This is what our car looks like now.

What you can see here is the body damage. There is alot of engine damage too and the insurance company is really dragging their great big heavy feet with assessing our car. The first assessment they took they told us the body damage is R30 000. And when my husband asked them about the engine they said "Oh, is that also as a result of the accident too?"
Well DUH!!! I cannot understand them.Anyway - we are still waiting. And for now we are using Hubby's dad's car, luckily they have two cars. We are kinda hoping that the damage will add up to a write off, that way we can get a new car.
That would be nice.
Sorry to hear about your car....u know what insurance companies are like - quick to take your money but slow when it comes to paying out!!!!! Good Luck
Oh no! I'm very glad that God protected your family in this accident. God will bring back what has been stolen from you. He is the God of restoration. God bless.
nmotb - Thanks. We do know what they are like. It's just a bit annoying you know...
Debs - Yes Thank The Lord. Only my husband was in the car, but I am still thankful. And I am not worried - I now we will get it all back. The insurance companies just frustrate me a little.
That bites! Sorry you have to deal with all that hassel. Insurance people aren't always cooperative. I think that is part of their job description : ) Hope your car can be fixed quickly.
Universal problem - we have yet to have a successful inurance claim here in the States. They seem to have invisible small print which miraculously comes to life once you have submitted a claim. So glad happy wasn't seriously injured and I totally hope you get a new car!
Have a confession to make ... today for the FIRST time, since visiting your blog, noticed that it is 3 kitties in the pic - up until now, seriously thought it was one fat cat! Me think me should up my medication - I was shocked when I noticed!
P.S. Happy is your hubby's new name, did you know that!?! (Preview, preview, preview ... D for DUH!).
spookie, what a hassle. Thank God your husband was alright. Hope the insurance company gets their act together quickly for you. My girlfriend wants to know where in S.A. are you from???
Myutopia - Maybe I should apply for a job at an insurance group and that way I can get my hands on a job description. Then we could prove what we have suspected all along.
Dawn - Oh I am so hoping for a new car. That would be a treat. And as for Happy - well he has already started planing what car he wants to get...
LOL! I chose that picture of three kitties for my Three Boys. Although at the moment they seem more like three monsters. (I love hubby's new name - it's the irony that cracks me up!!)Please don't ever hit the preveiw button - your comments are such a treat when you don't. LOL!!! I mean look at the fabulous new name my hubby got.
Gail - Ugh, so do we. I am in PTA area. Where is she from?
Hi Spookie,
I feel for you and your husband. Glad that no-one got hurt.
As for insurance companies, I was in the position you were in about a year ago when a hit & run driver whacked my car and caused lots of damage to my Beetle.Insurance companies are always quick to take your money, never so quick in paying out when you need it! Hope yours get resolved soon.
Bunny - Ooo. A hit and run. Thats nasty. But I am sure this will be sorted out eventually. Hubby just told me we should be hearing from them today. Lets all hold thumbs....
Ok, HAPPY it is! I have to admit that I have had a few chuckles myself about this. I PROMISE - no more REVPIWE button - EVER. Have a HILARIOUS THURSDAY.
Dawn - Excellent!!! I look forward to many giggles!!
ouch doll... coulda been worse! sorry they're taking so long with the claim!
I tried leaving a comment and blogger wouldnt let me now I cant remember what it was.
As Swiper would say "Oh man!" (sorry I have been watching too many children's progs). Seriously the main thing is no one was injured, but these things are such a hassle.
Grrr. and Hugs.
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