Monday, February 27, 2006


Once I heard Barry Hilton say that stupid people should be given a sign saying "stupid person here". Now I really like that idea because that way we will know to give that person a little more time to respond to what has been said or to just ignore them and pretend they dont exist. (I prefer the latter)
Of course we all know that stupid people shouldn't breathe, but unfortunately we can't go around putting plastic bags over their heads to prevent them doing so which is why a sign will have to do.
An example of a stupid person would be the person who phoned me in my office from his office in the same building and when I answered he asked me - "are you in your office?" - Uuuhhh, no, this is my voice mail!!! HERE'S YOUR SIGN!
The best, or should I say worst, was when I was a receptionist. I probably handed out about 2000 "stupid signs".
We had a really big glass door at the entrance to the building and we had a HUGE push / pull sign on the door for people coming in and out. PULL to come in, and PUSH to go out - I cannot tell you how many people PUSHED to come in and PULLED to go out - locking the door EVERYTIME! They all got signs - bright NEON ones.
One guy even tried to slide the door open - DUH! HERE'S YOUR SIGN!!!

And of course the person who phoned me, but he had the wrong number - TWICE! Both times I told him, "I am sorry, you have the wrong number" The second time I told him this he said "You are a fool!" and hung up. Hello - Take YOUR sign please! Who's the fool here???

Then you get these people who cross an intersection in peak traffic, before they should, only to end up stuck in the middle of the extremely busy intersection because they don't wait their turn. Then when the light changes green for us, we can't go any where, why? Because we have this silly bimbo sitting looking at us mouthing the words "so sorry" with her hands out because she was too stupid to wait and now she is sitting SLAP BANG in the middle of the intersection and we have to sit through our green light because of it. Here is YOUR sign poppie!

If anyone would like some "stupid" signs, please let me know and I will mail them to you - free of charge! Because I think that we are only doing society a favour. The more stupid poeple that wear signs, the easier life will be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and one day when are old like me, the truth will out and it will not be the way they told you when they were little ...... heh heh .... Mom