I used to do reception and switchboard here at work - when I started here 8 years ago. And because of this I am often asked to help out on the switchboard. Sometimes if the receptionist just needs to go to the bathroom quickly, or make coffee she diverts all calls to me and I can answer the switchboard from my office.
Now most of you know that I find it very funny when someone says something and you hear something completely different, and it doesn't make any sense. Like if I say "Red Means?" and you hear "Red Beans?" - it can be quite puzzling hey?
Ok, so here's what happened:
The receptionist, Sonika (thats her name), put the switchboard on divert to my office so she could go and make coffee quickly. Another man who is a manager here phoned reception and naturally came through to me, realising the switchboard was diverted he said:
"It sounds like your in the toilet or something"
I giggled and said "Pardon?"
So he repeated his statement, and I giggled again - trying very hard not to laugh out loud, and said "no?". He then said, "Ok..... well ask her to phone me when she gets back." And suddenly I clicked! He had been asking "Is Sonika in the toilet or something?" and there I am laughing at him and making no sense what so ever. When he hung up the phone I really laughed! I felt so silly, later I went to him and explained what I had heard and he said that he also then understood why I was laughing when he asked me something so simple. We both laughed about it and then there was an awkward silence - so I went back to my office.
Maybe it will teach him to speak clearly and not mumble so much....
I had a work colleague who, as nasty as this sounds, was really far from pretty. She had brown hair. One day, her very blonde teenage daughter came to visit at the office and she was truly a beautiful young girl. My comment was, "Your dughter is so beautiful - she must look like her Dad." After the daughter left, I played the conversation over again in my head and decided I would not go try explain myself, after all, what was I gonna say - "What I meant was, that given how different your daughter's coloring is to yours, I assume she looks like her Dad. I really wasn't implying that how could somone like yourself (she was really THAT not pretty) have a daughter this gorgeous." The joys of opening your mouth to chage feet.
Good story. My boss started off as the front desk person and now she runs the entire agency.
that's hysterical!
makes me think of the time i answered the phone at my old job and the person requested was unavailable- so i asked to take a meSsage. the guy said "yes, tell him elephant called."
i'm trying hard not to giggle... "pardon?"
"elephant." he says again.
now i'm on the verge of guffaws- "sorry, i can't hear you very well- can you spell it for me please?"
"I-N-N-O-C-E-N-T" he says loudly and clearly.
i thank him profusely, hang up the phone and collapse on the floor- unable to tell anyone what the hell i'm laughing at!
your seat's further back than mine...
dawn - Oh that's funny, I wonder if she noticed, or thought she was less than pretty....
Myutopia - OH wonderful - So there is hope for me yet!!!
Angel - It's like my hubby who wrote Cithdert on a clients film packet cause the man spelled his name out in afrikaans... it should have been Cuthbert, there were 11 film packets...each one was named Cithdert. I peed myself laughing at him!!!
Sis - What? You seem to be forever baffling me???
You're too funny!
Debs - I am glad I could bring a smile to your lips!!!
That is funny!! Was thinking about you this morning. I haven't had a chance to drop by till now. Have a great day Spookie!
Beads - Thanks!! I did have great day - I went shopping, ok it was only grocery shopping - but still, shopping is shopping!!
Yep shopping is shopping and hey you can get some good stuff grocery shopping like CHOCOLATE!!! :)
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