Thursday, April 06, 2006


This post was inspired a while ago by a lady named Darlene. It is the title of her blog and it really got me thinking. So I wrote this. I actually forgot I had written it until now. So, thanks Darlene, for.... well for just being you. Blessings!!!

I think if we could read Jesus’ blog page, it would go something like this:

To all my children reading this, I want to tell you that I love you. I want you to know that all I have planned for you is so exciting. Don’t you know how dear you are to me? Don’t you know that you are the apple of my eye? I know that you can sometimes hear me calling you, child of mine. But you don’t respond. I have such a wonderful life for you filled with prosperity and blessing and true adventure! If you respond you will surely live a long and happy life.

Don’t you know that there is nothing you could have done to make me love you less? Don’t you know there is nothing you can do to make me love you more? Can’t you see how much I love you? I died for you. I conquered death and sin for you. I was beaten, mocked and hated for you. Is there anyone else in the world that would do the same for you because they love you? Is there anybody in the entire universe who loves you as unconditionally and completely as I do?

I know that you long to fill the emptiness in your heart; I know that you look for fulfillment in all kinds of places. And I know that every time you think you have finally found some-one or something to fulfill you, your hopes and dreams are crushed and your heart is broken. Yet you continue to go through this painful process again and again and again. Don’t you know that my love for you will never disappoint you? Don’t you know that your dreams are my dreams, that your hopes are my hopes-and that if you place them in me they will NEVER be crushed? You don’t have to search – I am right here, just waiting for you to call.

I have carved your face in the palm of my hand and your name into my heart – I long for a close and intimate relationship with you, to hear you speak my name over any other.
Come home to me my child and we shall have a banquet in heaven!! I will give you my ring to wear, and EVERYONE will know you are mine.

Give your heart to me, I promise I will never break it. Give your heart to me and you will search no more. Give your heart to me and you will be eternally fulfilled.


Chris Beason said...

Saw your comment on Darlene's blog...which I've just discovered and LOVE...and thought I'd check yours out. Keep up the good work! I'll definitely be back later to read more.

In His Love,

Brigitte said...

Hi Annette, thanks for visiting. I love Darlenes blog too. I will visit your blog soon!

Pam said...

This is beautiful. I love Darlene's blog, too, and I am thankful for you stopping by to visit me. Don't be a stranger . . . well, no more of a stranger than you are to me, right now! Glad to know we are sisters in Christ.

My kids think it is great that I have a blog friend from South Africa!

Brigitte said...

Hi. Welcome. I am very happy that I joined the Christian Women online ring. I get to communicate with so many christian women all over the world.
Thanks for the compliment. God bless. ;-)