Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'M IT!!!

I been tagged by Angel, a Six Things list - so here goes:

1. I totally *"gril" for ice. When someone removes anything frozen from the freezer and it makes that sound - you know the two frozen surfaces scraping on each other - ugh, I get hairs on my teeth, goosebumps and my toes curl!! Same with taking ice out of the ice tray or chewing on it - just writing this gives me chills. Anything to do with ice - even if it is in a movie and even the sound of ice-skates on ice...I can't bare it!! Ice. Yup - weird, I know.

2. I have a thing/phobia for other peoples bodily fluids – spit, snot, sweat, blood, and any other you can think of – I want to just die if I come into contact with it at any time – vomiting has occurred at such encounters. I hate having to blow my childs nose for him - I want to disinfect my hands when I am done - it totally grosses me out.

3. I am allergic to all animals – yes including cats. And even though I suffered permanently when I had my cat I loved her too much to do anything drastic, until we moved that is. I really want another cat one day, and I will probably get one regardless of my allergies.

4. I am lazy when it comes to work, my filing piles up and I spend too much time doing other things (like blogging...). I can work really fast and I can catch up within half a day – so it doesn’t really worry me. But I am good with housework, that doesn’t really bug me to much at all, I have no problem doing that when I need to. I don't have a maid or anything so I do everything myself - and quite frankly, I don't think I want a maid either.

5. I am useless at anything mathematical. My math teacher wrote on my report card at the end of 9th Grade that he felt I would be a much happier student once I had dropped math. He was right – I was much happier.

6. Now this is a shocker - I don't have my drivers license yet - YIKES!!!! I know, I know - it is shocking, I think life just got in the way... you know baby's, children, no time - I don't know. When I looked again time had flown and I still hadn't done it. I am working on it - mainly cause hubby said when I get it I get a car!!! - maybe, I am holding thumbs though!! But trust me there will be huge celebrations when I do get it!!!

Now it's my turn to do some tagging, and I tag:

Beads - from Mississippi Mud Pie
Terri - from Terri's Web Stuff
Debra - From Soul Reflections
Peach - From Just Peachy

Have fun gals !!

* A South African term that originated from the Afrikaans word to explain something that gives you chills, makes your toes curl etc, like nails on a blackboard...


kyknoord said...

I have my license. Do you think Will hubby send me a car?

AngelConradie said...

i would never survive without my car!

Terri said...

Ice??! tee hee!
The car thing, well, I'm amazed. And when you do get one, make sure you go for something worthwhile. I think you'd look good in a Porsche ;-)

Brigitte said...

KN - Hmmm... I think if I asked him in the right way he just might, know what Imean, nudge, nudge, wink,wink.. ;D

Angel - I could never survive without my....... ok, your right, a car would be vital in my survival kit.

Terri - oooooh, a porsche - even better a ferrari, or a topless mini, or, no no wait - a sexy little Audi TT, silver, - yea - now that I can picture.....

Pam said...

I'll do the tag sometime this weekend -- today maybe. Thanks!