For a long time I didn’t either. But the more I got to know Him, the more I realized that while He was on earth He was as human as you and me, except for the fact that He was sinless. He got tired and hungry and once He even got angry. Why would He not have felt joy and happiness with laughter too?
Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and I am convinced He had joy in His heart. He loves us. Think of this, when you think of your children and how much you love them it makes you smile right? That love makes you happy, doesn’t it? How can you love someone and be serious and solemn all the time?
I love Jesus and that love I feel for Him makes me so happy inside and so excited I can just about burst.
We need to see Jesus as a loving God who can laugh with us just as easily as He would comfort us and cry with us. Imagine Jesus laughing and smiling at times – I cannot imagine that for the time He was on earth that He was solemn ALL the time. I am sure there were moments of laughter and happiness, especially among Him and His disciples.

Neh 8:10 ....For the JOY of the Lord is your strength.

Knowing Jesus brings joy and happiness to my life - and I bet, no, I know that these are some of His triats too....
Oh Spookie, He has given us ALL. He rejoiced in worship, He went to a wedding, He had brothers and sisters, He loved His mother, He made smiles and laughter, He made us in HIS image. We are copies being refined. We can imagine Him because we are like Him. He is all we want to be. God bless you.
He is just so wonderful, glorious, amazing!! God bless you too.
Just wanted to let you know that when I am feeling down and out - I just go to your blog for inspiration - love reading your posts!
Thank you, that makes me very happy. You are a real blessing.
love your work! bless you!
Your belief and faith for me, are the manifestation of how at peace you are with who you are. I believe there is a Divine spark in all of us - regardless of our beliefs and in spite of our differing religions. To express the love and faith you do, you have to be in touch with that bit of Divinity that lies within - and I believe peace within is what puts you in touch with that. You are God and God is you - in what ever form your God is. This peace is such a Blessing in itself.
Made me think of a hymn - fix your eyes upon Jesus, something like that! Thanks for that wonderful reminder.
I have added a post to your 'new process' posting - you will not know how much this encouraged me, especially today.
Wow, Spookie, I love those pictures. It's funny how we usually imagine Jesus as this somber character who wanders around with a patient, almost pained expression on his face.
This is a much better way to think of him. It's reminded me of a picture I had some years back. Check out my post today.
Thanks for this as it reminded me.
angel - That means so much. Thanks.
Dawn- WOW. Thank you so much, that is such a wonderful thing to say. I am more at peace with who I am now that I ever was. You really are special to me. Thank you for being who you are.
Karen - You are welcome.
Bunny - I love those pictures too. I have a few more posts to do with these kinds of pictures. I am happy it reminded you of the joy in our Jesus.
Spookie - thanks for your inspiration! Jennifer has posted on Jesus too - isn't that awesome...see my latest blog entry too.
AWESOME!!! And I replied to your comment on my "Process Started" post.
This was incredible! I just can't wait to see Him face to face. That will be glorious!
Jennifer - Thanks for visiting. I can't wait to see Him face to face either - it is so exciting to know that we will be with Him one day - all the time.
You know...I just found out some sad news...and I was down in the dumps...feeling blue...confused...and then I came back here and was reminded of what I need to do...
Turn your eyes upon Jesus...
I have my eyes fastened upon His face, and my ear against His chest.
Speak Lord.
Jennifer - I am sorry to hear that you are feeling down. But you have the right answer, keep your eyes on Him, keep praising Him and seeking Him. Like Peter on the water - don't look at the size of the waves - keep your eyes on Jesus and you will stay on top of the water.....
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