I was listening to John C Maxwell yesterday on the radio and he was talking about fears. He mentioned a survey that was taken of the top 10 fears. I thought this was interesting, they are in this order:
1) Public Speaking

2) Heights

3) Insects

4) Financial problems

5) Deep Water

6) Sickness

7) Death

8) Flying

9) Loneliness

10) Dogs

I would say that my fears are numbers 3 & 4. What would yours be?
I know some people will probably look at this list and not see any of their fears here or will see all of them and be able to add some too. But these are just the top 10 Wosrt Fears, or Most Common, that is why some are not mentioned here. Cause they are not often heard of.
If you have a fear that is not mentioned here let me know what it is - like an Irrational Fear of Bananas or something - don't laugh, I heard of someone before with this kind of fear!!
I used to have a really irrational fear of fire but it seems to have abated recently. Not wild about heights but I love being high up. I guess it's not so much a fear of height as a fear of falling!
Ugh, and those big horrible rain spiders we get in SA eeeeuuwww!!!!
#5 and #7 and SPIDERS!
Great post:
Mine is loosing someone I love and hieghts
Terri: Yup - Bananas. I have never encountered thos spiders. Hope I never do...
Lori: How human would we be if we feared nothing??
Myutopia: Thanks - HA, I just changed the font on this comment window and I don't know how I did that....
small spaces... i can't even like a sleeping bag!
Insects and deep water and also confined spaces. On an OPRAH show I once saw a woman who was PETRIFIED of balloons - I swear - BALLOONS!! Have a good weekend!
angel - It's funny that claustraphobia wasn't on the list?
dawn - I can sort of identify with the balloons - I have NEVER liked them. My dad also totally hates the things. Perhaps that where I get ti from.
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