else one day. God is shaping you and for something great!

NMOTB - Oh man that is SO amazing!! I can only imagine what it must mean to you all. What a wonderful blessing. Encourage him to go on two or three more he will need them, I know that for sure. And find a church - you are welcome to come to ours, but thats a BIG important thing!! This is such wonderful news, I am so excited!

Karen - You know, I just decided to start blogging what God lays on my heart and if people stop reading or visiting because of it I don't mind. I am in this for the Lord, and not for myself.

Debra - I guess God had to give me wisdom cause he saw I was headed on the wrong path!! LOL! But I did ask for wisdom a long time ago. I thought it would be a good thing to have more than anything else. You are right, God has created each of us uniquely and who are we to expect or family or husbands to pray, worship or anyhting - like we do. Thats a good lesson. Thanks!!

Diane Viere said...

And in the midst of the lesson--you are ministering to others. THAT is a God-thing!

While I am not unequally yolked....I have an adult son who is wayward. This possibility came as a shock to this Christian family--who raised him in the Word, in Church, and in love! When he began his prodigal experience...I had to remove the layers of confusion and get to the heart of the matter--"How could God allow this!" Didn't we do as His Word proposed...."train a child in the way he should go....and when he is old he will not turn from it!", we had dedicated this baby, prayed for him, trained him in the way to go--and he has taken a different road! It was an honest dialogue I had with God--it was a test of faith. What good is faith--if not tested!

You are a shining example of resting on God's promise for your life...and for the life of your husband. Thank you for being so honest...and so willing to be used by God. It is a lesson well-learned!

While we are not faithful.....He is!


the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

Spookie, he has already diarised the next camp and he asked me to get him and afrikaans bible - his own bible - which I did - man you cannot believe the difference in him - it is like I have been given a new man, just in the same body!!!!

Brigitte said...

Praying For Your Prodigal - Wayward children - I know how that feels, and yes the Word does say "Train up a child in the way that he should go and he shall not depart from it" But you know what I find very true too - as I experienced this myself - is that we lay a firm foundation in church, in love, and in Christ - because if our children do stray (and we pray that they don't) it is definitely something they will come back to. I did.Don't lose hope or faith, you have done a wonderful job with your children - and I know that he will return to the life he knows, and the things you taught.

So, true what you say though - He is always faithful!

Myutopia - Thanks! ;)

NMOTB - Oh that is so wonderful! I get such a lump in my throat. He is a new man - born again in the Spirit - he is a new creation in Christ. I am so glad he is going again, it will help him grow!! Praise the Lord!! It is very important though that you join a church.