Do you think it is a coincidence that these two words sound similar?? I think Mondays are Mundane and we all hate the Mundane don't we? Which is why we all hate Mondays! Doesn't it just make so much sense??
Mundane Mondays, thats what I will call them from now on, no more Blue Mondays, it is now Mundane Mondays. And to top it all this morning some freek crashed into my hubby - he is not injured, but the car is pretty banged up and now he has to go to the police and contact the insurance company and blah, blahblah, blah, blaaaah! Can you get any more Mundane than that? Twit, why didn't he look where he was going! Thankfully my hubby is fine - you can replace a car, but not a hubby.
At least this week will be a short one - WOOHOO - because Friday is a Public Holiday, and the Comrades Marathon is taking place. And Sunday is Fathers Day. (HEY another one: Sundaes and Sundays!! Sunday is my favourite day of the week, and Sundaes are yummy too and I love a choc-nut-fudge sundae, coincidence - I don't think so!!!) So if I can just make it through this Mundane Monday and then through the other 3 days left of this week I can sit back and enjoy the long weekend. This day is almost over, only 2 more hours to go - then I can go home - yawn....
wow- scary... so glad he's ok! does the car still go at least?
Angel - See, I am not sure what the extent of the damage is cause when I spoke to him after it happened he was still rattled and I just spoke to him again about 10 minutes ago and he says his head hurts. I do know that someone from work picked him up from the "scene". I gather the car is not really driveable and has to go in for serious repair. I can tell you, no-one is as glad as me that he's ok. A bit sore, but ok.
OH and btw everyone - I was calling the other driver a twit - not my hubby, it was the other guys error - not my hubby's. Just FYI...
Glad hubby is okay. Sending huggiezz your way sweetie. We need to make Monday's a happy day. Merry Mondays perhaps. :)
Yup - we could make it Merry Mondays - until some Twit rams you off the road cause he wasn't looking where he's going, then it just becomes a Monday - but I like the idea, maybe we could work on something together for next Monday...
Sorry to hear that your husband was in an accident. For awhile my hubby's car was hit like once a month and we have only had the car six months! I am having a sleepy Monday. I hit my peak performance around 10 and now at a quarter to one I am exhausted.
Really sorry to hear about the accident. Hope hubby feels ok - especially on Terrific Tuesday! Sometimes aches and pains take a day or two to surface. As you say though, the car can be replaced. Was in a funk today myself - it kind of felt like Morbid Monday for me. Now that I read over my words - the mood I am in actually makes Terrific Tuesday sound like a totally irritating concept.
thank God that He watches over all that is ours. He is so faithful! Hugs to you too, sweetie. Oh and sundaes are perfect when they're 'wet walnut' with a cherry on top. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Myutopia - Goodness, once a month. Now that can be seriously annoying. I sure hope you get some sleep soon.
Dawn - OK, so we got "Merry Monday", "Terrific Tuesday", what we gonna call Wednesday - "Wonderful Wednesday"!! Oh and Peach has a "Thankful Thursday" on her blog, which I love to read and Beads does a "Friday Fricasee" which is also really cool. I hope you are feeling less funky today, and btw I like the Terrific Tuesday thing - it cheered me up. :) I am waiting to hear what hubby says today about his aches and pains, and tomorrow. Thanks for caring.
Debs - Oh He sure is so Faithful. The first thing I did after my hubby phoned to tell me what had happened was thank the Lord that nobody was hurt.
Mmmm, that does sound like a yummy Sundae!!
Hi Spookie,
Glad your hubbie is okay. Horrible to happen though.
I can cope with Mondays.It's Tuesdays I find difficult. I have a theory.
Mondays you expect to be "mundane" really, it's the start of a new week.
Wednesday is the middle of the week so hurrah, it's nearly gone. Thursday is one step closer to Friday and the weekend.
Friday herald one day of work then rest.
Saturday and Sunday are great, time to oneself.
But Tuesday just sits there and doesn't really do anything. I think Tuesdays should be deleted!LOL
Bunny - Cool theory.
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