This is my new favourite animal!! It's called a Dolphant. They are so cute! And I have heard that they are as intelligent as Dolphins too. I want one!!
Yesterday I was getting ready to go to gym. I took my track pants out of the closet and put them on but while I was walking around in my room getting my shirt and socks etc something really felt funny in my pants leg, right at the bottom. When I stopped to check what was going on I found my pink g-string sticking out the bottom of my pants. They abviously got washed with my pants and got stuck inside them or something - but can you imagine if I went to gym before the fell out? I could have been on the Orbitrek and my g-string would have fallen out - people would be thinking "how'd she do that??"
I would be mortified, I don't think I could have shown my face at the gym again. Thank goodness I checked what felt so funny before leaveing!! LOL!!
Oh gosh, I realise my writing is a bit fluffy lately, but that's because I am expecting a revelation. I can feel something happening within me - but it's not clear yet what it is. As soon as it becomes clear I will share it with you. Things are just a bit hazy right now, and I don't know if it's because God wants to reveal it to me slowly or because I am not quite as tuned in as I should be (probably the latter). I will be spending alot more time in His presence so as to discover what it is He is waiting to reveal to me.

This is an Eletee, much bigger than the Dolphants, but they are very closely related. and their trunks are very useful for breathing, they often use it as a snorkel.
An interesting fact for you, today, the 31st October in 1517 Martin Luther nailed his thesis to the church door. He wanted the people to be taught the truth and not the doctrin that the church was teaching. And he put it on the door so that the people going to church would see it, not so much as a provocation - which ws pretty much how the Church leaders saw it.
"Luther" is an excellent movie, and it is one of my favourites! If you get an opportunity to watch it - please DO so.
That is so funny! I can just imagine the look on the peoples faces!!!! lol I once went to the loo and never checked to see if my clothes were right, only to discover I had tucked my skirt into me undies - lol luckily I realised it before anybody clapped their eyes on me!!!!! Just love the pictures, they are really cute!
Will wait in anticipation to see what it is that you are waiting for!!!!!! Have a lovely day!
NMOTB - ja, I could also - thank goodness I didn't have to experience the embarrasment of that - PHEW!!
Keep your eyes open for my next post - I finally heard what I was waiting for!!!
I would have wanted to see how red you went if that had happened at the gym. I am a bit wiered out by the Dolphants, though! Ok, so now how long are you going to torture us with waiting for the next post. I was thinking how relaxed you seem, that's what I pick up from your recent posts - a major chilled out factor which I thought maybe came out of your trip away. Whatever the reason, just want you to be a happy bunny! xox
Dawn - I bet you would!!! Cow. LOL!
Don't you like my Dolphants - I think they are just the cutest!! And you can relax - I have put up a new post.
Missed you skattie, so happy to see you here again.
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