Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Ask me anything you want to know about me - anything. Leave your questions in a comment and I will answer you there too.
Go for it, be creative I am not scared.
I will tell you anyhting you want to know - except my weight!! LOL!!


Linda said...

What is your favorite time of the day?

Brigitte said...

Beads - Hmmm, definitely Home Time during the week, and on weekends, I like the lazy afternoons and evenings!! I don't do mornings very well.

kpjara said...

Where were you born and where did you grow up?

What's your greatest accomplishment besides having children?

What church do you attend?

How many siblings do you have?

What's your favorite food?

I love long can we ask????

Kelly said...

What is your guilty plaesure

Brigitte said...

Kim - GOODNESS!! Ask away hun, I love answering! Ok, here goes:

1) I was born in Pretoria in South Africa and I grew up in a a little place called Olifantsfontein (In english it would be translated as Elephantsfountain I have no idea why it it is called that).

2) My greatest accomplishment I would say is still to come. One day when I hear God say "Well done, My good and faithfull servant" Then I will have accomplished everything I could ever imagine. Anything else simply pales in comparison.

3) I go to Highway Church International. We are part of NCMI group (New Covenant Ministries International)You can find out more about them at, and you can go to

4) I have two sisters and one brother - so three siblings in total. We will be having our annual Sibling Supper in a few weeks time.

5) My favourite food is definitely Sea food and ANYTHING chocolate!!

Marge - It would have to be watching all Bruce Willis' movies and eating chocolate and drinking a little wine - by myself. LOL!!

Come on guys - ask away, I am sure there is more you would love to know!!
These questions were great, thanks!!

AngelConradie said...

does the word "periwinkle" make you smile?

AngelConradie said...

oooh ohh- i know where olifantsfontein got its name! when it was orignally "settled" they found a spring in what is now tembisa (dunno if it still exists) but in the pool around the spring they found old elephant tusks!

Unknown said...

Would you be willing to share the answer to a question that would reveal your deepest, darkest secret? If so, what would that be. If no, still love ya babe. I can see I have a lot to read to catch up as I have been so mal busy this last week. Will do so on the weekend - just wanted to say hello though, missing you!

Brigitte said...

Angel - Yes it does! And so does "Twienkiedeedee"!! Bet none of the other readers will know waht that is. If anyone does, let me know. Or just take a guess at what it is. HAHA!!
And thanks for filling us in as to where the name Olifantfontein comes from - very interesting.

Dawn - Hmm, let me think. I don't really have one. Wait I do, once many, many years ago at a party we had at my moms house - I think it was a New Year, I kissed a guy we all called Bart!! LOL! Wanna see the reaction to that!
Missed you too - but I figured you'd been busy.

Anonymous said...

What do you fear most in life?

Brigitte said...

Anon - I think failing is my biggest fear. Failing as wife and a mother. Hopefully I will hear one day from my children that I was a good mom. That even though I made mistakes I was there when they needed me. That will probaly wipe clean that fear of failing them. And knowing that I do everything I can to show respect and love and honour to my husband - which I think I don't always get right - is a big part too. Not only to build him in other peoples eyes - but to tell him too how much I respect and honour and love him, and to show him more what he means to me.
So, ja - failing at these two jobs of Wife and Mother are my biggest fears cause they are the most important positions a woman can hold EVER.

Keep em coming people - this is good therapy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that at least you are honest i think it is very difficult to work and be a great mom and wife. But by the sounds of it i think you have that sorted. Well done that take a special kind of person to beable to cope with all that. You are an inspiration to all of us.

Brigitte said...

Anon - Wow, Thank you. I still feel there is much room for improvement. But I am working on it. I am reading an amazing little book which I cannot put down - but I have to so I can work. It's called "Lord Change Me" by Evelyn Christenseon, it is an old book but is still speaks the same truths women need to hear today. And it is teaching me alot. I will probably read it more than once.
Thank you for your encouragement - I needed to hear that.

kpjara said...

What has been the most cathartic and healing experience you've had?

Brigitte said...

Kim Let see the most catahrtic was a women's retreat I went to about six years ago, I went to three of them. I recommitted my life to God and dealt with all the sin and unforgiveness in my heart and the most relaxing has been the times I went way with my hubby, once to a Hotel for a weekend and once to a beautiful trout lodge.

Soul Reflections said...

Who's your favorite man?

Brigitte said...

Debra - Oh I love Bruce Willis. But as an actor and for his acting abilities - Kevin Spacey, I have watched ALL his movies - I think. But there is just something about Bruce Willis. Yes, he is definitely my favourite man.

Wil Smith is also not bad...

Unknown said...

Hello Skattie - Just wanted to wish you a great weekend. Sending huge loves your way, see ... really big ones!! xox

the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

I have been sukkeling my ass off trying to leave a comment - everytime I click on post a comment then the whole internet explorer shuts down!!!!! Thanks to Angel - she showed me another way to get in here! Darn it, now I have forgotten what I wanted to ask you? Oh yes.........

What are your greatest fears (if any) for the future?

the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

p.s. - I don't know or want to know (that is personal anyway) what your weight is but I do believe you are shedding 'em kilos like nobody's business! You go girl and keep it up!!!!

Brigitte said...

Dawn - Thanks skattie!! You have a good one too. Wow - I have never seen such BIG loves!! Thanks! And sending em right back - twice as big!!

NMOTB - That's odd, wonder why? Maybe I should change to wordpress or something....

Anyway to answer your question: My futur and my families is placed securley in Gods hands so I don't have any MAJOR fears for my futur. I am a little nervous about Marke going to highschool next year - but that is something I just keep giving back to the Lord when I find myself feeling apprehensive about it again.

I am shedding them kilos, but it is happening slowly, which is better cause then I don't pick them up again. I am loving the gym and I am up to 40 minutes on the cardio section now. 20 mins on the orbitrek, 10 min on the stepping machine and 10 on the bike. And it feels GOOD!! Halelujah!

Anonymous said...


Brigitte said...

Anon - It's what their PERSONALITY looks like - DUH!!
No seriously - I think it is personality that counts. A persons true "beauty" shines through from what is in their heart.

Anonymous said...

To Anon well thats difficult you can't always get to meet the person in person to establish what personality they have but i agree with spookie a persons true beauty shines through what they look like. Depends on the situation. But its great to look good and have a great personality where possible.