I had a kitty, but a year ago this month I had to give her away because we moved. When we moved we discovered that the complex does not allow animals. Now there is a tricky twist in this rule. It states that any new tennants moving in could not bring pets with them, but current residents living there could keep their pets until they die (the pets - not the people), but are then not allowed to replace the pets. Funny enough, only the caretaker of the complex has a dog - a maltese poodle - UGH!! And another man has billions and billions of birds! We only discovered the rule when we went to sign our contract.
The other thing was that we had to move. We are a family of five and we were living in a two bedroom place with no garden, it was very small and the boys were all in one room. I know that my children are more important than an animal, and they really needed the space to get out of each others hair, and the new place is much bigger and has a garden and everything else we needed, and she really went to a good home, but I still miss her terribly. She was the only other female company I had in a house full of men! And she was a real lady too.
Her name was Pearl, but I always called her Kitty Witty. My husband got her for me when I was feeling broody, so she was really filling a longing I had for something to baby - anything. As I told my husband "A puppy, a kitten or another baby - you decide." So I got this kitty. She looked like a dust-bunny when I brought her home and fitted in my one hand. If she fell asleep on my lap and I needed to get up, I would just scoop her up in my hands and she would just continue to sleep there, in my hands in the air. She loved to be cuddled and carried around and would even ask to be picked up by standing up against my shoulder from my bed if I was in my room. Yes she was spoiled rotten. She had toys and scratching posts and she got meat every morning and evening and brushed every Saturday. She slept on top of me every night and if I moved or turned over she would simply walk on me until I was comfortable again then she would settle down. She had her own cookies, and she got two everyday.
When I sang to her she would roll around on the floor and act all coy - I taught her to chase gogos (bugs) and if I asked her "Where's the gogo?!" and pointed to the chair, she would jump up there to see where it was. Or run with me to the next room to find the gogo. She even played hide and seek with me. She has the sweetest nature you can ever imagine and the children in the complex would play with her and carry her all over the place, but she would never go into their houses. She never bit or scratched anyone and she loved visitors, as if they were there to visit her.
If we took her to the vet in the car, she would sit on my lap or at my feet in the car - no basket or box cause she was not naughty or badly behaved. I cried when I had to leave her at the vet to be fixed, and that was only overnight.
And I cried for weeks after giving her away, and still just talking about her gets me all choked up and I get a huge lump in my throat. One day I will have another kitty, and we will grow old together. I had Pearl for only a year, but a closer pair you couldn't find. She was my baby and everyone knew it. She would ignore my hubby if he called her, but would respond to me if I called her. We had a special bond that I dont think one shares very often with an animal, hopefully one day again I will have that same closeness with another kitty.
Look at how beautiful she is

It's terrible to lose a friend. She's gorgeous.
Kyknoord - It is hard, specially the ones who love unconditionally, like pets.
Wow, she is pretty. And I don't even particularly like cats. You describe her beautifully though.
Terri - Thanks, I wasn't much of a cat person either until I got her. She was the easiest pet I could ever imagine. There is no house training or toilet training or anything. Cats are just SO clever. Now I am definitely a cat lover. But I think she was just extra special.
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