I have been tagged by Peach from Just Peachy to do the ABC’s meme! I really had fun doing this one. And I enjoyed reading Peach’s too. I wont keep you any longer, here it is……
Accent: I have great a South African (Souf Efriken) accent, but when I think about things to myself I use my very own accent. Kind of a mix between French and German. And sometimes I use an American accent too. You all think in funny accents too hey, don’t you?
Bible Book that I like: Oooh, at the moment I love Esther (Hadassah), she is such an inspiration. But it changes regularly depending on which book I am studying.
Chore I don't care for: It used to be washing the dishes, but now I have a dishwasher, so I can’t complain about that anymore.
Dog or Cat: A kitty of course. And I have to agree with Peach on their low maintenance qualities. They are superior to dogs in most ways and are so easy to keep.
Essential Electronics: CD player , DVD player and my Computer. I gotsta have me some music and some movies, and of cousre I have to, have to Blog!
Fragrance (Cologne): I wear an old favourite all the time, I never buy anything different, and I am often told I smell good – it’s the “Body Mist - Serene” deodorant, my cologne/perfume is my hubby’s favourite Passioné, it is divine! But this I save for special occasions.
Gold or Silver: Gold. I wear gold most of the time, all my rings (only 3) my hubby bought for me, my chain with the cross on too, and my charm bracelet. My watch my grandmother bought for me for my 21st and had it engraved, I treasure it. I wear silver now and then, but I don’t have much silver.
Handbag I carry most often: I only have one, a black leather one which I love but I just realised how absolutely wrong wrong wrong that is!!! I think I really need to get some more bags into my wardrobe and accesorise a bit more.
Insomnia: No, not insomnia, but when I have a lot on my mind, then I do battle to sleep sometimes. I do know how it feels to watch the clock all night, knowing that you have not had any sleep, dreading the day ahead.
Job Title: Mamma, Loving Wife, Documentation controller (the last one sounds so boring compared to the others!)
Kids: Three – Marké 13; Sean 9 and Donovan 6.
Living Arrangements: A South African suburb. In a beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse with a garden and a pool. And no we do not have wild animals roaming around and we do have tarred roads and shopping malls and cars.
Most Admirable Trait: Compassion and love for people I know and don’t know, even for people I have not even met yet.
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: My mom got perfume samples from her sister’s trip to Paris and my sister and I decided to play Doctor Doctor or something with them and emptied them all – poor mom.
Overnight hospital stays: When I was in school I was hospitalised for about 2 weeks with pneumonia, and one time when I broke my arm I had to stay overnight. And when I had Donovan I was in for 5 days.
Phobias: Flying Bugs, I cannot like those. I am afraid they will get tangled in my hair – shudder!! And confrontations, this is very hard for me, my mouth gets dry, my heart beats faster, I get cold sweats – really, all jokes aside.
Quote: I have learned that the Holy Spirit is our Prayer Warrior, because when we are so afraid or worried that we don’t know what to pray the Holy Spirit speaks for us and intercedes on our behalf before God. – Yours Truly
Religion: I am a Christian. A Born Again Spirit Filled Christian
Siblings: One brother, seven years younger than me who lives around the corrner from me and I have a sister, five years younger than me, she lives about an hours drive away from me, and an older sister, 14 months older, she lives about 10 minutes away from me, but just up the road from my parents home.
Time I wake up: I wake up at 6:00, then lie in until 6:15, but this morning I told my hubby that we must not do that anymore, those 15 minutes really make a difference on the children’s morning routine.
Unusual Talent or Skill: I can remember names and faces really well. I can remember the names of the people I was in grade one with. I can even remember the school songs for primary school and high school. I can learn a new song very quickly and can pick a harmony easily too.
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Cauli fluaer and Brussel Sprouts – YUCK!!!! Oh and cooked carrots, ugh!!!
Worst Habit: Leaving my shoes on the floor instead of just putting them in the cupboard
X-rays: I've had everything exrayed.
Yummy Stuff I Cook: I make a yummy chocolate cake; apple pie; lasagne; macaroni & cheese; shepherds pie and crumpets.
Zoo Animal I Like Most: I don’t like wild animals in the zoo. I love the farm section, specially for the children – they get to pet the animals and feed them etc. I just get sad to see elephants and lions etc in cages.
Now I am supposed to tag someone, but seeing as I just tagged a few days ago – I will not tag this time. If you think this one is fun to do – then go for it!!

Well there goes my theory of you having wild lions, tigers, elephants and zebras runnin thru your neighboorhood. LOL!
I am just kiddin with ya.
Oh ya if you ever get over here you must come cook everything you just mentioned. They are some of my fav. foods.
Can you tell me what is in Sheperds pie? I have not had it.
Beads - Glad I could clear that one up for you - LOL, I will most definitely cook for you -as long as I can stay there when I visit. (will cook for a place to sleep)
Shepherds pie is also known as Cottage pie. It is mince with veggies cooked together then you place it in a bowl and put mashed potatoes over the mince and I add grated cheese over that too and bake it for about 20 minutes in the oven. You can make your mince any way you like - your mash too. It is really yummy - and a winner every time, specially in the winter. ENJOY!!!
teehee- i wish i could remember the perfume thing- i do remember mom talking about it though...
mwaaaahahaha- maybe i should start thinking in a different accent!
Must defentially Spookie I will even put ya up in the lil cabin we have here. :)
Thanks I must try shepperds pie now.
sis - It's one of the few things I do remember from our childhood - you remember more than I do cause I was on all those meds.
angel - vooch agsent vood joo lyke to trry dahlink (rolling rr)... hee
beads - Cool! A lil cabbin!! I can like that. Let me know what your shepherds pie was like.
Oh my goodness - what I wouldn't give to spray my entire body with BODY MIST. That was a real blast from the past for me and I can just see their ads in my mind's eye - if remembering correctly ... one with a gorgeous gal and a whole troupe of sailors following her luscious scent! This was a really fun list. Something I recently added to my cottage/shepherd's pie recipe which makes it so lekker/yummy is to put a layer of sweet potato (not used as frequently in jungle territory as in the USA) - but easily available in SA as far as I can recall. It really enhances the dish. Based on your book preference, if you haven't already read THE RED TENT by Anit Diamant, I think you would really smaak/like this one.
ok - lesson for the day - use the PREVIEW button ... sorry, forgot to finish the sentence - I add that layer of sweet potato just under the mash; and it is ANITA not Anit, Diamant.
Dawn - Yes I remember the ads too. And for a while I couldn't find any Body Mist ANYWHERE - about 4 months, I was frantically searching for another fragrance that I liked as much - but to no avail. Luckily it was back to the shelves again - phew!!
I will definitely try the sweet potato with my shephards pie - that sounds really yummy. Your right, there is no shirtage of it here.
Thanks for the book suggestion, I will try to get my hands on it. As soon as I have it I will let you know.
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