It started off ok, Monday was the same as always – I can never get into “work mode” on a Monday. Tuesday was also ok – except I felt so tired and drained and I was really battling to keep my eyes open. I know myself well enough to know that this is usually a sign that I may be coming down with something, and we had a power failure on Tuesday afternoon at work too – someone cut or chopped into a cable somewhere (sigh). Then on Wednesday I woke up feeling so nauseous and weak it was just awful, I decided to go to work, I have felt nauseous before and coped with it, but by around 9:30 I was getting cold fevers so badly I had my heater on in my office. It is summer here, don’t forget. I was freezing and my body was aching all over and I had a KILLER headache. Eventually my boss said I should just go home. At around 11:30 I did just that, I crawled into bed – under my duvet and two blankets, and passed out. It’s the way my body copes with illness – to sleep. Anyway, I woke up suddenly at around 2:30 and ran for the bathroom and I was probably throwing up until about 6:00. Not regularly, but it didn’t stop till then. And the worst was I had to cook supper for the kiddos – I made them boerewors and srcambled eggs, it was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do, I was in tears most of the time cause I felt so sorry for myself, being so nauseous and sick and then still having to make food – I don’t think I will ever eat scrambled eggs again in my life - blegh!!! Hubby came home from Nelspruit (where he should have stayed the night) to be with me. I am so thankful he was there – he brought an *Energade (naartjie), oh it was like heaven in a glass with ice!! And he sat by me until I fell asleep. He’s just the best isn’t he? Thursday morning I stayed home, I woke up with such a headache and I was so terribly dizzy I decided not to attempt to be brave and face the world. And today I am back at work – but let me tell you, my neck muscles, shoulder muscles, and chest muscles are SO sore from throwing up, now it hurts just to laugh – you won’t believe the muscles your body uses to project stuff from it. I am not nauseous anymore – PTL!! I even had a burger just now – a small one, but it was so good. The funny thing is I have neer been prone to these kinds of bugs, this year I have had it twice - for the first time in my life!! It's just weird...
Oh and then today we had another power failure because the cables had been stolen. But they fixed it quite quickly. That’s why I was able to post something today.
Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. I look forward to getting back into the swing of blogging again next week. Hugs and kisses!! - drukkies and soentjies!!
*It’s a sports drink, I don’t know what a naartjie is in any other language – anyone who can help here??

My week has been exhausting too, both emotionally and physically. I am SOOOOOOO glad that it is Friday.
so glad you're feeling better sis!
Glad to hear you are better!
Marge - You and me both girl. Thanks for hanging while I have been so busy - I will stop by your bloggy real soon and visit you.
Angel - Ja, me too!!!
NMOTB - Thanks!!
Naartjies are called 'Mandarins' in the rest of the world. I had to ask someone just after we moved to Ireland and they thought I was nuts when I pointed and asked "What do you call that?"... I think they thought I'd never seen one before. (Coming from Deepest Darkest Africa they just never knew with me LOL!)
So there ya go. Glad to help.
And glad ur feeling better :)
Poor you...
Mum's can never really be ill and let it run the full course as we have to do 1001 other things at the same time, I believe this is why when we do get something it reappears later, 'coz we didn't really get over it first time, just put recovery on the back burner while we got on with doing the mum things.
'naarjie' what a cool word!
Hope this week is panning out better for you.
Tot ziens
Terri - MANDARINS!! I have heard of that before. Thanks for clearing that up for me, a naartjie will always be a naartjie though...
Zanne - So true, so true! And so far (it being only Monday today) the week is looking pretty hectic again...
Tata! (hee)
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