I just love this song from Dumbo, my sister and I had some Disney stories on records when we were kids. On one side was the song from the movie and on the other side was the story. We just loved this song and played it stukkend!! Check it out…
It's the song the Crow's sing before giving Dumbo a "magic" feather to help him fly. We would mime to the song and act it out and pee ourselves laughing!!
Crow 1: “Did you ever see an elephant fly?”
Crow 2: “Hee – well I seen a horse-fly….”
Crow 3: “I seen a dragon-fly…”
Crow 2: “I seen a house-fly….”
Crow 1: “Yea I seen all ‘at too. I saw a peanut stand, heard a rubber band, I saw a needle that winked it's eye. But I think I will have seen everything when I see an elephant fly. “
Crow 3: “What you say boy?”
Crow 1: “I said when I see an elephant fly!!”
Crow 3: “I saw a front porch swing, heard a diamond ring, I saw a polka-dot railroad tie. But I think I will have seen everything when I see an elephant fly."
Crow 2: “I seen a clothes horse, he r'ar up and buck, and they tell me that a man made a vegetable truck”
Crow 1: “I didn't see that, I only heard. But just to be sociable I'll take your word “
Crow 3: “I heard a fireside chat”
Crow 1: “I saw a baseball bat”
Crow 2: “And I just laughed till I thought I'd die!!”
All Crows: “But I'd be done see'n about everything when I see an elephant flyyyyyyyy. When I see an elephant FLY!!!!!"

Oh, brings back such memories!!!
that's hysterical! i was giggling mself silly now. last night when i was leaving the office i was singing as i walked down the passage thinking i was alone... and i wasn't! thnk goodness i wasn't singing THIS song! mwaaaaahahahahaha!
sis - Glad you enjoyed it! And remember Jungle Book and that other song about all the animals who traded their voices with each other on those old records - hee!!
Thanks for sharing your memories Spookie! :)
I agree with my sis thanks for sharing your memories.
I love that movie!
Love it!
BTW, I tag you for the ABC meme. How about the letter "P"? In honor of Peach, of course!!
This reminded me of listening to the record (oy, showing my age) THE SNOW GOOSE when I was a kid. Feels like a gazillion years ago. Thanks for this - I was convinced my long term memory followed the placenta when I had my baby (sorry if that reads a bit gross).
Beads & Lori - I am happy to share!!
Myutopia - It is definitely a classic fave!!
Peach - Oh cool!! The letter P! I will get stuck in right away!!!
Dawn - No it's not gross, in fact I know how you feel. But i do thin that short term memory definitely goes with the placenta - LOL.
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