Ok gals, this blogger is not having a good friday - don't ask why cause I couldn't tell ya if I tried. Well I could, but I don't want to lay it all on you guys, I will say that I do feel like just packing my stuff into a great big convertable vintage car and riding off by myself until I feel like coming back. And if it is a week or a month or even just two days - than thats how long I will stay away.
I want to leave my hubby and the kids and the housework and the homework and the wifework and all the other stuff that come with being a mom and a wife far far behind me until I start to miss them all.
My neck and shoulders hurt with tension and my heart is sore and I feel a bit used and walked on. I am probably just wallowing in my own muck right now, but frankly I am so tired of everything.... Then I think "is this normal?" "am I supposed to feel like this....?" Ugh - whatever......
I know I'll be back to normal on Monday again, this is not permanent. Hope you all have a fab weekend, and if you don't hear from me again - then you'll know I found a great big convertable vintage car somewhere and I've buggered off on my own. LOL!!!
Poor li'l Spooksuster. It is normal. Just go with the flow & don't fight it.
normal yes hon!! I am feelin it to this week. Can I join you??
big big huggiez to carry you thru the weekend.
smooches too!!
I think these feelings go with the territory when you are a SWISS ARMY KNIFE. Sometimes it helps to say, "welcome to my crisis" and make the most of it. Wallowing can be nurturing too, especially if no-one else seems to give a sh*t. Just promise if you do head off, you'll stop in at an iternet cafe and pop me an email - I'll miss you otherwise. Lekker weekened, sister! oxox
Very normal.
Try and have a good wekend.
Awwww Spookie, take heart. We've all been there. Keep looking UP at Jesus and everything around you will look very small and insignificant. I've had to say this to 2 people today. So halfway around the world - "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3 NIV
hey- i'll be louise to your thelma if you wanna!
I didn't press PREVIEW again - it should have read Swiss Army WIFE - you know, one person doing a million things - sorry! Hope the mood has passed by the time you read this. xox
Atlast! Someone who's real and says exactly what she's feeling.
Big relief there are normal people out there.
I've been feeling the same too of late.
Hope you get through this okay.
Absolutely perfectly normal, Hon. And ya can't bugger off on your own - as Angel said, it's gotta be a Thelma & Louise thing. Just don't shoot anyone, ok?
Hope u feel better!
I totally know what you mean. That was me this week, too!
KN - Just keep swimming right?
Beads - Thanks for the hugs and smooches - I needed those. How you feeling today? Better I hope.
Dawn - Swiss Army Wife - I like that!! And don't worry, I could never leave blogworld - I love it here too much. BTW, I can't seem to comment on your blog, but I have been round to read and I loved the photo of your Special Mom and your boytjie.
Debs - HEY!! Missed you girl, maybe thats why I've been feeling down.:) Thank you for your encouragement, I got some at church last night too - it sure has helped.
Angel - YEA! Who's gonna be Brad Pitt - or will we just find someone....?
Bunny - Hi!! Welcome, It seems to be going around this mood, hope you are feeling better too. Thanks for popping in.
Terri - OK, ok - you, me and angel call it Thelma, Louise and Flo - the three of us, hows that. And could we at least blow up a truck if we can't shoot anyone? We have to have SOME fun. LOL
Myutopia - Weird how so many women were feeling this way this week. Hope you are feeling better too.
Thanks to you all for making me smile and being my "pick me up" - you all are better than any anti-depressant!!!
Big Smooch!!!
i agree- blowing up a truck would be a huge jol!
and as for brad pitt- lets just find our own one...
Blogger seemed to be going through a mid life crisis of sorts last week. Everything seems to be ok. Thanks for visiting - and yes, I also love that pic of my Mom and boytjie - I still call him that even though no-one (including him) actually has a clue of what I am talking about. :=)
Have a great week.
Angel - Right on lets do it - just for giggles!!!
Dawn - It's such a lekka South African word. I will pop round later and see if I can comment. ;)
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