NO! That is not me trying to be a pirate, it is me screaming in frustration!! Why? Cause my groceries are running out before the month is over!!! "How'd that happen?" I hear you ask, well ask my hubby dearest (said through a forced smile with clenched teeth).
You see he decided we had enough of certain items when we did our shoppping last month and therefore we didn't need to top up on them - and as it turns out, we didn't have enough! Now I can live without most things - I can even go without food for a few days (I kow this cause I have fasted for four days). But there are things that EVERY human needs to get through each day without ending up looking like a pirate!!!
"Like what?" you may ask.....
Mmmm, lets see, like TOILET PAPER!, BOGROLL!, WHITEGOLD! - call it what you bloody like, it is an absolute essential in my daily routine!!! Oh and SHAMPOO!!!! How is a woman supposed to get through a day without SHAMPOO!?!?!?!?! Have you ever had to wash your hair with a bar of LUX soap? NO, well I have. In fact I tried it for the first time this morning. And you know what - it removes every bit of life or body or shine from your hair. My poor locks are looking and feeling like raffia paper, even after applying half a bottle of conditioner and do you think anyone feels sorry for me, in a house full of men? - hmpf! I should be so lucky!

And then, to top it all off, this morning I had to have a COLD shower too, cause hubby dearest (the clenched teeth again - no smile this time) used all the hot water when he showered, and only he had showered, no-one else!
So my morning went something like this:
I woke up feeling THREE times my normal size cause I am so bloated and sore from that wonderful time of the month us women are so blessed to have. I Stumbled into the bathroom only to find, in my half asleep state, after completing my performance that t.h.e.r.e w.a.s n.o m.o.r.e l.o.o p.a.p.e.r and then, when I get into the shower - already miffed, to attempt to wash away my monthly blues and my mood, and I discover there is n.o h.o.t w.a.t.e.r or shampoo!!!!
And hubby dearest (yes - clenched teeth) can't understand why he has a raging, snarling monster with long fangs and claws in his bedroom drying it's hair with his wifes hairdryer! A creature that breaths fire on everything if he just pops his head around the door, instead of his sweet, smiling, loving wife he sees every morning.
In a nutshell, today I am a bloated, hormoanal, raffia haired, raging, ready to blow at any second, fire breathing, fanged, don't mess with me creature, er, woman!!!
And I am outta here!
I will write again, when I feel more like a human being and less like the picture I have pasted below (LOL)

Hi Spookie thanks for the visit to my blog.
One day at out of every month I grow fangs, claws and can snap at less then a seconds notice. I feel for you this morning. Do what I do nap! lol :)
Did he forget to buy hot water as well? Unbelievable.
beads - can't nap, I'm at work all day - unless I crawl under my desk amd nap there. Thanks for being on my side!
kn - He's the kind of guy who learns from his screw ups. He is right until proven wrong. He will never assume we have enough stuff, and he will never use all the hot water agian unless he wants a monster in the bedroom again. heh
Poor Spookie...this too shall pass. It'll be quite comical in a few days...hopefully. Think upon those things that are good.
oh dear- i had to giggle! btw, did you get shampoo and looroll since this morning?
nlilupof... is what happens when there's no loo roll OR shampoo!
Debs - I know, I know. It is just hard when it is happening. And last night I was realy feeling sorry for myself, the monster kept rearing her ugly head every now and then - specially when hubby came near me LOL! But I am ok today.
Angel - Got loo paper. We are going to do our grovery shopping on Saturday (tomorrow) - so I will be feeling like a human being again soon.
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