Wednesday, June 07, 2006


This morning I was reminded of something Marke used to do when he was about 3. He had us all totally baffled because he would run around playing and wherever he went he would shout “HIMBEYAAM!!!!” We tried for months to figure out what he was saying but eventually we just left it. When I was at my parents house they would ask what Marke was shouting, but I couldn’t tell them.
One day in the December holidays I was at home with the boys and we rented a whole bunch of movies to watch through the holiday, one of them was "Toy Story" and the one character Buzz Light Year says – “To Infinity, An Beyond!!” before flying. And then I clicked – Marke was shouting “And Beyond!!!” from the movie. I had such a good giggle at him and I was finally able to tell everyone what he was saying.
Now Sean often gets things wrong, and we often have a giggle at him. I remember when we watched Spiderman, the first one, and the part where Peter Parker discovers his powers and that he can shoot webs from his wrist and while trying to figure out how to do this he flicks his wrist and says “Up and away web!”, after the movie Sean was of course Spiderman all over the place and he flicked his wrist and said “uppellapieweb”. It was very funny.
And when Sean was small I was trying to teach him the difference between sniffing and blowing his nose because whenever I asked him to blow he would sniff and vise versa. And one day after watching the movie “In the Army” I was singing that song “John, Jacob, Jingleheimer Schmidt, that’s my name too…” to Sean and when I said "Schmidt" – he sniffed with all his might! I had to share this with someone so I called my mother, we were visiting there when this happened, to show her what he was doing and we sang the song to him together and every time we would get to Schmidt, Sean would sniff! “John, Jacob Jinglehiemer Sniff..." – is what he must have been hearing. It was hysterically funny. Poor kid must have thought we were mad.


L said...

Great sweet memories.

It took me the longest time to teach my son how to blow his nose he would do the same thing he would sniff instead of blowing LOL.

Unknown said...

When Macy Gray's song, "I Try" was a hit, I used to play it over and over in my car. I loved it. My son, Ross was a toddler in nursery school. One morning on the way to work and school, I had the tape playing and the next thing this little voice from the back blurted out, "I try to say goodbye and I SOAP," instead of "choke". It was adorably cute!

p.s. Will get to my letter list this week. Will let you know when it is done. Thanks. xox

Anonymous said...

remember "have a cookie..."?

Kelly said...

That's so cute!

Brigitte said...

Lori - It's funny how they battle with that, and once we teach them to sniff, thats what they seem to do for the rest of their lives.

Dawn - LOL!! Thats so funny. "I try to say goodbye and soap, try to walk away and I bubble...."

sis - Oh of course I do, no-one will let me forget lol!! :)

Myutopia - I just wish I could remember ALL the things they did and said over the years.

Unknown said...

SPOOKIE - That one get's you a Grammy Award - I NEVER thought of it, and it has been a household joke since it happened - about 6 years. Ha ha ha.

Brigitte said...

Dawn - A Grammy!!! Oh my, I don't what to say!! I should say thank you - to my team. My producer.... and my mom!! I am speechless, thank you (blowing kisses) this is such a wonderful surprise!!! And to Dawn, thanks for nominating me.

Jy Klip!!!