Yup. It's graduation day for my litte Donovan. He is leaving the world of pre-school behind him and is eagerly moving on to the exciting world of "Big School".
Tomorrow night is the last Pre-School concert for him and also his graduation ceremony. He is very excited about the evening and I am too.
All his Grandparents are going to be there tomorrow night to share in his proud moment.
He is very excited to go to Big School and join the wonderful world of reading and writing and learning. And I will be doing grade 1 for the third time - not counting my own year in grade 1.
I am very proud of him and I will be sure to put up photos of his first day at school too.
My little boy. Aint so little anymore is he...
sheesh time flies hey!?!?! i can't believe he's grown so fast!
Congratulations. Another milestone in yours and his life. God bless.
awww man, that is such a cute photo!!! Enjoy the graduation! Dylan's is on Saturday and I just know it is going to an emotional day!!!!! It is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one for us!!!!
oops, I only notice now that i left a word out of my sentence - "it is going to BE........" Have a great day and an awesome weekend, skattie!
Angel - You and me both!!
Debra - Thanks. God bless you too.
NMOTB - It is going to be emotional. I never knew it was going to be quite so emotional.
Have a lekka weekend too!!!!
Have a great time celebrating this milestone with your family,Spookie.
Love to Donovan.
How gorgeous, I'd never heard of pre-school graduation before. Lovely. I have a wee son aged 5 and a daughter aged 3.
Spookie, they grow up so fast. It's important to enjoy their young years. Hope it was a special time for you.
What a shock to see how quick the last few years have gone.I can still smell the baby powder.The little man is taking on the big world.Spookie you have and are doing such a great job as a mother.
Lets hope the school is ready for this little busy body.
Gail - Thank you. We did enjoy it very much.
Karen - It is a common thing her in S.A to do this. And it is very special.
Bunny - They do grow so incredibly fast. It was a very special moment.
Happy - Ja, I still remember us two standing over his cot at night and just looking at him. Now he's going to "Big School" and I can't help but feel a little sad that the end of this time of being "little" has come to an end now.
And I am only the mom I am because I have you by my side.
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