Tuesday, June 13, 2006


My friend went overseas for 9 months and I really missed her so, so much. Then one day I found this comment on my blog which was from her while she was away.

Anonymous said…
Ja - it sounds like you're leaving forever. *Nou weet jy hoe het ek gevoel toe ek vir jou moes koebaai se.

**Mis jou en Lief jou en this blog is just what i needed to stay in touch.

Lief jou

I know she was terribly homesick while she was there and I really missed her very much. The important thing is she is back – and I didn’t even know she was back until she came walking into my office the other day. I was so thrilled to see her, it was just what the doctor ordered. I cannot remember when last I was so happy to see someone.

There is no-one here at work that laughs with me the way she did – we were always in fits of giggles about lifts, robots, bubblegum, tekkies, flats and so much more. And she hadn’t been in my office for 5 minutes and we were peeing ourselves laughing again.

If your are British you will know what a Lift and a Flat is. A lift is an Elevator and a Flat is an Apartment. Robots are traffic lights, bubblegum is chewing gum and tekkies are sneakers – and we would laugh cause we imagined living abroad and being late for work one day and telling your boss the following: “Ja, my key got stuck in my Flat door and then I got Bubblegum on my Tekkie in the Lift and I was stopped by a broken Robot on the road…” And then we would laugh because the boss would not have a clue what you were on about.

You had to be there....

And every afternoon we would have tea at 4:00 pm in the kitchen. I can make a killer cup of tea - or "life saving tea" as she calls it.

She is a ray of sunshine who came into my life at a time when I really needed a friend like her. I had just found out sad news about my brother's baby and shortly after that my younger sister went through a huge crisis - two in fact and a very dear family friend passed away all around the time Reta came into my life. She was just there for me in a way no-one else could be at that time and she still brings sunshine into my life. When I had to give my Kitty away - she cried with me too. And when I almost lost my dad in the beginning of the year - she was the one I turned to. Even though she was far away and all I could do was e-mail her, she was again there for me. We have laughed together and cried together and she is very special to me.

We have the kind of bond that will survive distance, heartache and differences - no matter what we are experiencing or who we are at any given time, one thing remains constant, and that is our friendship.

Love you too Reta

*"Now you know how I felt when I had to say goodbye to you ".
**"Miss you and love you and…"


L said...

How beautiful Spookie isnt wonderful to have a friend like that.

I am a firm believer in having fun at the work place.

Unknown said...

Yussis china, how to make a chick blub first thing in the morning (my time!). It is so amazing to have friends like this. My soul mate friend, Denise is still in Jo'burg and I miss her for the reasons you outline here - the lag factor and the tears when needed. This is long for a comment but I think you will enjoy it. Two friends of mine shared a house in Joeys. Paul and Glenda. Glenda didn't have a phone in her room. I go there one Sunday to have breakfast with them and Paul says to Glenda, "Some oke phoned for you from Canada at about 2 this morning."
"Why didn't you wake me?" Glenda asked.
"Cos it was the middle of the night and I didn't feel like getting up." he said.
"What did you say to him?" She asked.
"What do you think I said," Paul continued. "I asked him 'are you mal china, the chick is dossing! and then I hung up." he explained.
I just packed up lagging and said, "oh that's brilliant. Let's see what part of that sentence the Canadian understood - are, you, the is - I would have at a guess."
It was really one of those you had to be there moments - but the three of us lagged all day and kept blurting out "are you mal china, the chick is dossing." the whole day.

I'm so pleased for you that your friend is back.

Brigitte said...

Lori - It is wonderful, and you have to have fun at work - there is no other way to get through a day if there is no fun!

Dawn - LOL!! You always make me laugh! Sorry - I didn't mean to make you blub. But I am happy you enjoyed the post today.
That is a very funny story - I bet that poor Canadian person never called back again.

I am still giggling...

AngelConradie said...

what on earth would we do without friends like that in our lives!

AngelConradie said...

dawn- that's priceless!

Brigitte said...

Angel - Yea, can you imagine life without them.... friends like that and sisters.

Kelly said...

I miss my old office mate. I like the new women just find, but it isn't the same. I only get to see my old office friend once in a blue moon. : (

Brigitte said...

Myutopia - Aaa, thats sad. It's funny how you just seem to connect with that one person out of all the others hey. At least you still see her - even if it is once in a blue moon. ;)

Anonymous said...

I started a new job yesterday, without brig, and it's just not the same. It even makes me miss Wrapsa! Ask brig - she will know...he he. nway, after i went for the interview, i told my mom "ek het vir brig gevra om te bid want as sy bid gebeur daar dinge". And.. i got the job. Today is my second day and just trust brig to have me all up in tears, reading her blog. People looking at me like im crazy - and im just like:" Tekkies and bubbelgum and ireland and baaaaaa waaaa haaaa. Man I LOVE THAT CHICK!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for comming into my life - but 'specially for making me a part of yours.