Update on our car – it is not a right-off, they will be fixing it for us. The engine is not too seriously damaged. I am just glad to finally know what is happening. I have no idea how long it will take, I just hope it is done right the first time so we don’t have to keep going back and forth afterwards for things that weren’t fixed. I am such an optimist!! Actually I am, and I know that we will have our car in no time – these are just thoughts that go through my mind, I don’t dwell on such things.

My two stepsons, Mark and Sean are going to visit their mom in Durban for two weeks. She phoned on Wednesday and asked if they could come down for the holidays. And would we be able to fly them down. So I went and did some investigating before I phoned my Hubby and discovered that SAA does fly unaccompanied minors (Children between 6 and 12 years) at no extra fee at all. Sean is still a minor as he is 9 years old – about to turn 10. The flight attendants will look after him and make sure he gets on the correct flight and is picked up on the other side and all that. They will also help Mark because he will not be sure where to go anyway. Now all of this bugs me a little because I know that I will have them at the airport at the right time and will be there until the plane is in the air. What’s worrying me a bit is not being there on the other side to make sure they get their luggage and meet their mom safely etc. You see, the only person I fully trust with them when it comes to traveling and going to busy places etc, is me.
But I do know that my sister and I flew to CPT when I was about 10 and the flight attendants looked after us very well.
I don’t want to come across as paranoid because I am not that at all – never have been. You see the thing is when they have gone down to visit her in the past; we have actually driven them there! Crazy I know and exhausting, believe me. Pta to Dbn and back in one trip is NO joke – but that way we knew that were safely handed over to her and were where they should be. I don’t like to leave my children in other peoples care. I only really trust myself and my immediate family with them. But I suppose in every parent’s life there are times when we have to let go just a little at a time, so that our children can experience things for themselves too.
So they fly on Monday at around 4:00 and fly home on the 7th July and will be landing at about 1:00 – two weeks is more than enough. They are very excited and Sean has never flown before – so he is really excited. Even though it is such a short flight (one whole hour). Nevertheless, still exciting. We are going on Saturday morning (tomorrow) to pick up the tickets from the Airport because a travel agency wants to charge us an arm and a leg per child for the same flight. The airport has charged us R793.00 per child return (Their mom is paying for one ticket and we are paying for the other one). The travel agency wanted to charge us R1400 for Mark return and R1200 for Sean return. MADNESS – and I told them that too.
We have a very busy weekend ahead of us. Tomorrow, as I mentioned, it is off to the airport early to pick up the tickets then we go to do our grocery shopping (woo hoo), then we are going to watch some rugby at a friends house and braai there. Sunday we are going to church then to the in-laws (mine) for lunch and then my mom and I are going to a City Celebration at the Std Bank Arena with my church. I cannot wait for that – a live band and worship and all that yummy stuff!! This is not the one where I will be singing – that is only in September.
Monday is back to work and then at 2:00 we take the kids to the airport to see them off. Hopefully after that there will be no running around for a while…. Just writing this makes me feel tired.
And yesterday I was so busy arranging all this that I clean forgot to tell my hubby that Donovan was going to a play date at a friend’s house and he wouldn’t be at school. The poor man was frantic when he got to the school to pick him up and Donovan wasn’t there. I just clean forgot to tell him. I apologized profusely, but I know I wasn’t very popular for a while.

And I have a pimple on my face which could be given it’s own identity, name, occupation and all that. I feel like I should be wearing a hanky over my face like the bandits used to do so that I don’t scare anyone – but think if I just stay in my office I will be safe from people fleeing in terror and screaming…..
Anyway, I do hope you all have a good weekend. For those of you going through some stuff, I am thinking of you and praying for you. I will be back on Monday all bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready for another week, which would never be the same without my blogland family.
Have a good one!!!

it's a pity you can't have a new car...
i know how you feel about the kids travelling and not trusting anyone else with them! i'm the same, but unlike you i AM paranoid!
now get yourself a gorgeous satin pink bandanna and start a fashion trend by wearing it cowboy style!
Have a great weekend!
I am paranoid about my kiddos traveling with anyone but me.
Angel - The pink would definitely go with my outfit toady.....
Beads!! - Thanks, you too.
I love the smiley face illustration of your story :) Have a great weekend!
I can ASSURE you, from years of flying my step kids to and from South Africa to London and back (before they came to live with us), that they will be taken very good care of. The airlines are superb when it comes to unaccompanied minors. Our lives have so many similar threads and I acknowledge you, from the bottom of my heart, for the way you speak of these boys as your own children. I don't think anyone who is not themselves a step-parent, can understand what an undertaking this is.
As for your chorb - I don't mean to laugh but again, I relate. I get ones now and then that I say need their own postal code. Dab it with perfume - it dries it out. I have a manic weekend as well and probably won't even have time to blog until after it all. Enjoy everything - travel and drive safe and thanks for sharing. Hugs and Love. xoxox
Myutopia - Thanks - I used those cause Blogger wouldn't let me insert pictures. Glad you enjoyed them. Have a great weekend too.
Dawn - I so look forward to hearing from you always - you know just how to make me Laugh Out Loud!! Thanks for you kind words Dawn - it really means alot coming from you. To me they are my children because they have been with me from so young. Mark was juuust 4 and Sean was 18 months when we got married. But what you say is so true, only a step-parent can understand another step-parent. Not even my husband understands what it can be like sometimes. And you cannot explain it.
And please - laugh away!! Although I don't get chorbs like this one very often - this one is particularly HUGE and painful. What are we if we cannot laugh at things like this. And I will try perfume - never heard of that before. Thanks.
Yep, this it from me for the weekend too. And you must look after yourself. Have a wonderful weekend - however busy it may be.
Have a great weekend Spookie! Sounds like it's very full.
You must have a gr8 weekend and don't worry too much bout the boy's - they will be well looked after! Don't fret 2 much about the chorb, it will go away........eventually! Ordinary Prayer Warrior - Karen Frith.pdf
Just paste the above link on to the internet page and it should open - let me know it doesn't (my story).
Wow busy weekend - have a great one, may God really bless you!!!
Say hi to the pimple for me. :)
Hi Spookie,
For some reason it's taken me ages to get into the comments on your posts. Anyway, loved reading about your plans. As another step-parent, I know what you are saying completely. No-one knows what it's like till you are one. Everything you do and say can have an impact on these children's lives. It's quite a responsibility. Whilst Sam and Abbi live with their mum, I still feel a concern when they aren;t doing well at school, if they are bullied etc. And like a regular parent, I can get frustrated with them too.
I'm sure the boys will be fine on their trip. Will be thinking of you and them though.
Hi Spookie, I hope that all goes well for the boys. We let Rowan fly across Australia on his own when he was a minor, changing planes too and they actually deliverd him into our hands at the gate,not allowing him out of their sight.They will be fine. Just you take a valium!!!
May the peace that passes understanding, be yours.
How's the pimple??? Have you removed the bandit handkie yet!!!
Debs - Thanks, I did have a great weekend. It was pretty full, but last night's city celebration was the best!!
NMOTB - Thanks, I have heard many good reports that they will be looked after well. As for the Chorb - well it seems to be disappearing.
Karen - Thanks!! I will certainly do that. And i will let you know...
Darlene - Hello!!! oh, and "it" says hello too...narf - grrr
Bunny - So true. And thanks. It means so much to find other moms who understand.
Gail - Thanks for the testimony - it does put my mind at ease some. Oh and yes I have removed the bandit hankie - I took charge of the horrible thing that had taken up residence on my face and sorted it out. It is now a fading blemish. VICTORY is mine!! HA!
Thanks for dropping by with that great poem Spookie. Did you write it? Have the children arrived safely?
Hello Spookie,
I had you on my mind last night so said some prayers for you. Might sounds off the wall but felt you were battling some guilt, and that it was falst guilt. The Devil trying to heap heavy burdens on your shoulders to rob you of joy.
I pray that God refuels you today and that you have 'afterburner' too. Joy, joy and laughter too.
Hi!! I am sure the boys arrived without any problem. Did the perfume help the monster that took up residence on your face. I had a dream over the weekend that I had one ... and how about this - it hung off the bottom of my chin and LOOKED LIKE AN ORANGE TRAFFIC CONE. I think I need to up my medication, and you? Have a good week. xoxo
Hey Gail.
Been thinking about you. Hope all is well
hallooo, hope all went well and that the boy's have arrived safe and sound!
gail - I answered you on your comments - go check it out.
Karen - Oh My Goodness! The Lord truly is amazing. That is exactly what I have been dealing with - that and asking forgiveness from people I have wronged in the past. The Lord has really laid that on my heart. I have been going through a really HUGE internal struggle with guilt like you wouldn't believe, thank you for praying for me, I surely needed it. I have found my Joy ih Him again - thats for sure.
Dawn - Yes, they made it safe and sound. Thanks to my Life Saving Sister!!! And yes, thank you very much, the perfume did help. A traffic cone - sheesh something THAT big would definitely need it's own postal code. Luckily it was only a dream.
Bunny - I take it you meant Spookie. And thanks I appreciate that you were thinking of me.
NMOTB - YEP! All went well and the boys have officially started their holiday.
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