Monday, February 13, 2006


I just love this writing thing. It is like I have unlocked a whole new part of me that I have always known was there, but never knew how to get to it. I have this whole new - "I Blog And You Dont, And I Am Therefore Better Than You" persona going.
And it is true, BLOGGERS rock! I always thought that of the people who's blogs I read and now - I ROCK TOO!!!!

This is just the most fun I have ever had with my keyboard - HEE, Bloggers do it with their Key Boards! Hows that for a new bumper sticker or T-Shirt.

I am having a BLAST!!! This is the best thing since Lindor Chocolate - and there is nothing - NOTHING better than Lindor Chocolate, it is sinful to eat thats how devine it is.

My favourite things in the World, in this order, are:

Lindor Chocolate
writing - (same thing kinda)
and so on and so on.

thank you for reading, if you read this blog - you OFFICIALLY rock too.


Terri said...

Woo Hoo, I officially rock!!!
Just be careful, Banquo, this Blogging thing is addictive.
Don't forget to feed your kids occasionally...

Brigitte said...

terri - Kids? OH KIDS! I HAVE KIDS!! Gotta go and check on them - BYE

Reluctant Nomad said...

Welcome to the mad addictive world of blogging. And, just as Terri says, make sure you remember to feed them!

Brigitte said...

reluctant nomad - Hey!! Welcome!! So, you Totally Rock Too now. Oh and dont worry about the kids too much they dont keep quiet long enough for me to forget they are there and need to be fed. heh heh.