This was the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture. Trust, the trust I have in Jesus. I really trust Him implicitly, and because of this I don't fear for anything.
I know that my family will never go without anything and we will always have enough - even more than enough. I know that my children and my husband and all my other family will be safe and cared for wherever they are. I know that I am where god wants me to be and if He decides to move me somewhere else He will. I know that He has a plan and a purpose for my life, and for all those around me too and I canot wait to get deeper into what He has for me.
He is the source of my strength, and He is the strength of my life (to qoute from Michael W. Smith's song). he is the author and finisher of my faith apart from Him I an do nothing and He goes before me, He will be with me and he will never leave me bnor forsake me. He is my protector and He sets His angels charge over me. I will trust Him with everything and in everything. I trust Him implicitly!
So what thoughts and feelings did this picture invoke within you?
absolute wonder!
Honestly....you want my first thought! GET OFF OF THERE!
I like your thought better!
Great photo! Is it someone you know? You? It really is a fabulous shot!
Where is it taken? Astounding!
Angel - Yes, I felt that too.
Diane - Yes, it does look scary. But it is a picture I got in an e-mail so no, it's unfortunately no-one I know. I wish it were me. I am standing on the Rock of Ages though.
Interesting post for me, Spooks. I am so weary of trusting photo's these days because of how easily manipulated they can be ... but your heading challenged me on this ... so looking at this and combining it with your heading and question brought me to ... be willing to look beyond the obvious and see where it takes you. Thanks. Loves and Hugs. xoxo
I immediately thought: FEAR!
Dawn - Oh, I know so many pictures are manipulated, and this one was possibly manipulated too, I don't know for sure. The thing is it still made me think, regardless. And what it made me think about is what counts more tome than anything. And being willing to look beyond the obvious and see where it takes you is a very good way of exploring your own heart and mind!
Kim - Well now look again and think TRUST!!
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