Tuesday, June 27, 2006


After a bit of a mad rush and not being able to get into my complex, keys getting misplaced, not finding the right floor at the airport and almost getting stuck in the lift at the airport we managed to get the boys on their flight on time - just! And all thanks to my sister. What would I have done without her - my arrangement for getting to the airport fell flat at almost the last minute so I had to phone her for help. She remained calm and collected the whole time while I was the one freaking out - yelling, swearing (terrible I know - I have apologised to the neccessary parties) and getting all worked up. By the time we got to my hubby I could feel the burning in my cheeks. I get all red and blotchy when I get stressed, angry or if I cry. And isn't it funny that when you are in a hurry your phone will ring every 3 minutes!! My phone NEVER rings - NEVER. But yesterday between 2:00 & 4:00 - it didn't bloody stop. Most of the time it was hubby asking "Where are you now?" I felt like tossing it out the window. "You know what? It's not my fault we are late. OK? Bye." - I snapped at him on our last telphone conversation and hung up. But he didn't even seem to notice that. That was just before we found him inside.
Sis - you were a star! I don't know what I would have done without you yesterday. You totally saved the day. At least I know now how it all works and luckily the "check in" line wasn't busy at all - there was no que. So I breathe a huge sigh of relief now that that is all over.
The boys landed safely and are already enjoying themsleves down at the beach.

Next time I will take the day off to do this whole thing.

I will be posting pictures soon.....


the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

Hey Spookie, I am glad it all worked out in the end! There is nothing you can tell me about rushing around! I do that for a living - that is why I am soooooo enjoying these holiday's! lol

Unknown said...

Shammme, man! It makes me mal when I have spent time and attention planning a "mission" and then for with nothing to do with my plans - it all turn to kak! Lagging at the blotches - really - funny description. Picturing red blotch steaming person throwing cell phone out of car window on highway. Good on your Sis though - handy to have someone around to ground you when you are losing it all over the place. Happy sounded understanding too. Glad it all worked out chines, was thinking about you oor die naweek.

Unknown said...

"and then for with nothing to do with my plans" .... yussis, who learned me to spoke Englanis? (ok that's how it came out and I promised I wouldn't preview ... it is 7.27am here, OK???) .... should read .... AND THEN, FOR REASONS THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MY PLANS

Brigitte said...

NMOTB - I love the holidys too. Quieter roads, sleeping a bit later in the mornings and not having to pick up the kids after work. But as rule I don't usually rush - hurrying is from the debil! (As waterboys mom would say)

Dawn - You know on Sunday I was already so nervous about the whole day and going on my own to the airport and all that - I just had a gut feeling that something would go wrong. AND I WAS RIGHT!!! But yes, luckily I had Happy and Sis to help me out.
Anyway, it's all over and done with now and I am chilling. I knew you were thinking of me. I was thinking of you too.

And with regards to your Englanis - I knew exactly what you meant to say. How cool are WE china!!?? I like the first version more."And then for nothing to do with my plans". You and me can like to spokes Englanis very deliciously, since the age of twice ek se.

Anonymous said...

spooks- i'm SO glad i was able to help u out... gotta love my bosses (compared to my old job, hey?)!!

dawn- "yussis" "kak" "lagging" "and then..." "chines" i had to restrain myself from laughing out loud (and then i had to clean my keyboard- yet again- due to giggle induced coffee fountain)!

Unknown said...

Ok .... stop ... please ... now I am on the floor - "since the age of twice" - what planet do you REALLY come from - and Sis - don't start on the keyboard, as I have mentioned before - turn mine over and shake it out, you skeem its got dandruff!! I actually can't stop laughing - I seriously think I need to get out more! Love you guys!!! xoxox

Unknown said...

Forgot to add ... Please tell Happy I said, "shweet broe, good one!"

Brigitte said...

Sis and Dawn - You guys crack me up!! It reminds me of this fishing info dvd that I watched with Happy and some afrikaans friends of ours on Saturday. Imagine a seriously afrikaans accent and wif and dif everything too.
"Now ve guy on ve moovi is a serious dutchman k and he is going to show us how to make Custarrd Pap, in his small kitchen wiff ve lanolium counter tops and ve gas lamp for extra light forra moovi. Once you have cooked ve pap in ve microwafe for a few moments (not minutes take note) you can like to take it out and turn it ofer a few times (that's stirr it) ven you can add 1 tit (not 1 tot) off fanilla essence and turn it ofer a few times again."

Those are just a few of the things I laughed at while watching this. And it is a serious dvd - not a mock up, I swear, the guy making the pap is a well known S.A fisherman erm, I mean Papswaaier. I was rolling with laughter. I cannot believe it even sold any copies - I will go and buy it just for a laugh. You gotta love this country....

Brigitte said...

You know, these comment make for better reading that the actual post. LOL

Kelly said...

glad to hear that even though things have been wrough that it all worked out.

L said...

Linda and I are always on the phone with each during something or another its comforting to have your sister on the other end of the line.

Masked Rabbit said...

Hi Spookie,

Really glad everything went okay in the end. I'm convinced there are gremlins that listen out for people when they have something to do with a time limit and then, up they pop to wreak havoc - little boogers!!!
Chill now, honey. You did it.

Brigitte said...

Myutopia - I was releived when it was all over - trust me.

Lori - Oh I know. I often think about how empty my life would be without my sisters. Yes, I have TWO!! They really are a comfort.

Bunny - And wreak havoc they did! But they didn't know who they were up against did they? There was nothing that would keep me from getting to that airport - NOTHING! I am chilling now, totally chilling.