Well here it is!! I have finally done it. I did it rather quickly too - that surprised me. I thought it would take ages!!! Anyway, I shall let you get into it right away!
1. I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind and strength!
2. I have always loved the Lord, since I was a little girl.
3. I am not ashamed of my faith and Christianity
4. I love to sing and have always longed to be able to perform live!
5. I love writing songs and poetry.
6. I married a man who was married before.
7. I am a step mom to his two boys, they were 4 yrs and 18 months when we got married.
8. They live with us full time.
9. Being a step mom is one of the hardest things I have ever done and I made so many screw ups with these two boys cause I had no idea what I was doing!
10. I met my husband at work, and he was still married.
11. I was seeing him when he was still married, and sometimes the guilt just about gets the better of me. (I will tell the whole story one day in a post)
12. That was a time in my life that I was very far away from God and made a HUGE mess of everything.
13. I have one son with my husband, and we have been married for eight years now (2006).
14. I have two sisters and one brother whom I love dearly.
15. I have wonderful parents who are responsible for the way I turned out - in a good way.
16. I love my family so much, I cannot imagine life without them.
17. I have a wonderful spiritual family – and I love them just as much.
18. I want to start a ministry one day, at first I thought it was just for women, but I know now it will be for men and women.
19. I would love to conduct a choir and teach them harmonies etc – at least a 100 strong choir.
20. I am not stubborn.
21. I am very easy to get along with and to talk to.
22. I am a very good listener.
23. I want to go to Tuscany one day for a holiday.
24. I also REALLY want to go to Las Vegas! I don’t know why, it just really looks like a great place to visit.
25. No, I don’t gamble.
26. I don’t smoke either. I used to, but I quit.
27. I don’t drink very much at all. I used to go out and party BIG TIME, but that stopped too.
28. One lady at work once referred to me as a Jesus Freak and I think she was trying to insult me, but I was thrilled that she had noticed!
29. I just LOVE cats!!! Everything in my office, on my computer and my blog etc, etc is kitties!!
30. I had a cat but I had to give her away when we moved – it broke my heart!
31. My favorite day of the week is Friday!
32. My favorite colours to wear are Purple, pink, blue, yellow, and black.
33. I want to always make an impression on people I meet – even if I never see them again.
34. My favourite season is Autumn–it has such beautiful colours and the temperature is just right.
35. Before I met my husband I had a serious boyfriend. I ended the relationship, but I always wonder about what could have been. I think I will always care for him in some way.
36. My husband is a wonderful man. He washes dishes, cooks, cleans the house, surprises me with gifts and flowers, if he could, he would give me the world on a tray!
37. I am married to a very serious fisherman, I will save this for a post too.
38. If I could go back in time I would work harder on my early relationship with my stepchildren.
39. I am a dreamer – I daydream all the time. Either about my next
poem or about a place to go on a holiday or what I want to do in the future.
40. This is getting harder with each number….
41. I don’t like to be confronted with some truths about myself.
42. I am very sensitive about my weight – just one comment can send me into a serious decline and an even worse binge!
43. I hate to be criticized.
44. I have learned to take constructive criticism, even though I still don’t like it.
45. I have learned to bite my tongue when I want to lash out and say something just to get back at someone–I still don’t always get it right.
46. I have learned forgiveness is very important because to harbor un-forgiveness is like drinking a slow poison.
47. I have always wanted to play a musical instrument.
48. I have a guitar and I started to learn, but my lessons fell through when our church elders changed – they were teaching me.
49. I will still learn it will just take a bit longer than I thought.
50. Half way!!!
51. I like to be alone. I love having time to myself to do what I like, when and how I like.
52. I love baking.
53. I love reading.
54. I enjoy pottering around in my garden.
55. I LOVE LOVE LOVE shopping!!!
56. But my money doesn’t burn a hole in my pocket.
57. I give my tithe when and how I can.
58. My nickname at work is tinkerbell - cause I am apparently so light on my feet...
59. Once I almost left my husband. Because we went through a really rough patch once and we were fighting ALL the time! I almost walked out– but The Lord stopped me.
60. We sorted our stuff out–hubby and I, and we are happy now and getting stronger all the time.
61. I don’t nag him about his fishing or other stuff and his friend’s wives all give them a really hard time, and I think he has realized that he doesn’t actually have it that bad.
62. I will live to be 120+ years old and I will never get cancer or disease of any sort–The Lord has told me this. It may sound weird to some people–but I don’t doubt it for a second!
63. I believe in living long and living strong.
64. I don’t worry about money or food for the month because I know God will provide for us if we don’t have enough. On my petrol tank E stands for Enough–not for empty! Heh heh!
65. I look forward to the day that I will see my saviour–whether it be before the rapture or when that happens. Yes I believe that Christ is coming to rapture His church, His Bride.
66. I am sure I am going to heaven.
67. I don’t read my Bible as much as I should.
68. I pray all the time!
69. I really dislike bugs! Specially flying bugs. I am terrified they are going to get
tangled in my long hair!! Irrational I know–I can’t help it.
70. I have never been stung by a wasp–but I am scared to death of that happening.
71. The worst pain I ever experienced was the c-section I had when Donovan was born. It wasn’t planned, I was going to give birth naturally, but Donovan had to be difficult and have things HIS way!
72. I have a good self confidence and meeting new people doesn’t scare me, in fact I love meeting new people.
73. I have no problem talking in front of people, I do get nervous yes–but if I want to start a ministry one day and that means preach too – I can’t let that get to me.
74. I have no problem singing in front of people either – in fact I love this more than anything!
Get me in front of that mike and I am in heaven!!!
75. I do well when I can work with people. A job that involves a lot of office work and paperwork etc like I am in now I battle with cause I love to be around people, so sitting in my office gets a bit lonely for me.
76. I often get into trouble for talking to much. I do love to talk.
77. That’s partly why I started blogging, cause I get to interact with other people, without leaving my office!!
78. I love to watch movies! Specially if it has a good story to it, or an unexpected twist.
79. I love to laugh! And often when I read something funny I really do laugh out loud LOL!!
People often come to see what’s so funny. Strange though that I don’t really hear other people laughing in their offices.
80. My radio is always on in my office. I listen to a Christian station called Impact Radio 103 fm. But when a favourite song plays, I can’t concentrate on my work! LOL.
81. I am almost finished!!!
82. This had been easier than I thought it would be.
83. I love visiting with friends, family or even someone else’s office–I just love it! I can visit and chat all day.
84. I would love to have a half day job!
85. I would love to be at home when my kids get home from school to make sure they get something to eat, I can do my housework and help them with homework.
86. I cannot wait to buy my own house that I can paint and add onto or breakdown etc as I like.
87. I cannot wait to get my own car.
88. I wish I could slow down my children’s growth so that they will stay young and innocent forever.
89. I hate goodbyes. I never do well with these.
90. 10 more to go!!!
91. As soon as I buy a house I am going to get a kitty!!! And SHE–yes she, I need other female company in a house full of men–will grow old with me!
92. This has taken me about 3 ½ hours to do.
93. I know myself better than I thought I did.
94. I cannot believe how quickly 100 points have come to me.
95. I hope that I will grow all the time and become stronger in everything.
96. I love taking photos!
97. My sisters and my brother and I all worked in a one hour photo lab – at different times of course.
98. I don’t like motorbikes and I wont ride on them. I have before, but I never liked it. I don’t like feeling so vulnerable.
99. One of my pet hates is sniffing. I cannot stand it when someone sniffs when their nose is running – it makes my hair stand on end!
100. Right at the end of this blog page is a picture of a kitty that I just put on today!!!

Wow! You have been busy. The pictures are cute. Keep up with the guitar. It takes time but well worth the effort. I just picked one up a month ago and now I'm taking lessons on the mandolin. It's fun and a new way to worship the Lord.
Always fun reading 100 things about people. It was a pleasure getting to know you better.
The kittie pics are soo cute.
Oh yeah I love baking too. :)
Cool post - and lovely pics! I can identify with far to many things on your list to mention them all.
Debs - I will keep it up, as soon as I can play a song I will let you know.
Beads - It has been a pleasure getting to know you Beads!
Terri - Yea, we've had this conversation before, we are rather similar in alot of ways, yet so different in other ways - weird hey? Yet really cool!! ;)
faskinatin! even got sum stuff i didn no b4!
Sis - Oh really - like what??
#19, 24 & 59 were new to me.
Oh. Thats interesting, love you madly!!!
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