Go and check out my photo blog people - there are some photos from Sunday there.
And an update on Madam:
She shuffles along with 2 crutches, but she is on the road to mending.Her bladder is bruised from the impact but all other internal organs are okay thank goodness. Her coccyx is fine too, the tendons are fine just badly bruised everywhere and there is some soft tissue damage. The cracked pelvis will take 6 to 8 weeks to heal and her movement is very limited so she will be on crutches for that time. The specialist said this morning that she can start sitting a little more today and will not be off work as long as she thought.
This is good news all - thank you for your prayers and vibes and well wishes and that!!
God bless!!!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
An update on Madam:
Madam has had scans and sonar’s every day since being in hozzies – they have found her bladder is damaged and will check her kidneys now too. They want to try and see if her coccyx is maybe cracked as well because she is in such pain when moving. Please keep her in your prayers!
Howdy Howdy all you all!!
Just a very quick hello and update on stuff. So "HELLO!!" he he...
No seriously, the lady who works with me and shares my work load has resigned and has found a wonderful new job and is going on a really exciting new venture with her husband and children - so coodies to her!! The thing is, I now have double my work load to cope with cause my company will not be filling her position with anyone. That means less bloggy time and all that. I am a bit stressed at the moment cause I don't know how I am going to cope with all the work - but I am sure the Lord will help me and keep me going and help me keep up. Please keep me in your prayers in that sense.
Then about my weekend. I brought my camera to download photies - but forgot the cable at home!! I know, I know - but I will bring it tomorrow and as soon as I can I will put pictures up on my photo bloggy for you all. Anyway, we went horseriding on Sunday with my WHOLE family and for me this was a total first, alone on a horse for an entire hour!! It was thrilling and exciting and I was scared at first. But I really enjoyed it - my butt almost didn't survive and it is still recovering and last night at gym, the excercise bike was not a very pleasant reminder for my poor behind of the agony from Sunday.
As usual though, you cannot take my family anywhere without drama of some sort. Halfway through the ride my sister took her horse out into an open feild for a run and so my hubby took his horse too - but his horsey got a bug in it's bum about Madams horsey and bolted full throttle straight for it. They collided and Madam was thrown from her horse in the "crash". She has a fractured pelvis and a dislocated finger and a concussion. My dad took her for a check up when we got back to her house and the hospital promptly admitted her and she is still there. They say she will need a 6 to 8 week recovery time and will probaby be on crutches for about 2 months. She has a bit of blood in her urine - which can happen with a pelvic fracture cause the bloodvessels bleed internally and she is in terrible pain. She has been put on a morphine drip and a cathetar and she will probably be there for a few more days. The thing that makes me sad is that she is SO far away. I cannot just pop in after work to visit her cause it is about an hours drive to the hospital and tha same time back. Happy said we will go and see her soon. I wish I could go and stay with her to help her and comfort her as much as possible.
Happy has a very sore leg and a blue toe nail from the "crash" cause his right side was shmooshed between the two horses and he is hobbling around too. I am just so thankful that neither of them were injured too seriously - it could have been alot worse.
Anyway my dear bloggerflies!! I shall try to post as often as I can - but I will be popping in to visit you all more regularly than I post - I think...
We'll see how it goes.
Madam has had scans and sonar’s every day since being in hozzies – they have found her bladder is damaged and will check her kidneys now too. They want to try and see if her coccyx is maybe cracked as well because she is in such pain when moving. Please keep her in your prayers!
Howdy Howdy all you all!!
Just a very quick hello and update on stuff. So "HELLO!!" he he...
No seriously, the lady who works with me and shares my work load has resigned and has found a wonderful new job and is going on a really exciting new venture with her husband and children - so coodies to her!! The thing is, I now have double my work load to cope with cause my company will not be filling her position with anyone. That means less bloggy time and all that. I am a bit stressed at the moment cause I don't know how I am going to cope with all the work - but I am sure the Lord will help me and keep me going and help me keep up. Please keep me in your prayers in that sense.
Then about my weekend. I brought my camera to download photies - but forgot the cable at home!! I know, I know - but I will bring it tomorrow and as soon as I can I will put pictures up on my photo bloggy for you all. Anyway, we went horseriding on Sunday with my WHOLE family and for me this was a total first, alone on a horse for an entire hour!! It was thrilling and exciting and I was scared at first. But I really enjoyed it - my butt almost didn't survive and it is still recovering and last night at gym, the excercise bike was not a very pleasant reminder for my poor behind of the agony from Sunday.
As usual though, you cannot take my family anywhere without drama of some sort. Halfway through the ride my sister took her horse out into an open feild for a run and so my hubby took his horse too - but his horsey got a bug in it's bum about Madams horsey and bolted full throttle straight for it. They collided and Madam was thrown from her horse in the "crash". She has a fractured pelvis and a dislocated finger and a concussion. My dad took her for a check up when we got back to her house and the hospital promptly admitted her and she is still there. They say she will need a 6 to 8 week recovery time and will probaby be on crutches for about 2 months. She has a bit of blood in her urine - which can happen with a pelvic fracture cause the bloodvessels bleed internally and she is in terrible pain. She has been put on a morphine drip and a cathetar and she will probably be there for a few more days. The thing that makes me sad is that she is SO far away. I cannot just pop in after work to visit her cause it is about an hours drive to the hospital and tha same time back. Happy said we will go and see her soon. I wish I could go and stay with her to help her and comfort her as much as possible.
Happy has a very sore leg and a blue toe nail from the "crash" cause his right side was shmooshed between the two horses and he is hobbling around too. I am just so thankful that neither of them were injured too seriously - it could have been alot worse.
Anyway my dear bloggerflies!! I shall try to post as often as I can - but I will be popping in to visit you all more regularly than I post - I think...
We'll see how it goes.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Now I bet you have all heard it said at some point that men need a "Band of Brothers". Well when I heard this it immediately got me thinking about what us as women need? I spent some time in prayer and thoughtful prayer about this – a few days actually and asked the Lord to show me what kind of sisterhood we could have together as women.
I played with a few ideas and then one day it came to me – and I knew it was the right one. Men need a Band of Brothers and women need a “Medley of Sisters”, this spoke to me in many ways. You see a medley – if you look it up - is a number of different sounds put together to create something that sounds beautiful.
We are unique and each one of us has a different gift and quality which we can bring before our Lord and use to bring glory to Him. But what I was really focusing on was “women building up women”, encouraging each other and being there for each other and I thought that just as medley is made up of different sounds and instruments, that is what a Medley if Sisters should be. When we join our hearts together across the world, through families and friendships and we each bring our own unique “sound” we create a Medley that is pleasing to the Lord. By loving each other and using our gifts and teaching others how to use their special gifts and learning from one another we become a beautiful medley that brings pleasure to our Savior.
Afterall, that is our main objective.
I think that this is a good way of describing the CWO blogring. For those who don’t know this is the Christian Women On Line Blog Ring, which I joined (See their link on the bottom left). The CWO is a group of women who blog, but they do so much more than that. They love each other, support each other and pray for each other and this is what creates a medley.
We can all be part of the Medley of Sisters – in church, on the internet, through friendships, and wherever we go. And people will “hear” our Medley.
I really have such a heart for women and the important role we play in society and everyday life. And I feel very blessed to know so many wonderful christian women who have enriched my life in so many ways, here on the internet and also at church and at home.
So, let me be the first to say – welcome to the “Medley of Sisters”, you are appreciated and loved and your gifts, whatever they may be are important and necessary. I feel blessed and proud to be creating a beautiful sound for Jesus with you.
I played with a few ideas and then one day it came to me – and I knew it was the right one. Men need a Band of Brothers and women need a “Medley of Sisters”, this spoke to me in many ways. You see a medley – if you look it up - is a number of different sounds put together to create something that sounds beautiful.
We are unique and each one of us has a different gift and quality which we can bring before our Lord and use to bring glory to Him. But what I was really focusing on was “women building up women”, encouraging each other and being there for each other and I thought that just as medley is made up of different sounds and instruments, that is what a Medley if Sisters should be. When we join our hearts together across the world, through families and friendships and we each bring our own unique “sound” we create a Medley that is pleasing to the Lord. By loving each other and using our gifts and teaching others how to use their special gifts and learning from one another we become a beautiful medley that brings pleasure to our Savior.
Afterall, that is our main objective.
I think that this is a good way of describing the CWO blogring. For those who don’t know this is the Christian Women On Line Blog Ring, which I joined (See their link on the bottom left). The CWO is a group of women who blog, but they do so much more than that. They love each other, support each other and pray for each other and this is what creates a medley.
We can all be part of the Medley of Sisters – in church, on the internet, through friendships, and wherever we go. And people will “hear” our Medley.
I really have such a heart for women and the important role we play in society and everyday life. And I feel very blessed to know so many wonderful christian women who have enriched my life in so many ways, here on the internet and also at church and at home.
So, let me be the first to say – welcome to the “Medley of Sisters”, you are appreciated and loved and your gifts, whatever they may be are important and necessary. I feel blessed and proud to be creating a beautiful sound for Jesus with you.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
1. My roommate and I once:
Got a bit merry on champagne one New Year…
2. Never in my life have I:
Been arrested, or anything like that.
3. The one person who can drive me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is:
My husband
4. High school was:
Ok I guess, I don’t want to go back though.
5. When I’m nervous:
My heart beats hard and I get dry mouth
6. The last time I cried was:
Uuuummm, I can’t remember. I cry often so if it wasn’t yesterday or the day before then I won’t remember…
7. If I were to get married right now, my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be:
I am married, and my sisters and sister in law were my bridesmaids and my brother was our groomsman
8. Would you rather run naked through a crowded place or have someone e-mail your deepest secret to all your friends?
Run naked!!
9. My hair:
Is stunning at the moment. Just had it coloured and highlighted!!
10. When I was 5:
I decided I could snap my fingers!!
11. Last Christmas:
Was really special, my Hubby went to church with me...
12. When I turn my head left:
My neck hurts a bit and I can see my calendar
13. I should be:
Working, but – whatever!!!
14. When I look down I see:
My feet in takkies (trainers) and my office carpet
15. The craziest recent event was:
Nope, I don’t have crazy events in my life…
16. If I were a character on "Friends" I’d be:
17. By this time next year:
What? I honestly don’t's too far away to think about now.
18. My favourite aunt is:
I love them all!!
19. I have a hard time understanding:
Boys. I have three sons and I cannot understand them. Hopefully Dr Dobson’s “Bringing up Boys” will help a bit
20. One time at a family gathering:
Some man who was staying over at my parents house for a school reunioin ate all my Wors (sausage) which I brought specialy for my parents to taste. I was quite annoyed with him. So was my mom. LOL!!!
21. You know I like you if:
Ag, I like everyone and you’re next!! It’s not hard to tell if I like you.
22. If I won an award, the first person I’d thank:
My Lord Jesus!! I only want to bring Him glory
23. Take my advice:
Pray about all things at ALL times!!
24. My ideal breakfast is:
Continental - yummy!
25. If you visit my home town:
You would probably be a bit bored…
26. Sometime soon I plan to visit:
Tuscany, America, Hawaii… The list is endless
27. If you spend the night at my house:
You will enjoy a yummy home cooked meal or pizza. Warm conversation at the dinner table. Lots of laughs and the kids will keep you entertained. There will probably be desert cause of the guest (you) and we will sit and chat late into the evening…
28. I’d stop my wedding if:
I had any small nagging doubt that I was doing the right thing. But I didn’t, so I didn’t
29. The world could do without:
Racism, Prejudice, War...
30. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:
EVER deny my Lord!!
31. The most recent thing I’ve bought myself is:
A leather jacket, tops and jeans
32. The most recent thing someone else bought for me is:
Earrings from my mommy darling
33. My favourite blonde is:
34. My favourite brunette is:
Angel, Madam, Cindy, Reta
35. My car must have a sign on it that reads:
No, no signs.
36. The last time I was drunk:
A loooooong time ago, don't even remeber - I don't really drink anymore.
37. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds:
38. I shouldn’t have been:
So unwilling to listen.
39. I should have:
40. Last night I:
Watched “must love dogs” and went to sleep
41. There’s this girl I know who:
Is about to make a really big mistake, and I think she knows it – she is just too afraid to let go.
42: I don’t know:
How I ever thought I could live without Jesus
43. A better name for me would be:
I dunno, you tell me… - Tinkerbell ??
44. If I ever go back to school I’ll:
Would work harder and pass better!
45. How many days until my birthday?
193- Boo hoo
46. One dead celebrity I wish I’d met is:
Wil Smith -He’s not dead, but I would love to meet him
47. I’ve lived at my current address since:
March last year
48. I’ve been told I look like:
When I was younger and the movie “look who’s talking” was a hit people told me I looked like Kirsty Alley.
49. If I could have any car, it would be:
A Nissan Micra
50. If I got a new cat tomorrow, I would name it:
Miss Kitty
Got a bit merry on champagne one New Year…
2. Never in my life have I:
Been arrested, or anything like that.
3. The one person who can drive me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is:
My husband
4. High school was:
Ok I guess, I don’t want to go back though.
5. When I’m nervous:
My heart beats hard and I get dry mouth
6. The last time I cried was:
Uuuummm, I can’t remember. I cry often so if it wasn’t yesterday or the day before then I won’t remember…
7. If I were to get married right now, my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be:
I am married, and my sisters and sister in law were my bridesmaids and my brother was our groomsman
8. Would you rather run naked through a crowded place or have someone e-mail your deepest secret to all your friends?
Run naked!!
9. My hair:
Is stunning at the moment. Just had it coloured and highlighted!!
10. When I was 5:
I decided I could snap my fingers!!
11. Last Christmas:
Was really special, my Hubby went to church with me...
12. When I turn my head left:
My neck hurts a bit and I can see my calendar
13. I should be:
Working, but – whatever!!!
14. When I look down I see:
My feet in takkies (trainers) and my office carpet
15. The craziest recent event was:
Nope, I don’t have crazy events in my life…
16. If I were a character on "Friends" I’d be:
17. By this time next year:
What? I honestly don’t's too far away to think about now.
18. My favourite aunt is:
I love them all!!
19. I have a hard time understanding:
Boys. I have three sons and I cannot understand them. Hopefully Dr Dobson’s “Bringing up Boys” will help a bit
20. One time at a family gathering:
Some man who was staying over at my parents house for a school reunioin ate all my Wors (sausage) which I brought specialy for my parents to taste. I was quite annoyed with him. So was my mom. LOL!!!
21. You know I like you if:
Ag, I like everyone and you’re next!! It’s not hard to tell if I like you.
22. If I won an award, the first person I’d thank:
My Lord Jesus!! I only want to bring Him glory
23. Take my advice:
Pray about all things at ALL times!!
24. My ideal breakfast is:
Continental - yummy!
25. If you visit my home town:
You would probably be a bit bored…
26. Sometime soon I plan to visit:
Tuscany, America, Hawaii… The list is endless
27. If you spend the night at my house:
You will enjoy a yummy home cooked meal or pizza. Warm conversation at the dinner table. Lots of laughs and the kids will keep you entertained. There will probably be desert cause of the guest (you) and we will sit and chat late into the evening…
28. I’d stop my wedding if:
I had any small nagging doubt that I was doing the right thing. But I didn’t, so I didn’t
29. The world could do without:
Racism, Prejudice, War...
30. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:
EVER deny my Lord!!
31. The most recent thing I’ve bought myself is:
A leather jacket, tops and jeans
32. The most recent thing someone else bought for me is:
Earrings from my mommy darling
33. My favourite blonde is:
34. My favourite brunette is:
Angel, Madam, Cindy, Reta
35. My car must have a sign on it that reads:
No, no signs.
36. The last time I was drunk:
A loooooong time ago, don't even remeber - I don't really drink anymore.
37. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds:
38. I shouldn’t have been:
So unwilling to listen.
39. I should have:
40. Last night I:
Watched “must love dogs” and went to sleep
41. There’s this girl I know who:
Is about to make a really big mistake, and I think she knows it – she is just too afraid to let go.
42: I don’t know:
How I ever thought I could live without Jesus
43. A better name for me would be:
I dunno, you tell me… - Tinkerbell ??
44. If I ever go back to school I’ll:
Would work harder and pass better!
45. How many days until my birthday?
193- Boo hoo
46. One dead celebrity I wish I’d met is:
Wil Smith -He’s not dead, but I would love to meet him
47. I’ve lived at my current address since:
March last year
48. I’ve been told I look like:
When I was younger and the movie “look who’s talking” was a hit people told me I looked like Kirsty Alley.
49. If I could have any car, it would be:
A Nissan Micra
50. If I got a new cat tomorrow, I would name it:
Miss Kitty
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Ok, so a frog walks into a bank and tells the lady at the counter he would like to make a loan of R200 000. He notices her name is Paddy Wack, from her name tag on her blouse.
She says that that's quite a substantial amount and she will have to get authorisation for it first, and that it may take a while.
She asks him what his name is and he says "Kermit Jagger, my dad is Mick Jagger so everything should be fine."
The teller lady tells him she will have to go and see the Bank Manager first. Upon which the frog gives her a little pink elephant and says "Here take this with you, give it to your Bank Manager."
She goes to the Bank Manager's office with the the pink elephant and when she tells him the story of the frog and shows him the pink elephant she says:"He said I should give you this, but I don't know what it is..?" And the Bank Manager says to her:
"It's a nick nack, Paddy Wack, give the Frog a loan - his old man's a Rolling Stone..."
Bye for now!!!
She says that that's quite a substantial amount and she will have to get authorisation for it first, and that it may take a while.
She asks him what his name is and he says "Kermit Jagger, my dad is Mick Jagger so everything should be fine."
The teller lady tells him she will have to go and see the Bank Manager first. Upon which the frog gives her a little pink elephant and says "Here take this with you, give it to your Bank Manager."
She goes to the Bank Manager's office with the the pink elephant and when she tells him the story of the frog and shows him the pink elephant she says:"He said I should give you this, but I don't know what it is..?" And the Bank Manager says to her:
"It's a nick nack, Paddy Wack, give the Frog a loan - his old man's a Rolling Stone..."
Bye for now!!!
Monday, August 21, 2006
In the eight years that I have been married I have learned so much from the Lord about myself and my ways that I felt it would be a good share. You see, I have known the Lord my whole life – but I back slid really badly during and after high-school and it was only after I was married, that I realized that I could no longer hear or feel God in my life – though He had always been there, it was me who had turned away from Him and I felt a huge yearning and loss right in the middle of my heart. Oh how it hurt to know that I had lost my dearest friend, my Father, the only one who had always been there for me. How my heart broke when I realized that I had turned my back on the only one who loves me unconditionally.
And I decided it was time to turn back to Jesus, so I began to hack back through all the thorny sins that had entangled themselves around my heart and I cut away at each one and once I had the forgiveness of Jesus and His hand finally caught mine through my struggling and pushing and reaching, did my heart find rest. He pulled me to His chest and held me so close; He whispered and asked me if I knew how much He loved me. He cleaned away all the sin that taken root in my heart and He told me I was His child, forgiven and washed clean by His blood and that He was so happy that I had returned to Him at last.
Since that day I have again experienced the wonderful presence of Jesus in my life, and I will live my life in a way that is pleasing only to my savior, my Precious Jesus. I want to be a servant and I take comfort in knowing that He loves me unconditionally and never EVER recalls nor remembers past and forgiven sins. My Jesus loves me and He is always with me and my life will be empty and meaningless without Him. I am living for Him, for Jesus, and I cannot wait for the day that I get to see His beautiful face and hear His voice when He says “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
One thing I have struggled with almost endlessly since then is that fact that my husband and I are unequally yoked, I had never considered this before – but now that I had learned so much more from the Word, I realized that this could be a huge problem – and was for many couples. I began to pray for my husband’s salvation. I wanted so badly for him to come to know the Lord intimately and personally the way that I know Him. But one day God rebuked me gently and showed me that I was praying and wanting his salvation for all the wrong reasons. I was wanting it for me, cause then my life would be easier and happier. God showed me that He has His own plans and timing and that we should pray for others to be saved for Christ – not for us. For His glory and to do His work, not to for our own gain. Boy was that ever a tough lesson – but I accepted what God was showing me and I began to change my way of thinking and of praying for my Husband. I know he will come to know the lord – and I know that he will be used so mightily by God, but I know now too that God’s timing is perfect, and things will happen in and when He has planned it. Another thing I had to learn was the lesson of submission. I had a friend who used to tell me “Tjomma, (My friend), there is blessing in submission” and man did I ever get mad at her every time she said that!! But it began a process in me of discovering that the Bible says we as women need to submit to our husbands and be obedient to them – unless it is sin. Our husbands are the leaders of our homes and we need to show them the correct amount of respect and love to make them see that they are the leaders. I never just go where I want to go, or do what I want to do – I always check with my husband first. I run everything I want to do by him first because that’s how it should be done and by doing it that way I get his support too. He has never stood in my way of going to church or to prayer meetings and he has no problem with me giving my offerings either and he is letting me go on the LTT (leadership training time) in September to Bloemfontein. There truly is blessing in submission – and I have learned that the hard way too, I have so much within me that God is dealing with and He has just taught me that I need to take my eyes off my husbands life and focus them in Him – I need to stop worrying and hand it over to God. That is not easy as a wife and a mother running a household and submitting to God and my husband is not an easy thing to do at all – but I am learning and growing as I go.
I have a wonderful husband who loves me – and tells me and shows me that he loves me. He is supportive and strong and protective, with him I always feel safe. He is funny and attractive and people are drawn to him wherever we go. I am happy that I married him and I can see a great calling and blessing on his life. I love him dearly – and if it weren’t for him, I would never have learned the things I have learned. God uses everyone and each situation to grow us – I am just really blessed that He is using my husband to grow me, to teach me humility, love and respect. It’s like – ok God I finally get what you are doing – and then BAM! He shows me something else that I need to fix in my heart.
This was inspired by a post from one lady’s blog (I am sure you know who you are) – cause I know how hard it can be. I remember a point when I was on the verge of quitting and I called out to God through my tears and asked Him what did He want me to do – Where was I to go from there? How was I to carry on? And He made it clear that leaving was not an option. Satan loves nothing more than a failed marriage – but God hates divorce! It is not His plan for us. Don’t let satan get another victory, don’t let him get the better of you, hang on to Jesus and cry out to Him. Just don’t give up. I have learned to rely on God as my “husband” spiritually in many ways where my husband does not yet (note I say YET) meet me where I am. But I never stop praying and believing that he will one day. And man – what a day that will be!!!!
I realise this is a long read, but I really felt it was necessary. That there is a need out there.
God Bless and thank you for reading...
And I decided it was time to turn back to Jesus, so I began to hack back through all the thorny sins that had entangled themselves around my heart and I cut away at each one and once I had the forgiveness of Jesus and His hand finally caught mine through my struggling and pushing and reaching, did my heart find rest. He pulled me to His chest and held me so close; He whispered and asked me if I knew how much He loved me. He cleaned away all the sin that taken root in my heart and He told me I was His child, forgiven and washed clean by His blood and that He was so happy that I had returned to Him at last.
Since that day I have again experienced the wonderful presence of Jesus in my life, and I will live my life in a way that is pleasing only to my savior, my Precious Jesus. I want to be a servant and I take comfort in knowing that He loves me unconditionally and never EVER recalls nor remembers past and forgiven sins. My Jesus loves me and He is always with me and my life will be empty and meaningless without Him. I am living for Him, for Jesus, and I cannot wait for the day that I get to see His beautiful face and hear His voice when He says “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
One thing I have struggled with almost endlessly since then is that fact that my husband and I are unequally yoked, I had never considered this before – but now that I had learned so much more from the Word, I realized that this could be a huge problem – and was for many couples. I began to pray for my husband’s salvation. I wanted so badly for him to come to know the Lord intimately and personally the way that I know Him. But one day God rebuked me gently and showed me that I was praying and wanting his salvation for all the wrong reasons. I was wanting it for me, cause then my life would be easier and happier. God showed me that He has His own plans and timing and that we should pray for others to be saved for Christ – not for us. For His glory and to do His work, not to for our own gain. Boy was that ever a tough lesson – but I accepted what God was showing me and I began to change my way of thinking and of praying for my Husband. I know he will come to know the lord – and I know that he will be used so mightily by God, but I know now too that God’s timing is perfect, and things will happen in and when He has planned it. Another thing I had to learn was the lesson of submission. I had a friend who used to tell me “Tjomma, (My friend), there is blessing in submission” and man did I ever get mad at her every time she said that!! But it began a process in me of discovering that the Bible says we as women need to submit to our husbands and be obedient to them – unless it is sin. Our husbands are the leaders of our homes and we need to show them the correct amount of respect and love to make them see that they are the leaders. I never just go where I want to go, or do what I want to do – I always check with my husband first. I run everything I want to do by him first because that’s how it should be done and by doing it that way I get his support too. He has never stood in my way of going to church or to prayer meetings and he has no problem with me giving my offerings either and he is letting me go on the LTT (leadership training time) in September to Bloemfontein. There truly is blessing in submission – and I have learned that the hard way too, I have so much within me that God is dealing with and He has just taught me that I need to take my eyes off my husbands life and focus them in Him – I need to stop worrying and hand it over to God. That is not easy as a wife and a mother running a household and submitting to God and my husband is not an easy thing to do at all – but I am learning and growing as I go.
I have a wonderful husband who loves me – and tells me and shows me that he loves me. He is supportive and strong and protective, with him I always feel safe. He is funny and attractive and people are drawn to him wherever we go. I am happy that I married him and I can see a great calling and blessing on his life. I love him dearly – and if it weren’t for him, I would never have learned the things I have learned. God uses everyone and each situation to grow us – I am just really blessed that He is using my husband to grow me, to teach me humility, love and respect. It’s like – ok God I finally get what you are doing – and then BAM! He shows me something else that I need to fix in my heart.
This was inspired by a post from one lady’s blog (I am sure you know who you are) – cause I know how hard it can be. I remember a point when I was on the verge of quitting and I called out to God through my tears and asked Him what did He want me to do – Where was I to go from there? How was I to carry on? And He made it clear that leaving was not an option. Satan loves nothing more than a failed marriage – but God hates divorce! It is not His plan for us. Don’t let satan get another victory, don’t let him get the better of you, hang on to Jesus and cry out to Him. Just don’t give up. I have learned to rely on God as my “husband” spiritually in many ways where my husband does not yet (note I say YET) meet me where I am. But I never stop praying and believing that he will one day. And man – what a day that will be!!!!
I realise this is a long read, but I really felt it was necessary. That there is a need out there.
God Bless and thank you for reading...
Friday, August 18, 2006
Ok, who has seen Braveheart? Everyone right? You know that seen before a big battle where Mel Gibson runs up and down on horseback before the ranks with his fierce blue warpaint on and he is exciting his men by shouting out loud and telling them that they will fight with all their heart, and he gets them all going and ready for battle and worked up?
Well what he was doing was called "Beserking" every army in those days had what were called "Beserkers" and these men would do just this - they would get their army so riled up and ready for battle that the soldiers would be literally chomping at the bit to get to the enemy.
Well, thats what our army needs. The army of the Lord needs a handful of people who see themselves as "Beserkers". I am now going to attempt to do some Beserking here today and get you all back into the spirit of battle!! I get excited at the thought of going into battle for my King! We need to be always ready to take up our swords - our double edged swords, and put on our armor and step out onto the battle feild!
"We have heard the thunder, and we have seen the storm, echo's of Your Kingdom coming, rumours of our home - where one day we will stand before the Lord, our altogether beautiful reward" - words by tree 63.
He is our King and deserves our everything. For we know that the war has already been won! Christ dying on the cross has vanquished sin and death - but we know that there are still battles to be fought. And us, men and women are soldiers - each one of us. We are spirit filled and powerful. For the Kingdom has suffered violence - and violent men take hold of it!! If we are to advance the Kingdom and see our inheritance we are going to have to be spiritually violent!!
So I call on all of you now and I dare you, yes, I dare you - to raise your sword high up in the air, and just as in Judges 7:20 when the soldiers cried out, they shouted out LOUD "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!" and all their enemy's army ran and fled!! And just as the Isrealites shouted in victory and they shouted in faith when the walls of Jericho came tumbling down - raise your voice and with the sounds of high praises we will advance the Kingdom....
Well what he was doing was called "Beserking" every army in those days had what were called "Beserkers" and these men would do just this - they would get their army so riled up and ready for battle that the soldiers would be literally chomping at the bit to get to the enemy.
Well, thats what our army needs. The army of the Lord needs a handful of people who see themselves as "Beserkers". I am now going to attempt to do some Beserking here today and get you all back into the spirit of battle!! I get excited at the thought of going into battle for my King! We need to be always ready to take up our swords - our double edged swords, and put on our armor and step out onto the battle feild!
"We have heard the thunder, and we have seen the storm, echo's of Your Kingdom coming, rumours of our home - where one day we will stand before the Lord, our altogether beautiful reward" - words by tree 63.
He is our King and deserves our everything. For we know that the war has already been won! Christ dying on the cross has vanquished sin and death - but we know that there are still battles to be fought. And us, men and women are soldiers - each one of us. We are spirit filled and powerful. For the Kingdom has suffered violence - and violent men take hold of it!! If we are to advance the Kingdom and see our inheritance we are going to have to be spiritually violent!!
So I call on all of you now and I dare you, yes, I dare you - to raise your sword high up in the air, and just as in Judges 7:20 when the soldiers cried out, they shouted out LOUD "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!" and all their enemy's army ran and fled!! And just as the Isrealites shouted in victory and they shouted in faith when the walls of Jericho came tumbling down - raise your voice and with the sounds of high praises we will advance the Kingdom....
TO VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sean has pink- eye - poor thing. Donovan has a post nasal drip and is coughing - poor baby. And Marke is fine, very seldom gets sick PTL!!! Hubby is packing on the muscle from our gyming and he's looking very good! I have lost 5 point something kg and I am feeling very happy about that, plus a whole lote of cm - but i dunno how many.
I would like to just welcome some new readers who have been stopping by lately to bless me. Kpjara from Can You Hear Me Now, she is a really special lady with a heart for the Lord Diane from Praying For Your Prodigal I have few prodigals in my family and Diane is partnering with me and many others in praying for them to return to Jesus, so if you have any prodigals, go and visit her - she is very encouraging!!And also David from Sugarloaf Mountain - he writes beautiful poetry and he has really awesome photos of his family on their trip to Hawaii, looks like a jol!!! So lets all say "Welcome" to them, and their links are on the left there, under "Fantabulous Blogs" if you'd like to go and visit them too.
Anyway - I will write something interesting soon - this is just a quick Hello, Welcome, and God Bless and see you sooon from me!!
Just in case you were all wondering where I went.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Loving Arms
If you could see me now
The one who said that she’d rather roam
The one who said she’d rather be alone
If you could only see me now…
If I could hold you now
Just for a moment if I could really make you mine
Just for a while turn back the hands of time
If I could only hold you now
I been too long in the wind
Too long in the rain,
Taking any comfort that I can.
Looking back and a longing for
The freedom of my chains
Lying in Your arms again
I can almost feel Your arms again
If you could hear me now
Singing somewhere through the lonely night
Dreaming of the arms that held me tight
If you could only hear me now
I been too long in the wind
Too long in the rain,
Taking any comfort that I can.
Looking back and a longing for
The freedom of my chains
Lying in Your arms again
I wanna be lying in your arms, again…
When I stopped By Kpjara at Can You Hear Me Now the title of her blog kept coming back to me and it reminded me of this song which Olivia Newton John sang many, many years ago. And it reminded me so much of how many of us feel sometimes in our relationship with the Lord. I know I was there a few years ago – in the wind and the rain seeking comfort in all the wrong places and still feeling a longing in my soul. All the time that I was being blown around by the winds of the world the Lord never left me – I chose to roam from Him and go it alone and in doing so I felt far away from him, like I would never find my way back. And I felt like I was saying Can you hear me Lord? when I prayed and Can You see me Lord? when I cried or stumbled, and all the time I was just longing to be back in His arms – longing for and remembering His loving arms that held me which I left and strayed from.
The amazing thing is that when I decided to come in from the wind and the rain and seek Him out, it wasn’t long before He drew me into His loving arms again and held me there so close I could feel His breath on my cheek, and that is where I have stayed, growing steadily stronger in His love, and when I do venture out, He comes with me holding my hand.
I have never gone anywhere without Him again, and I never will.
If you could see me now
The one who said that she’d rather roam
The one who said she’d rather be alone
If you could only see me now…
If I could hold you now
Just for a moment if I could really make you mine
Just for a while turn back the hands of time
If I could only hold you now
I been too long in the wind
Too long in the rain,
Taking any comfort that I can.
Looking back and a longing for
The freedom of my chains
Lying in Your arms again
I can almost feel Your arms again
If you could hear me now
Singing somewhere through the lonely night
Dreaming of the arms that held me tight
If you could only hear me now
I been too long in the wind
Too long in the rain,
Taking any comfort that I can.
Looking back and a longing for
The freedom of my chains
Lying in Your arms again
I wanna be lying in your arms, again…
When I stopped By Kpjara at Can You Hear Me Now the title of her blog kept coming back to me and it reminded me of this song which Olivia Newton John sang many, many years ago. And it reminded me so much of how many of us feel sometimes in our relationship with the Lord. I know I was there a few years ago – in the wind and the rain seeking comfort in all the wrong places and still feeling a longing in my soul. All the time that I was being blown around by the winds of the world the Lord never left me – I chose to roam from Him and go it alone and in doing so I felt far away from him, like I would never find my way back. And I felt like I was saying Can you hear me Lord? when I prayed and Can You see me Lord? when I cried or stumbled, and all the time I was just longing to be back in His arms – longing for and remembering His loving arms that held me which I left and strayed from.
The amazing thing is that when I decided to come in from the wind and the rain and seek Him out, it wasn’t long before He drew me into His loving arms again and held me there so close I could feel His breath on my cheek, and that is where I have stayed, growing steadily stronger in His love, and when I do venture out, He comes with me holding my hand.
I have never gone anywhere without Him again, and I never will.
Last week my mom gave Donovan a really fun little computer. It's called Smart Start and it comes with little work books with questions in them and he has to enter the answers into the computer. He loves this game and he nags me ALL the time to play with it - but I have to play with him you see cause he cannot read and all that yet.
So yesterdy I was preparing dinner and he came and asked me if we could please play his game. I said that when I was finished peeling the potatoes I would play with him. He asked again a few seconds later and I asked him to repeat what I had told him, he replied: "When you have finished FEELING the potatos, then we will play" (In Donovan speak it was like this: "As mamma klaar die potatos gefeel het, dan sal ons speel.")
Of course it had me giggling, but it also got me to thinking, when God says something to us, how do we hear it? Or do we accidentally on purpose hear him wrong? People often don't hear what somebody else said and it can cuase quite a bit of confusion. But I do believe that when God speaks to us His voice is clear and we hear him properly - we sometimes just choose to "not hear" or "hear wrong". We need to make the effort to really listen to our Father, and put what he is saying into action in our lives.
So, what is God telling you today?
So yesterdy I was preparing dinner and he came and asked me if we could please play his game. I said that when I was finished peeling the potatoes I would play with him. He asked again a few seconds later and I asked him to repeat what I had told him, he replied: "When you have finished FEELING the potatos, then we will play" (In Donovan speak it was like this: "As mamma klaar die potatos gefeel het, dan sal ons speel.")
Of course it had me giggling, but it also got me to thinking, when God says something to us, how do we hear it? Or do we accidentally on purpose hear him wrong? People often don't hear what somebody else said and it can cuase quite a bit of confusion. But I do believe that when God speaks to us His voice is clear and we hear him properly - we sometimes just choose to "not hear" or "hear wrong". We need to make the effort to really listen to our Father, and put what he is saying into action in our lives.
So, what is God telling you today?
Friday, August 11, 2006
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL - continued...
.....He longs to have you spend time with Him and when you do He will draw you closer to Him.
And it is in that closeness with your creator that you will find your true beauty. You see I believe beauty is spiritual, not just “skin deep” and this is what I am going to get into with you now. I will give you scriptures too that will prove to you that you are beautiful.
Proverbs 31 teaches a lot of being a woman of dignity and grace; these are characteristics of a woman that make up a Godly Woman. In verse 30 of Proverbs 31 it says: Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. This verse does not mean you should not have charm and beauty, but that just those on their own can be deceptive. You see Proverbs 31 is talking of a Godly Woman and that word “Godly” is what sets us apart, when a woman is charming and beautiful and fears the Lord she is a Godly Woman. 1 Peter 3 verse 3-5 teaches that your beauty will be seen through your quiet and gentle spirit, not by your outward adornments. Now don’t hear what I am not saying, it does not mean you may never again wear make-up or jewelry, I love to wear both of those I don’t want you to become legalistic about it either. It is important to look after your body and eat right and keep healthy. What this verse is saying is that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit you will have a beauty that radiates from within you. And it will be this that makes you beautiful whether you wear make-up and jewelry or not.
So you see your beauty is not just a physical thing. You are beautiful, firstly, because God created you. You have spiritual beauty from within because of the Holy Spirit in you. You have a Godly beauty because you fear the Lord. You have an anointed beauty from the sacrifices you have made for the Lord and you have priestly beauty that comes from the works you do for the Lord.
This is a little song by Nicole Nordeman. This is not from my book - but I felt it was rather appropriate.
Bless the day this restoration is complete
Dirty, dusty, something must be underneath.
So I scrape and I scuff though it's never quite enough -
I am starting to see me finally.
A gallery of paintings new and paintings old
I guess it's no surprise that I'm no Michael Angelo
Every layer of mine, hides a lovely design
It might take a little patience
It might take a little time...
But You called me beautiful
When You saw my shame
And You placed me on the wall
You who have begun this work will someday see
A portrait of the Holiness You meant for me
So I polish and shine, till it's easier to find
Even an outline of mine
But You called me beautiful
When You saw my shame
And You placed me on the wall
And You placed me on the wall
We are works of art in God's gallery. Some of us are old and forgotten and ashamed of how we look, but when God finds us and begins to restore us it is a wonderful and sometimes painfull process. And yet - even though we are not Michael Angelos or Rembrandts - He still sees us as beautiful, exquisite, priceless peices of art which He created and He hangs us proudly on His gallery wall for all to see. That's what this song speaks to me.
I hope that these last two days have led you to realise in some small way that You Are Beautiful. And I pray that you will realise your worth to God and how precious you are to Him.
And it is in that closeness with your creator that you will find your true beauty. You see I believe beauty is spiritual, not just “skin deep” and this is what I am going to get into with you now. I will give you scriptures too that will prove to you that you are beautiful.
Proverbs 31 teaches a lot of being a woman of dignity and grace; these are characteristics of a woman that make up a Godly Woman. In verse 30 of Proverbs 31 it says: Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. This verse does not mean you should not have charm and beauty, but that just those on their own can be deceptive. You see Proverbs 31 is talking of a Godly Woman and that word “Godly” is what sets us apart, when a woman is charming and beautiful and fears the Lord she is a Godly Woman. 1 Peter 3 verse 3-5 teaches that your beauty will be seen through your quiet and gentle spirit, not by your outward adornments. Now don’t hear what I am not saying, it does not mean you may never again wear make-up or jewelry, I love to wear both of those I don’t want you to become legalistic about it either. It is important to look after your body and eat right and keep healthy. What this verse is saying is that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit you will have a beauty that radiates from within you. And it will be this that makes you beautiful whether you wear make-up and jewelry or not.
So you see your beauty is not just a physical thing. You are beautiful, firstly, because God created you. You have spiritual beauty from within because of the Holy Spirit in you. You have a Godly beauty because you fear the Lord. You have an anointed beauty from the sacrifices you have made for the Lord and you have priestly beauty that comes from the works you do for the Lord.
This is a little song by Nicole Nordeman. This is not from my book - but I felt it was rather appropriate.
Bless the day this restoration is complete
Dirty, dusty, something must be underneath.
So I scrape and I scuff though it's never quite enough -
I am starting to see me finally.
A gallery of paintings new and paintings old
I guess it's no surprise that I'm no Michael Angelo
Every layer of mine, hides a lovely design
It might take a little patience
It might take a little time...
But You called me beautiful
When You saw my shame
And You placed me on the wall
You who have begun this work will someday see
A portrait of the Holiness You meant for me
So I polish and shine, till it's easier to find
Even an outline of mine
But You called me beautiful
When You saw my shame
And You placed me on the wall
And You placed me on the wall
We are works of art in God's gallery. Some of us are old and forgotten and ashamed of how we look, but when God finds us and begins to restore us it is a wonderful and sometimes painfull process. And yet - even though we are not Michael Angelos or Rembrandts - He still sees us as beautiful, exquisite, priceless peices of art which He created and He hangs us proudly on His gallery wall for all to see. That's what this song speaks to me.
I hope that these last two days have led you to realise in some small way that You Are Beautiful. And I pray that you will realise your worth to God and how precious you are to Him.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
OK, I know it sounds like a cliché cos that is what you always hear from your mom or your dad or your best friend, hubby or boyfriend. And they only tell you you’re beautiful cos they have to, as your mom, dad or best friend it’s their “duty” you may even feel this way when your Husband or boyfriend tells you this. Or that’s how you see it anyway, you don’t believe them, never have, never will. So let me put a fresh spin on it for you, Jesus thinks you are beautiful. He created you, and because He is so perfect in every way, everything He creates is perfect too. Psalm 139 verses 13 – 16: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth’ your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
You see, even though sometimes parents and family members in their ignorance will tell you, you were a “mistake” cos you were conceived out of wed lock, or they may say, “we had to get married cos mom was pregnant” or something like that. They don’t realise that they have made you doubt your reason for being here; they don’t even know that their words have affected you so deeply. But you know what? God does not make mistakes!! You are here for a reason. God has a purpose for your life!! You were created by God on purpose, for a purpose!!
People, who throw away their children or their children's self worth, don’t realize that everything God does, He does for a reason He’s not sitting up there creating babies all willy nilly cos it’s fun! No! He has a purpose for you. He knew you even before you were forming in your mother’s womb; He already has a life planned out for you step by perfectly planned step, and that is why it is so important for you to know just how beautiful you are in His eyes. He created you with your curly brown locks or that dead straight blonde hair or that fiery red hair, and He gave you your blue, green, or brown eyes and your skin colour and the shape of your body. But what is more important to Him than what you look like on the outside is what you look like on the inside. God is interested in your heart, and mind and soul. His desire is to have an intimate relationship with you, He longs to have you spend time with Him and when you do He will draw you closer to Him.
(These are my thoughts that I have been writting down for a while to share with women all over the world. I am in the process of writing a book - and these notes are little snippets from that book. I hope it makes you feel special and inspired, this is the first posting and I will continue with it tomorrow)
You see, even though sometimes parents and family members in their ignorance will tell you, you were a “mistake” cos you were conceived out of wed lock, or they may say, “we had to get married cos mom was pregnant” or something like that. They don’t realise that they have made you doubt your reason for being here; they don’t even know that their words have affected you so deeply. But you know what? God does not make mistakes!! You are here for a reason. God has a purpose for your life!! You were created by God on purpose, for a purpose!!
People, who throw away their children or their children's self worth, don’t realize that everything God does, He does for a reason He’s not sitting up there creating babies all willy nilly cos it’s fun! No! He has a purpose for you. He knew you even before you were forming in your mother’s womb; He already has a life planned out for you step by perfectly planned step, and that is why it is so important for you to know just how beautiful you are in His eyes. He created you with your curly brown locks or that dead straight blonde hair or that fiery red hair, and He gave you your blue, green, or brown eyes and your skin colour and the shape of your body. But what is more important to Him than what you look like on the outside is what you look like on the inside. God is interested in your heart, and mind and soul. His desire is to have an intimate relationship with you, He longs to have you spend time with Him and when you do He will draw you closer to Him.
(These are my thoughts that I have been writting down for a while to share with women all over the world. I am in the process of writing a book - and these notes are little snippets from that book. I hope it makes you feel special and inspired, this is the first posting and I will continue with it tomorrow)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
High Flight
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
By: Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee
I love this poem - since priamry school it has been my favourite. One day at my funeral, -- if I have a funeral cause I believe I am going to live to be at least 120 years old. (Live Long and Live Strong I say.) -- I want somebody to read this poem. I think it is pretty fitting - don't you?
I love this poem - since priamry school it has been my favourite. One day at my funeral, -- if I have a funeral cause I believe I am going to live to be at least 120 years old. (Live Long and Live Strong I say.) -- I want somebody to read this poem. I think it is pretty fitting - don't you?
Monday, August 07, 2006
Had a really lekka weekend!! I visited with family, did some shopping, watched a movie, went to gym....
Let me start at the beginning.
On Friday night Madam fetched me and the boys and we went to visit with my Aunt and Uncle who came down from a small little dorpie called Komgat (I think that's how it's spelled) in the Cape. We had a loveley meal of soups and bread which my Aunt made, it was divine!! And then we sat and chatted and laughed and took photos (see my Just Photos blog). It was a fun evening - and I was so happy that Madam was able to join us cause she lives quite far and has a long way to drive.
On Saturday my friend Linda came to visit with her little girl Jessie. She is pregnant with baby no. 2, Sarah, and she looks fabulous. Jessie is so cute and enjoyed the cookies I was giving her. She is so little and dainty, with the biggest blue eyes! She looked alot like her daddy when she was small, but now she looks JUST like her mommy, she is just too sweet. Oh and I phoned my God daughter for her birthday, she turned 5 on Saturday.
Then on Saturday afternoon Happy took me shopping. At first I didn't really want him to go with me cause I know shopping is not really his idea of fun, he is not fond of shopping malls cause he works in them all day and he just wants to get finished and go home. And I don't like to rush my shopping cause then I buy without fitting and I end up getting a whole bunch of things I don't like.
But as it turned out - having him around was very useful. He has a good eye and picks out really pretty stuff, and he was very patient while I tried things on and checked out colours and sizes and all that. He never rushed me, and thanks to him I came home with clothing that I love and that all fits and looks good.
Ok, I bought 2 pairs of jeans (1 size smaller than I always wore - YAY YAY!!), 3 pretty summary, spring time types of tops, one white/creamy coloured polar neck top a long black jersey and my favourite item a suede leather jacket!! I have never owned a leather jacket and this one is stunning!! It was on a 50% off sale!! I could not believe my luck. And all thanks to Happy - he spotted the jackets, I would never have dreamed of even looking at a leather jacket. I also bought underware that is big enough to fit two of me in - I don't know how that happend!! But it was really funny when I took them out of the box to pack them away!!
Then on Saturday night Sis and myself and a friend of ours D and two other ladies went out for our usual Ladies Movie Night which happens once a month. We were ALL looking frward to watching Pirates of the Carribbeadn - but all the shows were sold out!! So we watched The Breakup - which I must admit was pretty good. I did enjoy it - but I am sure I would have enjoyed Pirates more!! After that we went out for coffee at Seattle and we stayed until the staff flashed the lights to hint for us to leave. We never realised it was that late.
On Sunday morning me and the boys we were off to church and after church we went to the fruit and veg shop and then to gym! Happy and I slept for about an hour after that and spent the evening at home. I watched Enemy Of The State, which I have seen before, but I love Wil Smith - so I watched it again.
Today is back to work - blegh!! And I am looking forward to the public holiday on Wednesday. A midweek break!! WOOHOO !!
Let me start at the beginning.
On Friday night Madam fetched me and the boys and we went to visit with my Aunt and Uncle who came down from a small little dorpie called Komgat (I think that's how it's spelled) in the Cape. We had a loveley meal of soups and bread which my Aunt made, it was divine!! And then we sat and chatted and laughed and took photos (see my Just Photos blog). It was a fun evening - and I was so happy that Madam was able to join us cause she lives quite far and has a long way to drive.
On Saturday my friend Linda came to visit with her little girl Jessie. She is pregnant with baby no. 2, Sarah, and she looks fabulous. Jessie is so cute and enjoyed the cookies I was giving her. She is so little and dainty, with the biggest blue eyes! She looked alot like her daddy when she was small, but now she looks JUST like her mommy, she is just too sweet. Oh and I phoned my God daughter for her birthday, she turned 5 on Saturday.
Then on Saturday afternoon Happy took me shopping. At first I didn't really want him to go with me cause I know shopping is not really his idea of fun, he is not fond of shopping malls cause he works in them all day and he just wants to get finished and go home. And I don't like to rush my shopping cause then I buy without fitting and I end up getting a whole bunch of things I don't like.
But as it turned out - having him around was very useful. He has a good eye and picks out really pretty stuff, and he was very patient while I tried things on and checked out colours and sizes and all that. He never rushed me, and thanks to him I came home with clothing that I love and that all fits and looks good.
Ok, I bought 2 pairs of jeans (1 size smaller than I always wore - YAY YAY!!), 3 pretty summary, spring time types of tops, one white/creamy coloured polar neck top a long black jersey and my favourite item a suede leather jacket!! I have never owned a leather jacket and this one is stunning!! It was on a 50% off sale!! I could not believe my luck. And all thanks to Happy - he spotted the jackets, I would never have dreamed of even looking at a leather jacket. I also bought underware that is big enough to fit two of me in - I don't know how that happend!! But it was really funny when I took them out of the box to pack them away!!
Then on Saturday night Sis and myself and a friend of ours D and two other ladies went out for our usual Ladies Movie Night which happens once a month. We were ALL looking frward to watching Pirates of the Carribbeadn - but all the shows were sold out!! So we watched The Breakup - which I must admit was pretty good. I did enjoy it - but I am sure I would have enjoyed Pirates more!! After that we went out for coffee at Seattle and we stayed until the staff flashed the lights to hint for us to leave. We never realised it was that late.
On Sunday morning me and the boys we were off to church and after church we went to the fruit and veg shop and then to gym! Happy and I slept for about an hour after that and spent the evening at home. I watched Enemy Of The State, which I have seen before, but I love Wil Smith - so I watched it again.
Today is back to work - blegh!! And I am looking forward to the public holiday on Wednesday. A midweek break!! WOOHOO !!
Friday, August 04, 2006
YAY!! YAY!! YAY!! I am going shopping tomorrow!! I cannot wait; some retail therapy is so good for me after a long week. I am not one who spends much time in the malls and shopping centers, I go with Happy to do our monthly shopping and then we hardly go near it again until the following month. This is in a way a good thing, cause both Happy and I LOVE to spend... who doesn't though? My shopping spree tomorrow is all thanks to my wonderful husband.
Anyway, I am looking forward to lying in a bit tomorrow morning while Happy goes to help out in a friends shop for the morning. While he is away I will probably do a bit of washing and so on. I will be heading to the shops in the afternoon and then we will go and gym afterwards I spose.
Tonight I am going to go and see my Aunt and Uncle who have come to visit for a few days, I haven't seen them in a long time and I am looking forward to it.
Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, blessed weekend. I will chat to you all on Monday; please don't miss me too much while I am at home...
Anyway, I am looking forward to lying in a bit tomorrow morning while Happy goes to help out in a friends shop for the morning. While he is away I will probably do a bit of washing and so on. I will be heading to the shops in the afternoon and then we will go and gym afterwards I spose.
Tonight I am going to go and see my Aunt and Uncle who have come to visit for a few days, I haven't seen them in a long time and I am looking forward to it.
Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, blessed weekend. I will chat to you all on Monday; please don't miss me too much while I am at home...

Thursday, August 03, 2006
I am so cross at the moment that I don’t even have words to express how I feel without swearing and cursing and I don't want to do that So I will express how i feel in the most civil way I can. I can feel the resentment and irritation like a black swirling mass in the pit of my stomach and I have the bad taste of copper pennies in my mouth. Why am I so miffed? Because people at the place where I work steal. I can make a short list of things that have been stolen from me here at work in the past 8 years.
- A tablecloth which was hand-painted by a lady who worked with me and was a wedding present from her to me, a one of a kind original hand made gift – stolen from my office.
- Sunglasses – stolen out of my office!!
- Money – stolen out of my office!!
- A travel mug which was a birthday present from my brother which was a beautiful blue with a Bible verse on it. – stolen from the kitchen cupboard. The tea lady put it away after she had washed it for me cause I had used it in the car on the way to work and it was dirty – when it came to home time, it was gone. I only used it once.
- And on a number of occasions – food.
Today I have had it!! My food was stolen again. Now I know it is not much – I know that, but it sure leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth (like copper pennies). It has happened SO often – and not only to me. But today with the lousy weather we have been having and all that, I am just in no mood to come down at tea time to discover that what I brought, took time to make for myself and pack and bring to work with me, is gone – well that just ruins my day, my mood everything!
On Monday our Production manager caught a guy from the factory in his office putting his laptop under his coat!! Caught him red handed!!! Man I wish I could have – just once – caught someone taking my stuff!! It must be such a good feeling. I can just imagine. It must feel SO lekka!!! To know that that person is not going to get away with it.
One lady was robbed of R400 out of her bag in her office, and a bracelet she had in her bag. Another lady was robbed of her cell phone which was also in her office too.
I cannot take it !!! I am so fed up right now that all I wanna do is go home. It might just be food to some – but to me, it is the final straw. What can I do about it? Sweet Fanny Adams!!! – Nothing, nada, zip, ziggalofokkol, zero. If I don’t have proof – then I have nothing. I have suspicions as to who the thieves are, but how – HOW, I ask you with tears in my baby blue eyes, do I prove any of it!!!!!
Ok, so I swore once - so what!!!
And now I have a headache...
(PS: If you go to my Photo Blog you can see Snow Photos.... this is why we have been freezing in JHB and PTA)
- A tablecloth which was hand-painted by a lady who worked with me and was a wedding present from her to me, a one of a kind original hand made gift – stolen from my office.
- Sunglasses – stolen out of my office!!
- Money – stolen out of my office!!
- A travel mug which was a birthday present from my brother which was a beautiful blue with a Bible verse on it. – stolen from the kitchen cupboard. The tea lady put it away after she had washed it for me cause I had used it in the car on the way to work and it was dirty – when it came to home time, it was gone. I only used it once.
- And on a number of occasions – food.
Today I have had it!! My food was stolen again. Now I know it is not much – I know that, but it sure leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth (like copper pennies). It has happened SO often – and not only to me. But today with the lousy weather we have been having and all that, I am just in no mood to come down at tea time to discover that what I brought, took time to make for myself and pack and bring to work with me, is gone – well that just ruins my day, my mood everything!
On Monday our Production manager caught a guy from the factory in his office putting his laptop under his coat!! Caught him red handed!!! Man I wish I could have – just once – caught someone taking my stuff!! It must be such a good feeling. I can just imagine. It must feel SO lekka!!! To know that that person is not going to get away with it.
One lady was robbed of R400 out of her bag in her office, and a bracelet she had in her bag. Another lady was robbed of her cell phone which was also in her office too.
I cannot take it !!! I am so fed up right now that all I wanna do is go home. It might just be food to some – but to me, it is the final straw. What can I do about it? Sweet Fanny Adams!!! – Nothing, nada, zip, ziggalofokkol, zero. If I don’t have proof – then I have nothing. I have suspicions as to who the thieves are, but how – HOW, I ask you with tears in my baby blue eyes, do I prove any of it!!!!!
Ok, so I swore once - so what!!!
And now I have a headache...
(PS: If you go to my Photo Blog you can see Snow Photos.... this is why we have been freezing in JHB and PTA)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
These pictures were taken at 3:30pm yesterday afternoon. It was raining like mad and it was extremely windy. Today it is even colder with PTA reaching a high of only 9 or 10 degrees celcius. It has been snowing in Johannesburg today and we just heard that it is also snowing in Kempton Park. I cannot remember when last it was this cold. The wind is howling and the clouds are thick and grey. I wish I were at home in my bed with a good movie and cuppa coffee....
I took these pictures with my cell phone from my office window cause I didn't have my camera with me - so they are not of the best quality - but you can get the idea well enough from these as to the weather.

Can you believe this was 3:30 in the afternoon???

I sure hope it starts to warm up again soon. And I am wondering if we will be getting snow this side of JHB too.
I took these pictures with my cell phone from my office window cause I didn't have my camera with me - so they are not of the best quality - but you can get the idea well enough from these as to the weather.

Can you believe this was 3:30 in the afternoon???

I sure hope it starts to warm up again soon. And I am wondering if we will be getting snow this side of JHB too.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
On Saturday I received an envelope from Wool Worths. I love Woolies and shop there every chance I get. Their clothing is really good quality and it lasts forever. Now, inside this envelope was a letter offering me a ready to use account, which included the card with my name on it and R2 500 available credit – all I had to do was go there with my ID book to activate it and it was all mine!!!
But you see, Happy and I are determined not to make debt and we are busy working through our other debt and doing very well with it too. Now I am really REALLY running low on clothing and shoes cause a while ago I went through my closet and threw out everything that I don’t wear or that doesn’t fit right and that I didn’t like – which was practically everything. And I am left with about 10 items of clothing – if that, that I can wear and that I like to wear. And I am wearing the same old things to work all the time. This is nobody’s fault but mine cause I used to do a lot of “impulsive buying” – but I have learned from that, which is why I have at least those 10 or so items which I know for a fact fit right. And my favourite jeans that I love are starting to come apart at the seams – and are getting too big for me so now the feel funny when I wear them.
Oh boy - was I ever tempted to keep that card and try to convince Happy that we could afford it and pay it off and all that, but those thoughts only lasted about 10 seconds and then I destroyed the card – I think it was one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. And God’s word also says that we should not make debt – so it was a case of being obedient to God and Happy.
I remember saying while I was destroying it – “Lord this is so hard…” but I was instantly reminded of the time I heard Joyce Meyer saying that when we are obedient it will always hurt in some way, cause obedience is a test of faith, it will not always be easy to obey the Lord.
Well, I can tell you – I felt that. I still feel it!! But I know in my heart I did the right thing and I feel proud of what I did, I resisted the temptation to go and spend that money and I resisted the temptation of making debt. “Resist the devil and he shall flee from you.” And I can tell y’all – he did!! He ran for the hills.
I am spiritually stronger now cause I know – I can resist, it is a really good feeling!!
Oh, and you all remember that shoulder press thingy that I couldn't do a few days ago?
Well, guess what - I did it! I did it!
I lifted 10kg - not just one!!!! Woohoo!!
Another small victory for ME!!!
Dance of happiness going on right here.....
But you see, Happy and I are determined not to make debt and we are busy working through our other debt and doing very well with it too. Now I am really REALLY running low on clothing and shoes cause a while ago I went through my closet and threw out everything that I don’t wear or that doesn’t fit right and that I didn’t like – which was practically everything. And I am left with about 10 items of clothing – if that, that I can wear and that I like to wear. And I am wearing the same old things to work all the time. This is nobody’s fault but mine cause I used to do a lot of “impulsive buying” – but I have learned from that, which is why I have at least those 10 or so items which I know for a fact fit right. And my favourite jeans that I love are starting to come apart at the seams – and are getting too big for me so now the feel funny when I wear them.
Oh boy - was I ever tempted to keep that card and try to convince Happy that we could afford it and pay it off and all that, but those thoughts only lasted about 10 seconds and then I destroyed the card – I think it was one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. And God’s word also says that we should not make debt – so it was a case of being obedient to God and Happy.
I remember saying while I was destroying it – “Lord this is so hard…” but I was instantly reminded of the time I heard Joyce Meyer saying that when we are obedient it will always hurt in some way, cause obedience is a test of faith, it will not always be easy to obey the Lord.
Well, I can tell you – I felt that. I still feel it!! But I know in my heart I did the right thing and I feel proud of what I did, I resisted the temptation to go and spend that money and I resisted the temptation of making debt. “Resist the devil and he shall flee from you.” And I can tell y’all – he did!! He ran for the hills.
I am spiritually stronger now cause I know – I can resist, it is a really good feeling!!
Oh, and you all remember that shoulder press thingy that I couldn't do a few days ago?
Well, guess what - I did it! I did it!
I lifted 10kg - not just one!!!! Woohoo!!
Another small victory for ME!!!
Dance of happiness going on right here.....
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