You do?
Right, then this, is just for you.
When you are feeling like something is just too big for you to cope with and too heavy for you to carry, there is One who is big enough and more than strong enough to carry the burden for you. All you need to do is hand it over.
How? I hear you ask.
Simple, you get yourself alone with God and you tell Him all about it. Everything – each little detail that’s bugging you – you load it all off on Him and then you say “I am handing this over to you Lord. I don’t want to worry about it. I don’t want to be confused anymore my hands are open I am not holding on to it anymore. I give it to you for I know Your will is perfect and Your ways are not my ways.” And there you go, you give it to God and He will carry it for you. And then if you find yourself worrying again about the same thing – which we do cause, we are human. It simply means you have unconsciously taken it back from Him to carry again, so you just hand it back to Him. Even if you need to do this 100 times a day – eventually you will begin to trust that He will carry it and you don’t have to keep giving it back to Him. He will take it from you and you will suddenly realise one day that it is gone – because He dealt with it when you weren’t looking or while you were sleeping (so to speak).
Try it, I dare you – you will be pleasantly surprised, this I can guarantee you.

1 Peter 5v7: Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
very nice sis!
you have a real talent for ministry i think, what a blessing it is to have you so close to me!!
oh- and this is something i do ALL the time, before i realise it i'm carrying it (whatever i asked my lord to take over for me) all over again!
love you madly!
Your writing makes me think about how the world complicates faith with religion. I agree with your sis, I totally see you as a Minister, SERIOUSLY! xox
well, you did write this for me today. I needed it. Thank-you. I've been having a rough week and this was the question plaguing me, even as a Christian I forget sometimes to go back and back and back again til it's finally gone.
Marge - thank you.
Angel - It's where my heart is... We ALL do that - take it back, it's as if we feel like we have a right to "nurture" it and hold on to that hurt - but in actual fact we don't. We have been forgiven so that may forgive.
Dawn - The world complicates EVERYTHING - it's just a nack it has. LOL! But when you really get down to basics - that what it is, basic.
Amydeanne - Hi there, and welcome!! Yep, I've been having a pretty rough one meself. But when we start to make our problems or worries bigger than our God - we forget that He is there for us and that He is willing and able to carry our burdens. I am glad you found this post when you needed it.
Hi Gentle Warrior, just wanted to wish you a lekker weekend. Hugs. xox
Dawn - Thanks my friend - and to you too!
Hi Spookie, You are so quiet lately - R U Busy? or was that a dumb question?lol Enjoyed your post! read it the other day but for some very strange reason, I could not leave a comment!
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