People can be SO gross sometimes. And I know that we all carry germs around with us, they are all over and we are immune to many of them. But I can tell you I have seen and experienced things here at work that just makes my stomach turn!!
For example there is this old guy (well old-ish – but lets not get off the subject here) in the kitchen yesterday and he is very kindly (please note the dripping sacrcasm here) filling the container for the coffee. He is pouring the coffee from the big “tin” which it is bought in into the smaller glass container we have in the kitchen. But, he is using one hand to hold the “tin” to pour and the other hand he has placed inside the glass container to act as a "funnel" or "slide" so as not to spill any coffee onto the counter. So all the coffee first runs over his hand and then into the container - YUCK!!!. Now I don’t know if he washed his hands or not, I doubt it, either way I was so disgusted.
Then there is this other man who works in the store upstairs, and every single tea and lunch time he will come into the kitchen and wash his hands in the sink, then he will either dry them on a dish towel, or he will just leave them wet – mostly he leaves them wet. Then with his wet hands he will open the cupboard, open the tea bag container dig right down to the bottom (???) to get a tea bag and then he uses the sugar too. So he leaves everything wet and soggy wherever he has been. The cupboard door handle, the lids to the containers fot the tea and the sugar – and who knows how many tea bags are wet after he has dug into the bottom of the container. It is so gross! A kitchen is not a place to wash your hands, and then to leave a trail of soggy prints behind you is also just not a nice thing to do.
Then today – and this is just the cherry on top for me, one of the ladies from the factory took a phone call on the phone in reception, she was just there when the call came through. I was sitting there too having a cup of tea – which is now doing back flips in my tummy. After her call I got a call too, on the same phone in reception. And when I hung up the receiver, I realized to my absolute horror, that it was WET from her sweaty ear!!! I nearly hurled!! Now I don’t know if I have mentioned it before, but I have a thing about other people’s bodily fluids – ALL of them!! And sweat is a bodily fluid – ugh, I am gagging just retelling this now… I ran to the loo and wiped my ear off with the sealed alcoholic wipes we have in there, and then I went and wiped it again about a 30 seconds later.
I don't think I will ever use that phone in reception again, and I am seriously considering bringing my own tea to work too. Luckily I don’t drink coffee at work, but the tea thing just puts me off completely!! If I allow it I could probably develop OCD quite easily. Sometimes I think that if we ALL had OCD to a small degree – we would be more conscious of germs and how easily they spread. I mean you won’t believe how many times I have been in the ladies loo and I have heard another lady come in after I have gone into the stall and then whoever she is will leave when she is done WITHOUT washing her hands! 10% of South Africans do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom, that’s a lot!! And that’s just disgusting.
I think the next time I see somebody doing something gross in the kitchen I will not be able to keep quiet. I will just have to blurt out how disgusting whatever they are doing is – and Mr. Soggy Hands – well he just needs to grow some savvy! Plain and simple. And he'd better watch out, enough is enough, I am now on the war path.
I am going to wash my hands and my ear again – BYE!
YUCK!!!! I concur...people are inherently germ-spreaders and anything we can do together to prevent or at least decrease germ spread is key!
That said....don't even think about the handle of the cart at the grocery store or the doors we push open daily...not to mention movie seats...
Kim - Eeeeuuuww!! Gross Kim, everything is So dirty!! Did you ever think about how dirty your bag is - on the OUTSIDE!! Just think of all the places you put it down on. Mall floors, movie houses, toilets, floors of our cars... just don't ever put your bag on the counter tops where you make food at home -blegh!!
Awe, how cute!
aaah sis- welcome the the borderline ocd club doll! mweeeeeehahahahahah... ahem, coff-coff... sorry, little hysterical giggle escaped there.
i do believe i wrote a post about this some time ago... and for this very reason i now carry a tube of waterless-alcohol-based-hand-washing-lotion in my handbag and i always have wipes in the car. when i go to the loo or use someone else's keyboard or make coffee in my clients kitchen (and i try very hard not to think about who touched the coffee and sugar containers last- i just hope the boiling water will kill anything someone else left behind), i wash my hands with my lotion- even after washing my hands in the loo- i still have to use doorhandles afterall... i am loathe to use the phone in my office and i hate nothing more than touching stair case and escalator railings. never mind lift buttons and money, ugh!
my latest horror- the bottom (underside) of my handbag!
I know where you are coming from - I also hate it and I don't allow my kids to touch the railings, specailly the escalators! sis man, now my tummy is doing side flips just thinking about it!
Marge - ??, cute, what's cute??
Angel - Ooo, I know, me too. How icky can our bags be?? Yuck!! I use the alcohol wipes in our loo to open the doors with after I have washed my hands, and I don't use the and rail on the stairs. And at gym there are spray bottles and wipes to clean the machines before you use it - I use those everytime I get onto a new machine.
NMOTB - Ja, those are really gross. Ick!!
Anon - So you shake their hands even if they are wet? Blegh!! Makes you wanna carry a hanky around and yank it out to put over your hand before you shake with anyone!! Then throw it away of course, keep a whole pack of them so you can use them each time you need to shake hands. LOL!!! It's a bit extreme I know - but that's what you feel like doing hey? I do.
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