Yea baby yea!! It's weekend!
I am so ready for this weekend. I feel like I have been waiting 100 years for the weekend. This week has just been so long - I can't understand why.
My kiddos are coming home today!! The house has been very quiet without them. And you know, I know they have watched all kinds of movies I would never let them watch and played playstation games I would not let them play - but I am not going to get all up in their faces about it. I guess she (their mom) lets them watch and play all those things to not be "uncool" with them. I am just going to let it go this time. I will not allow the enemy to get between us with these small things.
On Sunday I am going to watch a Beetles show at the barnyard theater with my mom and some of her friends! I am totally looking forward to that! France plays Italy in the World Cup FINAL on Sunday too - anyone been following the Football?? (The British apparently get pretty miffed if you call it soccer - I learned that while watching "The green Street Hooligans" with Elijah Wood, BRILLIANT movie btw) I am hoping to watch the game - although I will probably be at church.
I have no plans for Saturday - just some washing and a bit of housework and so on. As far as I can remember there is nothing on, on Saturday. I am busy reading one of Jody Picoult's books - can't remember what it's called now..... but it is very good. I am looking forward to having some good reading time tomorrow too. I don't get much time to read and if I do get a few hours in I really enjoy it.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Take care, I will be back on Monday again

Have a great weekend Spookie!!
Have a great weekend! Enjoy the noise your kiddos will return to your house : )
Beads - Thanks, you too!
Myutopia - Thankd, you too. They popped here at the office to say ello to me on their way home from the airport. It was good to see them again.
Have a great weekend Spookie, it's been good speaking to you this week (via posts of course). Would love to email you but you don't have email on your profile. I, however, do so if you fancy a chat, just send a message to my email address on my profile.
Cheers babes
Sounds like a great weekend. I'm just gonna chill and do the last of the unpacking... maybe.
Oh and tomorrow night I'm taking Cinderella to see a show called "Queen at the Ballet" - it's a ballet set to the music of Queen and if I'm not mistaken it's being danced by the Cape Town Ballet Company. Nice to see some SA talent here in Dublin.
Have a good one. Hopefully I'll be back online next week (hold thumbs!)
Its a grey winter's Saturday here Spookie. Hubbie is doing some gardening and I am doing what you had planned. A bit of washing and bed linen changing. Life goes on!!!
We were watching the soccer until Italy knocked us out in the last 6 seconds of the game with a bad penalty decision. They should never haver gotten it.I now hope that France wins but if they do they Italian fans will wreck Melbourne again. 10% of Melb. is Italian and they go berserk if they win or lose!!!
Have a wonderful reunion with the kids. Don't forget to let them wind down. Sometimes it's hard to get readjusted. God bless.
Enjoy the Beetles Show - Rumor has it it is excellent! On the WC, no I don't watch soccer but have seen a couple of the games and will watch the final - Go France! Enjoy yr weekend and your boys!
Bunny - It's been wonderful chatting to you too over the week. I do have an e-mail on my profile, but only recently. I will be sure to drop you a line soon. Love you!
Terri - HI!!! Missed you girl!! Hope your unpacking went smoothly and you had a chance to chill a bit. How was the show? Sounds really different...
Hoping your phone lines are connected so that you will be connected too. It will be good to see you regularly again.
Gail - Ugh! Washing! It never seems to stop in winter hey? I need to do a bit of gardening - mine is looking a bit sad.
Yea and about that football - I will be posting about that now.
Hope those Italians didn't go to crazy...
Debs - It is good to have them back. Winding down is good - and it makes a difference for them too. Dad doesn't seem to always understad that though. But time will fix that I have faith.
NMOTB - The Beetles show was lots of fun. I totally enjoyed it. Yea I watched the Final - can you freakin believe..... no I am saving this frustration for a post!
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