IS FOR ……......
Peach – A really wonderful lady who nominated this letter for me, and I hope I can do it justice. Thanks Peach, God bless you.
Prayers – I am a strong believer in prayers. I have seen them work and I have always received answers to all my prayers.
Photos – I love, love, love taking photos!! And I love, love, love digital cameras!!! (Check out my flickr, I just put new photos up today!!!)
Pets – I love having pets, don’t have any at the moment though. But as soon as I can I will definitely get another kitty – hubby says so too.
Post-its – I use these everywhere at work, as reminders or to leave notes for other people or as a book mark or a tag, there are many uses for them.
Pudding – I don’t always have pudding cause sometimes am I too stuffed after a meal, but my apple pie and anything chocolate – mmmmmmm, these are a few of my favourite things….
Parents – Ok, I have the best parents ever!!! And, ask yourself, where would most of us be without our Parents? I love my mom and dad very much and i am so blessed to have them as parents.
Poetry – I love to write poetry, if you want to read my poems go here just poetry - or don’t, whatever you like. I know they ar all Christian poems, but God is my inspiration.
Presents – I love getting presents, but even more – I love to give presents. I love picking them out for that special someone, wrapping it, writing in a little card, giving it to that person and watching their face when they open it – that’s just the best!!
Pies – Apple pie and chicken pie, nothing else thank you. Oh, and only my home made apple pie will do for me. You should really try it one day – I know you will never want any other apple pie again either!!!
Thanks Peach for nominating this letter for me. I thought it would really be a challenge, but you know it wasn’t that bad afterall. If you want a letter, let me know in your comments and I will nominate a letter for you too.
I will take some apple pie and chocolate pudding.
Oh ya I will take a letter too. :)
I have done the letter T and D.
Great job!! I appreciate your kind words, and YES, you did more than do it justice.
I love presents, too, both the getting and giving.
I'd also rather pie than cake any day -- even my birthday.
cool- gimme one too!
Also me, please! xoxo
Apple pie Please.
Beads - One large helping of apple pie and choc pudding coming right up!! And one letter, lets see - I nominate the letter "M" For Mudpie!!
Peach - Thanks Peach, I am very glad you think so. And it's not just kind words, I really mean it. There's nothing quite like pie and presents hey?
Angel - I give you the letter "T"
Dawn - I give you the letter "S"
No go on you two get stuck in....
Lori - One pie serving comming rithg up!!
Lori - Ignore that - One pie serving comming RIGHT up!! LOL
Thank You Spookie. The letter M sounds great. You think at first they will be challenging till you start on your list. This makes my third letter. :)
Good P Post
Very nice,
You are a kind soul!
Rev. Joseph - Thank you very much. And thank you for visiting my blog.
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