Not a bad weekend – aside from a difficult teenager who I was tempted to shove into a box and ship off the North-pole!!! I had a pleasant weekend - regardless.
I went and did a bit of shopping and bought a new duvet cover set – beautiful oranges and reds and of course – new curtains to match!! It looks stunning!!! – I will try to put pictures up to show you. I also got a new kettle, toaster and snack-which (spelling??) machine. What a bargain – all in one box for a really good price, and yes we did save cause we first checked the prices of the single items to see if we were being suckered.
Last night my sister came over for some pizza and some girly bonding – guys, if you are reading, this is where you should close off now. We did pedicures and manicures and hair!! It was really good fun too. Thanks for a lovely evening sis!! Love you.
I also went to church and spent a bit of time having tea with my folks and we giggled about old movies.
My hubby went fishing and promptly buggered off with my wallet!! So the boys and I had no cash available. I wanted to get us some KFC and a movie on Saturday night – but alas, no money!! We ended up eating popcorn and chips and other nibblies while watching a movie on TV – blegh!!
My parents have bought themselves a motorbike.
It’s to go traveling on – I swear there was some kind of mental telepathy there between Terri and them. Anyway I don’t know yet what kind of bike it is but as soon as I can I will put pictures up for you all to see. I know it is something my dad has always wanted to do.
And then this morning on *Morning Live – anyone watch that this morning?? They interviewed a guy named Tom Eaton (I think, if memory serves me well) and he has apparently written a very funny book called “The De Villiers Code” I think he is very clever and from what they discussed it sounds really good. I think I would like to read this one. It contains murder, mystery, and all that, but laced with all the South African lingo and humour too. This is his first book to be published and I think he will do very well.
Oh and on Friday I took these pictures form my office window, it was cold on Friday, today is warmer - and we are promised 3 days of warmer temperatures.

So, that’s about all from my weekend, Hope you all had a god weekend too.
Have a good Monday!!
* Morning Live - a morning breakfast show containing news, weather and various interveiws or coverage of other events in South Africa.
i love the flag behind the tree!
m&d have ordered a kawasaki 900 cruiser... although dad insisted i wouldn't be able to google it i tried anyway. if they've ordered the one i found i'm VERY VERY jealous- its gorgeous!
So do your folks wanna join us on a tour around Europe in August? lol!
Know what I like about your pics? When I look at them I can actually feel the SA winter.
Yikes it looks cold. Hey wait is that a zebra in the 2nd pic?? Ya know I am just kidding with ya. :)
I love getting a good deal, when shopping. I too did some shopping this weekend. For books of course.
sis - I think they are mad, personally. Specially after moms friend had that huge bike accident this weekend...
terri - Ny dad would join you in a heartbeat - if he could, I am sure of it. Wow, what a compliment, thank you very much. I did take them just for you, you know... as per your request.
Beads - Yup - it is cold. A Zebra - ha ha, thats funny beads!!!
Myutopia - A good deal just makes a shopping trip so much more worthwhile.
Terri - I meant My dad, of course...
And what about your little one puking all ova my house on Saturday? The little darling. It was so lekker having him snuggle up in my bed with me! I love him so much!Daddy Darling had the runs last nite - must've been a bug around .....
There is and has been a bug going around, lots of kiddies have had it - from what I have heard from the other mommies here at work.
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