There are alot of things milling around in my mind today, probably because I am so tired. I have been battling to sleep lately. I mean in general I have always slept lightly and have taken long to fall asleep at night, but lately - I don't fall asleep at all. I sort of stay in that "twilight zone" between deep sleep and dozing.
And you know in that place everything can get totally blown out of proportion too - every little concern gets turned into a HUGE worry and you can't stop thinking about it - then you tell yourself that, thats why you can't sleep, "you can't sleep cause you're worried!", But you know you are not the kind of person who "worries", so you can't understand why you are worrying, "It must be important if it is keeping you up at night, right?".
Has anyone been where I am now? I get up in the morning with a sore neck and shoulders from tension and I am feeling dizzy too. I know that the things I am turning over in my mind at night are not life threatening things when I am awake, and every night it is something different. There must be someting at the core of it that is causing me to "doze" all night.
There is one thing that is nagging at the back of my mind - but I am not going to tackle that yet - WAIT! Thats it! Thats why I can't sleep! It's because of this other thing - I wont deal with it now cause there is no need to and if I do I may be making mountains out of molehills, not that I am trying to make molehills out of mountains, but at least now I know why I can't switch off and sleep.
Phew! At least I know I am not going mad. Tonight I think I will definitely sleep better - Oh I hope so.
Thankyou for helping me figure that one out.
Sweet dr

I love your cat pictures. Mine have all passed over and can't wait to see them again (hopefully). I DO the same tossing and turning sometimes. By the time it's daylight, I feel so foolish because all I needed to do was to focus on Jesus. If I remember to do that when I'm wakeful in the night, I go to sleep. But I know exactly what you're talking about. Thanks for the comments about my husband attending church. I think that 'unequally yoked spouses' need a lot of support. Ask God to show you evidence of your faith in Him to bring your husband into the kingdom. You'll be amazed at the result. I Peter 3.
1 Peter 3 is a very special passage to me. When I recommitted my life to Jesus a few years ago I was suddenly faced with the fact that my husband was not saved and we were unequally yoked. And I asked Him to show me how I could show him what I have in Jesus and He lead me to that passage. I needed to be reminded of it again though - cause I had forgotten - Thanks.
This other thing that is keeping me up, I have spoken to the Lord about it - ALOT, and that whatever happens it be used to bring glory to Him only. I just need to relax in Him and know that everything will work out the way He desires it to be.
Thank you so much for your encouragement - I will start being an example again to my husband.
that's rough- but i can empathise! last night (monday night) i was awake until nearly 2am tuesday morning!
i hope you sleep better soon...
Thanks! Sorry you are battling too :-(
Glad we could help you figure that one out :)
Of course, you know it's not going to go away, whatever it is, so the sooner you tackle it head on, the sooner you'll be able to get some sleep.
Sweet Dreams!
Terri - I am glad you could help too. And this one just did go away, see, I kinda, sorta though I was pregnant, but (PHEEEEEW) as it turns out I am not. I am relieved fo a number of reasons which I wont bore you with now. And now i am sleeping Like A Baby - heh!
Your Grampa Dick always said he fell asleep instantly 'cos he did not have a guilty conscience bless his heart. Judge yourself kindly, love yourself and then go to sleep - 'cos you are amazing! Love you my sweetie pie - Mom
gg - Love you too! Thanks for the pearls of wisdom...
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