I pray your protection over all the little children of the world. Protect them form mistreatment, abuse, child labour, war, disease and death. For little ones who have been abused and mistreated we pray for your healing in their spirits and their bodies. For little ones who have been abandoned and are living in the streets we pray your protection and warmth in the cold Lord. We pray that they will find shelters for children where they will be cared for. For all the children who are in orphanages and children’s homes who are waiting and wishing and longing for a home we pray that you would soften the hearts of parents and families to adopt or foster a child. For all the children in war torn countries we pray your protection Lord. For children are the only true innocents Lord and they are the NOW GENERATION not the next generation. Father all those little hearts that don't know you yet - reveal yourself to them Father as you did to me when I was so very young. Open the eyes of the hearts of children in non-Christian countries that they will recognise you as the only true Living God. Raise up soldiers for Your army Lord. Raise up leaders in the countries ALL over the world. Father for each and every child in the world today - born and unborn I pray today. For you love all the children and long for them to be yours. For all the teenagers who are lost and searching and feeling like they don't belong and unloved - reveal yourself to them too Lord - right now Lord, where ever they are at this moment Lord. For Jesus, you were once a child too and understand what is in their little hearts and minds. All any child wants in any language or colour is love and warmth, food in their bellies and a Heavenly Father who loves them. Your love and Protection covers all areas Lord and I pray these things for and over the children of the world. Be with them Father and keep them safe. In Jesus Name,

Come to Jesus as a little child and have faith in Him as little child, crawl up onto His lap and rest your head on His chest. Listen to His heart speak to yours and know that He is love and He loves you.
He longs to spend time with you like this….. don’t you long for it too?

That is so beautiful!
Lovely post.
What a lovely post.
A beautiful writing,Spookie. And aren't we all children in need of our Heavenly Father?
Just looking in and seeing how Spookie is doing. We have used the same picture - the black and white with Jesus and the Little Children (see my posting Turn your eyes upon Jesus Part II).
This is a beautiful posting.
NMOTB, Dedra & Myutopia - Thank you
Gail - Yep - that we are!!
Karen - Wow! Thats cool.
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