I don’t spend enough time in prayer. I don’t enter into the prayer meeting of heaven nearly as often as I should. If you consider Jesus life on earth, and I think I have spoken of this before, but if you think of His life on earth. Ask yourself "What was His life on earth about mostly?" Answer: Christ’s life on earth was a life of prayer. Luke 5:16, and many other verses in the Bible will give reference to the fact that Jesus spent more time in prayer alone or with his disciples than he did in teaching. The secret to His public ministry was His private ministry in prayer alone or with His disciples. Jesus “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”

In Luke 9, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Why? Because they saw him always praying and they realized that was the answer, the “secret weapon”. They saw Jesus was always praying and that was the only time they asked Him to teach them anything because they had revelation of the importance and the power of prayer.
And if you ever wonder what Jesus is doing now, in heaven, I can tell you – and you probably know than answer by now too – He is praying. There is a prayer meeting going on 24/7 in heaven (neat little rhyme there hey?). And whenever I drop to my knees or I cry out in prayer – then I am entering the prayer meeting of heaven – the never ceasing prayer meeting. Jesus is still praying.

You see satan doesn’t really mind if we go to church every Sunday, or if we become actively involved in serving on church teams or going to home groups. He doesn’t mind if we are on the choir or the worship team or even if we read our Bibles everyday (which is not bad things to do) – as long as we don’t pray, he wants us to get so involved in things, anything that will keep us out of prayer. We can do anything as a “Christian” and satan will not really be worried about us – but when we pray, when we become active prayers living prayer filled lives, then satan worries, cause then we are plugging in to that prayer meeting in heaven. Prayer is so important, prayer is so powerful and without it your life as a Christian will be an empty one.
That is why I have been battling to hear what God has to say to me because I haven’t been praying – not as I should be. I haven’t been plugging into my prayer meeting with Jesus and I have felt a definite lack and emptiness in my life.

Thank you Lord for revealing this to me today. I am going to spend time in prayer right now. I would want someone one day to ask me to teach them to pray – simply because they see me praying ALL the time.
very important lesson. Thank you for stating it so clearly.
I tend to do most of my praying in the car going and coming home from work.
That's awesome! I never thought about joining the 24/7 prayer group of heaven when I pray...but I do feel a part of something greater the deeper into prayer I fall!
Wow, that was awesome! Thanks for sharing that with us! Prayer is so important! Take Care!
Very interesting Spookelina! There is an awesome new show on telly here, please check out the website at www.tlc.discovery.com and then click on THE MONASTERY. I am really enjoying this series. I loved what the one monk said about the hours of silent prayer and meditation these people invest. He said that silence creates space for G-d in your life. I think this is so true and I think it applies to all religions and/or anyone's personal belief in their G-d. This comment combined with your post really reminded me of just how much of an essential ingredient silence, prayer and mediation each are in our lives.
David - It is important, and thank you.
Marge - Yep, the car is a good place to spend time in prayer. I know of a lot of people who do that too. Good for you!!
Kim - Yes, I feel it too. You definitely feel the difference when you enter the throne room of the King.
NMOTB - Yes, it is very important. Which is why, more than anything else we spend time doing we should spend time in prayer.
Dawn - Sjoe! Thats so true, silence does create space for God. Just to be still before Him and know that He is God. So true! And what you say is also very true. the importance of prayer, silence and meditayion in our lives is important. I like the word you used though "essential", that's a good word.
Bangs are the hair that goes over your forehead--->http://www.tattoohost.com/model/hana/bangs.jpg
"The origin of bangs (the word is occasionally found in the singular bang), referring to a fringe of hair falling over the forehead (especially if cut square), is uncertain.
A common explanation, and the most likely one, is that bang(s) is short for bangtail. A bangtail is a horse's tail trimmed horizontally, so that the tail has a flat, even end, and hence a horse having such a tail. (By the early twentieth century, bangtail was used generically for 'a racehorse'.)
This leaves the question of the origin of bangtail. The word bang 'to strike violently' or 'a sudden striking blow or sound' has an adverbial sense 'suddenly; abruptly; completely; directly', as in "he walked bang up to me," "a slam-bang effort," or, closer for our purposes, "to cut (something) bang off." Our bangs is probably from this adverbial use, one way or another: either it comes directly from this adverb, or bangtail itself is from this adverb and bang(s) is short for bangtail.
The adverbial bang is recorded in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century, depending on how you interpret the evidence. Bangtailed '(of a horse) having a bangtail' is found in the early 1860s, and bang 'fringe of hair' is first found in the late 1870s in America."
The South African equivalent of "bangs" is "a fringe." Hope you don't mind me poking my nose in on this conversation. :o)
This is Angels comment, she couldn't post iy for some reason so I will do it for her:
very cool post sis- it always amazes me how he keeps trying to get through to us even when we aren't really listening!
My connection wouldn't let me post a comment properly!
Love you madly!
Marge - Thats really interesting. Thanks! Ya learn something new everyday. I don't have bangs, but I have always wondered what that was when I heard it on tv or something.
Thanks Marge!!
Dawn - Yep, I figured that's what it was. And of course I don't mind you poking your nose in. Whats on the blog is open to all, if you have something to add - please feel free!!
Hi Spookie,
Long time no speak.
This post reminded of my previous passion for prayer. I was amazed at the adventures that God would take me as I prayed. Karen and I used to pray together once a week on a Monday when we were younger. Later I joined the Lydia Prayer Fellowship and I learnt alot there too.
God loves to reveal his heart to us when we meet him in the prayer closet.
Oh those days were blessed and special. I hope one day I'll get back to them instead of the constant "help me" emergency prayers I seem to do these days.
Bunnygilrl - Hi!! Good to see you again. I think that as long as you keep praying, even if they are urgent prayers, then you are still plugging into that prayer meeting in heaven. Maybe you will be able to take a bit of time to really draw on that power sometime. It will definitely invigourate you.
I mean Bunnygirl...
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