I don’t spend enough time in prayer. I don’t enter into the prayer meeting of heaven nearly as often as I should. If you consider Jesus life on earth, and I think I have spoken of this before, but if you think of His life on earth. Ask yourself "What was His life on earth about mostly?" Answer: Christ’s life on earth was a life of prayer. Luke 5:16, and many other verses in the Bible will give reference to the fact that Jesus spent more time in prayer alone or with his disciples than he did in teaching. The secret to His public ministry was His private ministry in prayer alone or with His disciples. Jesus “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”

In Luke 9, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Why? Because they saw him always praying and they realized that was the answer, the “secret weapon”. They saw Jesus was always praying and that was the only time they asked Him to teach them anything because they had revelation of the importance and the power of prayer.
And if you ever wonder what Jesus is doing now, in heaven, I can tell you – and you probably know than answer by now too – He is praying. There is a prayer meeting going on 24/7 in heaven (neat little rhyme there hey?). And whenever I drop to my knees or I cry out in prayer – then I am entering the prayer meeting of heaven – the never ceasing prayer meeting. Jesus is still praying.

You see satan doesn’t really mind if we go to church every Sunday, or if we become actively involved in serving on church teams or going to home groups. He doesn’t mind if we are on the choir or the worship team or even if we read our Bibles everyday (which is not bad things to do) – as long as we don’t pray, he wants us to get so involved in things, anything that will keep us out of prayer. We can do anything as a “Christian” and satan will not really be worried about us – but when we pray, when we become active prayers living prayer filled lives, then satan worries, cause then we are plugging in to that prayer meeting in heaven. Prayer is so important, prayer is so powerful and without it your life as a Christian will be an empty one.
That is why I have been battling to hear what God has to say to me because I haven’t been praying – not as I should be. I haven’t been plugging into my prayer meeting with Jesus and I have felt a definite lack and emptiness in my life.

Thank you Lord for revealing this to me today. I am going to spend time in prayer right now. I would want someone one day to ask me to teach them to pray – simply because they see me praying ALL the time.