None of what I did was intentional, but I caused hurt and pain for some people and I have never told them how truly sorry I am. Why had I not done that – well because that would mean facing up to them and admitting that what I did was wrong and hurtful and ask them to forgive me. It would mean putting my pride in my very deep pocket – and becoming very humble.

What I did was I set out to write some letters, partly because I know I won't be able to say what is in my heart without crying, and partly because when you put something like that down on paper - it seems to mean so much more. Anyway, after alot of prayer and thought I finally sat down and wrote the letters, four to be exact. One I still have to send off.
What I can definitely tell you is that the burden that has been lifted from my heart is unbelievable. I now know that I am forgiven and I know that the people I wronged hold no grudges. I mean they could have said no – no they won’t or no they can’t forgive yet. And then I would have to live with that. But the thing is the bible says that God can only forgive us as we forgive others – so if we don’t forgive, God cannot forgive us. (the Lords Prayer - Matt 6:12 "...and forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who tresspass against us....)
So it is a healing process for both parties. The forgiven is released of the guilt burden and the forgiver is in turn released of a grudge held.

that's a tough thing to do- i'm impressed by your courage!
Spookie, that's a very hard and wonderful thing you did. If they don't forgive you, you did all that God has asked. Let Him deal with them from there. God bless.
angel - It wasn't that tough when I let the Lord guide me.
Debs - They all have forgiven me, simply because what I wrote came from God. All glory be to Him alone!!!
Saying sorry and meaning it is very difficult. I always try to do it as soon as I know I'm wrong because the longer you leave it the harder it gets.
Well done on your mission accomplished!
Thanks for this post! :)
I am glad that you were able to make peace with people you have hurt.
You go girl, it takes a big person to do something like that!:-)
I applaud your courage. I believe an essential step toward achieving forgiveness is taking responsibility for your actions. I believe so deeply that only when you stand in your truth do you experience your own power and freedom. For me truth and freedom are one and the same thing. I am SO VERY HAPPY for you that you have achieved this peace with yourself which extends to other people in your life. HUGE HUGS. xoxo
Spookie, isn't God's Word amazing. When he tells us to forgive others or to leave our gift at the altar and go and make restitution its not because he is a harsh God but because He knows that these actions will bring our healing. Good on ya, for doing that.
Love Blue
Terri - It is hard, specially when you leave it for so long. These weren't just little screw up - to me anyway. They were really big and I have learned the best way is to say sorry immediatley - like you say, the longer you leave it the harder it gets.
Beads - Sure thing. I makes me happy that it meant something to you.
Myutopia - Me too - like you won't beleive.
NMOTB - Thanks! I feel BIG now too.
Dawn - Yes, "...for the truth shall make you free..." You are absolutely right there chines! Thanks for the hugs!!
Gail - His word never ceases to amaze me Blue. I am always so impressed with how poerful It is.
Oh, and BTW - I got SPAMMED!! Thats what has been deleted there. Just in case you were all wondering if I deleted someones comment. LOL!
Just saying "Hi " from Oz before heading for bed.BTW Angel's poem applies to me too!!!
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