After doing my 100 things list yesterday, I thought this was a good follow up to it. I think I am now done with my little lists, maybe I'll do one of my favorite things before I call it quits with lists - hee, that rhymes!
Here goes:
1. Sniffing – I cannot stand this! It literally makes the hair stand up in my neck.
2. Passing the buck – If you screwed up, say so and apologise and start over.
3. Tardiness – I have been trained to be on time by my father, so when someone is late, I get annoyed.
4. Mumbling – If you have something to say – Say It! Don’t mutter under your breath as you walk away.
5. Toothpaste in the basin – Ugh – wanna make me puke, don’t rinse the basin after brushing your teeth.
6. Bad language – Now I don’t mean the occasional swear word –we all swear. But when every second word is a swear word or every phrase contains a crude expression... Trust me, you get real people like that. It’s not just the movies.
7. Those “send to 10 people for good luck cause if you don’t you will die at age 33!!!” e-mails. When I see those in my inbox I immediately delete them, I don’t even bother reading them.
8. People who wash their hands at the kitchen sink and then dry them on a dishtowel. That happens here at work and it bugs me no end, cause the person who does it sometimes doesn’t even bother drying his hands and makes everything wet, there is nothing worse than a wet cupboard door handle, or kettle handle or whatever... uuugggghhhh (shudder).
9. Food in the plug hole in the kitchen sink – YUK!!!
10. When the kids use my bathroom towel to dry-clean their dirty hands. They don’t wash their hands clean, they dry them clean.
11. No Showers – someone who says they will be at a certain place and then never show up.
12. Racism – it doesn’t get anyone anywhere.
13. A cell phone that is never on – why have a cell phone if it is never on?
14. Waiting for something exciting, like a surprise, if you have a surprise for me, don’t tell me and then tell me I have to wait two weeks for it – it drives me mad!!! Rather don't tell me.
15. Bossiness. Haven’t you noticed that the bossy people are always the first people voted off survivor!?
16. Bad table manners. Chewing with open mouths, grating on a spoon or fork with their teeth when they put food in their mouths, elbows on the table - have you ever tried to get a spoon full of cereal in your mouth while keeping you elbow on the table? Everything falls off the spoon!!
17. A wet toilet seat - "My aim is to keep this toilet tidy.
Gentlemen/boys - your aim will help, stand closer, it's shorter than you think!
Ladies/girls - Please remain seated during entire performance!"
Guys - If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweet and WIPE THE SEAT!!!!
Want me to turn into a monster in the morning - let me sit on a wet toilet seat!
18. Skid marks in the toilet bowl - What do you think toilet brushes were created for? Decorations in the loo? "If you poo scew, clean the loo!!!" I certainly don't want to do it.
19. OOOh, and you know what else? You know when you go to pick something up and you just miss it with your fingers and you do it again and again - at least three times before you actually get a hold of it - whatever it is? MAN! That just gets my pants in bunch everytime!!!
20. And of course, slow computers!!! Who doesn't get annoyed by this?
Now I know that Christians are not supposed to be irritable people, and I'm not, in general I am a good tempered happy person. I have learned to get used to these things and let them go without getting annoyed and irritated and cross - most of the time. But there are times when the sniffing just gets too much for me and I can no longer keep quiet, or the bad table manners just get too sloppy or I have one too many bad bathroom experiences and I get annoyed and I get irritated - hey I am also only human.
And no, I don't do anything that annoys people cause I am perfect, don't you know? and this is MY blog and I get to say whatever I like!!!
Oh and my five day weekend starts today (yay! yay! yay!), so I will be out of touch for a while. But don't worry - I will be back on May 2, so until then bloggerflies - keep blogging, and keep reading, and don't forget me while I'm gone!!!
Big Kiss!!!

I think that Christians are just as human as anyone else. And if you have peeves, they are just ways that God is refining you. Everyone has them, it is just how we deal with them that He is concerned with. Christians are far from perfect. It is good that you recognize your peeves...now it is just a matter of letting go. (which is the hard part)
Kassi - Here Here!! I have basically learned to deal with them with grace and patience, I think thats why I know so well what they are. MMM, the hard part, learning to deal with them. Once you can do that, you can let go!
Thanks for visitng and for encouraging! God Bless!!
Kisses for a wonderful 5 day weekend! :)
You're hilarious! I especially like the line "That just gets my pants in a bunch everytime!" ROFL Thanks for the Wednesday humor. God bless
I don't think getting irritated with stuff like this makes you a bad person. As Kassi said, it's your reaction that counts. And that doesn't necessarily mean you have to keep quiet about stuff all the time either. That doesn't make you a bad Christian, it just makes you a pushover. Speaking up can actually be constructive if you go about it the right way.
i agree with kassi & terri on this one- how you react tells people a lot about you.
and ditto on numbers 3, 4, 7, 13, 16, 18 & 19!
When I first saw "No Showers", I thought, "Yup. I hate stinky people too".
i also thought you meant showers, as in water from a spraying thingy ma thing thing in the wall above most peoples head, but eye level for me. God bless you for being such a great sis...
Pssst! Your Interview questions are waiting for you on my blog :)
Beads - Thanks for the kisses!!
Debs - Glad you enjoyed it!!
Terri - Yea, speaking up can be constructive, it's learning HOW to speak when you DO speak up that was the hard part for me. I am NO pushover - trust me.
Angel - I am glad you can relate - he, so to speak...
KN - When I read my post I also -for a second - thought I had gone mad cause I couldn't remember writing about showers, and I knew it would probably confuse most people too but I couldn't be bothered to fix it, I was leaving for a long weekend.
C - Yea, how is that for you... the eye level thing?? O and you're welcome!
Terri - I am on my way!!!
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