Well the reason I was so tired on Wednesday is because I was coming down with something. I went to the doctor on Thursday and I was booked off with a throat infection. I feel better now (that's what this picture's all about) and I have had some relaxing days off at home and some quality time with my boys. I quickly borrowed my sisters laptop to do this quick post to let you all know where I have been.
This weekend I watched "Bee Season" (weird??) "Pride & Prejuduce" (which was stunning - I watched it twice) "Zathura" and "Sky High", I finished my book by Jodi Picoult called "Plain Truth" which was excellent too. I still have a seriously runny nose but I am looking forward to reading all your blogs and catching up on all I missed.

Hello, glad to hear you are still wiff us! Thanks for your piece in the story!!
I am very relieved to hear that, although you haven't been feeling too lekker - everything is ok. I was getting worried about you!!! Welcome back. I watched Bee Season about two weeks ago and by the end of it asked myself how dof am I really - I don't know if it was too arty or too intellectual - but it went way, way over the top of my head! Hope you feel perfectly well soon. xoxo
Hope you are feeling better to have a good weekend.
Hi Spookie,
Glad to hear you are on the mend. Bugs are miserable things to get over but sound like you are much improved. Keep getting better.
glad you're back & feeling better!
NMOTB - Thanks,and your welcome!!
Dawn - Ja, about that movie, I don't know so much what it was - I mean I could follow what was happening through most of the story but the ending sprt of left be feeling a bit baffled. It just ended all of a sudden. It was strange, good, but strange.
Thanks for your wishes - I am feeling MUCH better.
Lori - I had a very quiet weekend. Which was just what I needed really.
Bunny - Thanks Bunny! I plan to.
Angel - I am glad to be back too. LOTS of catching up to do....
Hope that you fully recover soon, Spookie.
I enjoyed looking at your photos!!
Love Blue
I loved Pride & Prejudice too. Glad u had a good weekend even if you were sick - sounds like you needed the rest.
Glad you are feeling better. Pride and Predjudice is awesome (the BBC mini-series). Colin furth is the deifinitive Darcy!
Are you feeling better now?? Hope you are :)
Spookie...so sorry you were sick! Take care of yourself, girl. We miss your bright eyes and sweet smile. Hey, that could almost be a song!
Just wanted to say thank you for the good wishes - appreciate them and having you in my life!!! xoxoxo
Get well soon! Ah the joys of lurgies! Looking forward to more of your postings :-)
Gail - I can say I am better now, glad you enjoyed my photos!!
Terri - I did have a good weekend, lots of R&R. As you say it was needed.
Myutopia - And isn't he just too divine!!! I cannot remember the name of the actor who played Mr Darcy in the movie - but he was divine.
Gareth - I am. Thank you.
Debs - Cool!!! A song for me.
Dawn - I appreciate you too china!! Kisses!!!
Karen - All better thanks. :)
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