I know, cause yesterday I moved a mountain!
Ok, for those who don’t know, my husband has never – except on two occassions, attended church with me and my boys. And as the kids get older it is becoming more and more difficult to get them to keep going, cause the whole "do what I say don't do what I do" thing doesn't work with kids. And boys want to be with and do what Dad does. It has been on my heart and mind so much lately that I had come to the point where I had to do something about it. So I decided I would wait for an opportunity to talk to him about it, cause you see I don’t believe in nagging. I wait until the opportunity presents itself then I try to take it from there, cause this means confronting him – and I am not good with confronting people, about anything!
Anyway, yesterday at work I sat and made notes (yes I make notes, I can't remember what I want to say if I don't) about what I was going to say to him and how I would approach the subject without making him feel like I was attacking him or make him feel like a bad parent when I got a chance to do so. You see I feel that setting a solid foundation for children in a family and church life is one that, if they should stray one day – and we pray that they will not – they will return to. The bible says – Train up a child in the way that he should go and he will not depart from it. And in today’s world with the pressures our children face, they will need this kind of foundation.
And in the past when I have spoken to my husband about church he would get all uptight and irritated about it and not want to talk about and he would point out that he doesn't want to go and so on and so on, but what I wanted him to understand that this was about our children. It was not about him. As parents we will be held accountable before God oneday for our children, my husband will be accountable for himself, for what he has done and decided. I am not accountable for him - but i am for my children. I wanted to tell him that I would not stop him from fishing, but I felt that a few hours on a Sunday was a very small price to pay for your childrens lives.
And when we got home yesterday afternoon there was a letter from the school informing us that Marké has been misbehaving a bit and has skipped on some homework. My hubby dealt with him – and very well I might add, and then later said to me that there must be something we can do to prevent this happening again or getting worse.
All of a sudden (and I have learned that we must be prepared for the "suddenlies " - if there is such a word - of God) I was faced with an opportunity to speak to him! I was scared – terrified, that I would make a mess of it. So I sent out a prayer request and spent some of my own time in prayer and when I did speak to him he agreed with me and agreed that he would start coming with us to church, apart from maybe one Sunday a month when he would be fishing!!!
It was so much easier than I imagined it would be, and I really feel like I moved a mountain – maybe a small one, but still a mountain.
God is faithful and when we wait on Him we grow in faith – and we can move mountains!!!!

I am so happy!! I just want to squeez him tight and tell him how happy he has made me!!! Which I did btw - he knows I am happy, I just don't think he realises how happy I am!!!!
Praise the Lord for keeping His promises and answering your prayers. I pray now that your husband's heart will be open on those Sundays he is in church and that God's Word will penetrate that heart on His behalf.
Good for you for taking advantage of a "suddenly". I love that!!
That's wonderful! God works in mysterious ways.
i am so happy for you! looks like all your hard work wil finally start paying off a litle...
I love that you saw the opportunity and took it. I really believe that when we get ok with ourselves about things, the people around us do as well, without even having to do anything about it. You were so clear that you needed to have this talk, that the powers that be put the opening for it in your path. When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I experienced the power of what it feels like to have your prayers answered. I believe that a family who prays together, stays together and I hope yours grows from strength to strength - all power to you.
Peach - Thanks for your prayers my friend.
Myutopia - God is Good hey.
Angel - Looks like it, I will have to keep worjking hard though - no slacking off for me.
Dawn - It wasn't easy - trust me, but if I let the opportunity pass I may never get another one. I also am a strong beleiver in prayer and prayers being answered. It is a wonderful expereince when that happens.
kewl beans! Halfway around the world He still works the same! I taught a class one time on I Peter 3. I've tried to live the 'without a word' for a long time and got frustrated last month and demanded to see where my faith was working. My husband came to Easter Service, on my birthday and almost came last week but our pastor was gone. Through kids, music or whatever...God will get them if we want Him to. Hallelujah!
Debs - Thats right, we have a faithful loving God. I peter 3 is a tough one to live out - but I believe it is the best way to get through to your husband, and anyone else for that matter!
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