Monday, February 13, 2006


I remembered something that happened to me a few years ago. Something, funny.

I was doing a bit of shopping at our local supermarket. (this was before Donovan was born) I had Marke and Sean with me and they were sitting in the shopping trolley. They were quite small still, but that didn't stop them singing "Sex bomb, sex bomb, u're my sex bomb!" at the tops of their voices with me pretending not to hear them when there were people in the isle, and trying to shoosh them when there were no people in the isle, but because I could not keep a straight face I was battling with that. (That naughty little sparkle they had in their eyes and those impish grins were just irresistable, I almost wanted to join them in their song.)

Anyway, we were moving rather slowly through the isles cause I was comparing products and prices and looking at all sorts of things, you know just taking my time - with the"sex bomb" rendition going on in the background all the time - and at one point, I was deep in thought about something, (can't remember what it was - and it's not important now either) and I walked back to my trolley and began to push it into the next isle - still looking at the shelves and products and the prices intently. When in the distance I heard a voice calling, but I didn't register that the voice was talking to me when the owner of the voice - a thin plain looking woman with glasses - grabbed hold of my arm and with a look of complete disgust on her face said "Excuse me, I think you've taken the wrong trolley...!!" At first I looked incredulously at her, but before I argued I quickly looked down at the trolley I was pushing, and there were two strange children sitting there, a small boy and a girl staring up at me with huge eyes. I could feel the blood rising in my cheeks - right up to my hairline, getting red and hot with embarrasment. And when I looked back, there in the isle I had just left were my two little boys happily sitting there, still singing "Sex bomb, sex bomb" without ever missing a beat or even noticing what had happened.

I wanted the earth to just open up and swallow me. Imagine what that woman must have thought. Maybe she thought I was trying to steal her children or maybe she thought I was trying to swop my noisy singing boys for her two little angels hoping she wouldn't notice, or maybe she just thought I was completely mad. But whatever she was thinking, she didn't stick around, she was gone when I turned around again - dumbfounded. And I spent the rest of the day giggling at what had happened in that isle, and I couldn't wait to get home to tell my husband what I had done - hee.
(Not that I was proud of it, but because I knew he would laugh at my story.)


Terri said...

hehe, and you almost got away with it too ;-)

kyknoord said...

Exactly. What's the point of taking the kids shopping if you can't trade 'em in for a better deal?

Brigitte said...

terri - Yea, almost. But that crazy lady stopped me - or, am I the crazy lady?...NAH!

KN - Thats what I thought, I still dont know why she was so upset. My kids are better than hers. I would have thought she'd be happy to trade. I would have given them back when they could sing Sex Bomb too.