Yesterday while I was at the gym I was meditating on Psalm 1. But MOSTLY on verse three of that Psalm:
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. (ESV) And then God let me have a look into my own heart at what my “tree” (spiritually) looks like, and when I saw my “tree” I was shocked and dismayed. I noticed that it had really deep roots, and He said to me that I am rooted deeply in Him and I need not be afraid of the winds and storms for I shall not be blown over and I noticed too that I have a very big tree with lots and lots of branches. These are good things.

What dismayed me was when I saw, with great sadness that my branches were bare. There was one little fruit hanging right at the top of my tree looking very lonely and only a few little leaves here and there. And this troubled me, as well as humbled me, because I can so often be so boastful and full of myself and what I am doing and how well I am doing – but if I am not doing it in Christ or for Christ then it will not show.

I want to bear fruit. I want to be so heavy with fruit that my branches hang on the ground and when I realized that the way I was living my life was not bearing fruit my immediate prayer was: “Lord, remove my bareness and replace it with Your fruitfulness. Forgive me Lord for thinking that I was more important and for not putting You first. Give me a spirit of humbleness and joy that I may begin to bear fruits for You and be a tree worthy of standing in Your orchard.”
And God, being the faithful Father that He is has already begun a process in me. And I look forward to the next time He takes me back into His orchard to show mw my "tree" bearing a considerable amount more fruit than it is at the moment.
It is good to be rooted deeply in Christ and in His word, to be able to withstand the storms and the strong winds - but it is important – even more so that we bear fruit and that other’s can see the fruits we bear. I want to be tree that provides lots and lots of shade for people to rest under when they are weary and while they rest they can have some juicy fruits to eat to replenish their souls.
I pray the fruit we bear is sweet and memorable!
Praise God that he desire more than just surviving...he wants us to thrive!
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. I always feel so 'filled' when I visit this space.
sis, i think (and by no means do i want to contradict your vision) that in your incredible humility, you underestimated the amount of fruit on your tree... either that or the one you saw was a REALLY BIG one!
luv you madly!
Let the replenishing begin! Great post!
Great post!
What a strong picture, I could just 'see' it as you shared. I mean't to pop in yesterday and say what an encouragement you are, your posts gets me to thinking and often ages after reading them, I am reminded of something and it inspires me.
I reflected and could 'see' your tree, the roots FIRMLY planted in to the soil, I could see that rootedness, deep, deep, deep.
Spring is coming and fruitfulness in ways that you did not expect is coming!
I think this reflects the deliciousness of your presonality so perfectly ... and I think that if there was only one piece of fruit - it is because there is so much abundance ahead of you. Have a great week. Love You!
Kim - Yes, and we can only thrive in Him. And you are welcome my friend - I will continue to keep you in my prayers. You and yous...
Angel - You always know just how to lift my spirit. Than you, Love you too!!
Diane - AMEN!!
Marge - Your Back, welcome! And thank you.
Karen - Thank you for your encouragement too. Yes, I am very expectant...
Dawn - Thanks Dawn, that is also very encouraging. Qute profound actually. Love you too.
Dont we all feel that we dont give enough to those around us.But look at those around you and see how much you mean to them,then only will you see that you give far more than what you give your self credit for.One only has to read your blog to see all the fruit on your tree.
Happy - I am renderred speechless. I cannot find words to reply to what you have said.
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