I am His Precious Daughter. I am loved by Him unconditionally and I have felt His love and heard Him whisper it in my ear. He always has time for me. He is never too busy when I need to talk. I long to be with Him all the time – I am addicted to Him. I love to worship Him and spend time with Him in prayer. He is the greatest Father so loving and gentle. I can tell Him everything and He will never judge me. He will not love me less because of what I may have done before. He is my Great Eternal Constant the Lover of My Soul. The one I will turn to whenever I need comfort. I can confide in Him and talk to Him and He listens intently to every word. He knows my heart, my dreams and my desires. He knows every hair on my head. He knew me and had planned my life with good works for me to do even before I was formed in my mother’s womb!! My face is constantly before Him because He has carved it into the palm of His hand. He has blessed me with talents to use only for His glory. When I tell Him I love Him, His instant response it that He loves me too. I don’t have to wait to hear it and I never doubt it.
Who am I – I am His Beloved. That is what He calls me.
ME !!!!!
There is nothing stronger, more comforting and nurturing than ones faith. I acknowledge your commitment!
Dawn- Couldn't have said it better if I tried.
I hope you don't mind but i just wanted to tell someone how I feel at the moment. I don't expect you to reply or react to it if you don't want to.
I am 21 years old, male, Leeds, UK. I have been a Christian for nearly 9 years after watching a show called 'Heaven's Gates, Hells' Flames'. Came from a council estate background, crim rife, drug abuse etc. My dad commit suicide when i was 7/8 yrs old. I'm the oldest of 5 children. The reaosn I am telling you this is so u can better understand my situation. I was cery active in church, loved God with all my heart, I really did. Even though I was persecuted at school for my faith i didn't care! I loved Jesus and wasn't afraid to stand up for him. However this is a few years ago now and a lot has happened since. I was married at 19 divorced at 21 due to her infidelity, pastros moved to florida so new pastors took over but not very 'relatable' more to older end of spectrum. My spririt was absolutely crushed with divorce, all debt she left me in. As an idealist i found this very hard to deal with - why did it happen? It shouldn't happen to me etc. So that and other factors have contributed to me losing my way with God. I don't feel I know who God is at all at the moment. I still go to church every week, I led worship last week and I always play guitar and sing but I definately feel I'm just going through the motions, that I am g'getting there' gradually with god DESPITE going to church as i seem like a scapegoat at the mo if anything goes wrong in the church, it is all one family in the leadership. I dont know if I am depressed but I am definately confused. Who am I? What does God want me to do with my life? I don't know if I want the Christian life anymore, should I just pack it all in, it's better that than being two-faced with God. But even if I did do that, I would have a big gaping whole, bigger than i have now. God is everything i stand for, my values. I do have memeries of his marvelous prescense, his power at work in ,y life but now he just seems so far away I don't even know where to start. Sometimes I think I am talking to God and I in fact just talking to myself. sat=ying all this, I have plans to go to thailand for bible college in 2 or 3 yrs if that is what he wants me to do! i am not even sure of that! How do I know what God wants me to do? I though God wanted me to get married, we did it all according to his word but look how that ended up. I am very confused/paranoid and lost at the moment. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate being able to tell someone who can know (somewhat) what it is like.
Dear Simon,
Your comment just broke my heart. You really have been through a lot haven’t you? I know how it feels to feel far from God, I felt like that for many years – all because of things I had done. God never leaves us, we are the ones who turn away from Him. When I look back on my life and the things that happened, He was always there – I just didn’t want to acknowledge Him. I felt alone, unworthy, detestable and depressed. Yet He continued to call me to Him. He was always there waiting for me to come back to Him – just like the story of the prodigal son – only I was a prodigal daughter.
I have found my way back to Him – and it has been a long healing process of confessing everything to Him – sins, hurts, fears, anger. Everything. I poured out my heart to Him. I too missed His presence in my life so desperately.
Simon, He did not cause all these things to happen in your life, He loves you too much to allow things like this. But because people have a free will, we make our own decisions – regardless sometimes of who it will hurt. I had to face up to my husbands ex-wife last week – finally. To tell her how sorry I am for hurting her and to ask her forgiveness. Which she gave – but that’s beside the point. What I am trying to say is that I made a decision many years ago that caused pain – tremendous pain in another persons life. I knew what I was doing was wrong – but I did anyway. Why – I will never be able to tell you that.
The key to beginning your healing process is forgiveness. Dear Simon I know how difficult that can be – I have had to deal with my own issues of unforgiveness. I literally sat down and made a list of people who had hurt me and what they had done and then in prayer before God, I named each person and handed them over to Him. I forgave them and I left that burden with Jesus. I don’t talk about those things because I don’t really remember them anymore. I do remember how light I felt after letting it all go. Unforgiveness is like taking poison and hoping the other person will die, when you are the one dying slowly inside.
I know it sounds really hard – but you know it isn’t really that difficult to do. Go back to Jesus Simon. He has not left you. Don’t allow your anger and pain to blind you to His perfect will in your life or to His love. You know He loves you and you know that He has not deserted you. You are very brave to have come out and talked about it, that is your first step.
If you feel like you are not leading in worship as you should be at the moment speak to your Pastor or Deacon or Lead Elder and ask them what they think you should do. Your church family is very important – don’t try to hide what you are going through from them – they will love you through all of it.
I will keep you in my prayers and I will wait to hear from you soon with the happy news that you are well on your way to letting go.
In Christ - Spookie
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