Why, because I have so much and so many who love me. I have a husband who treats me like a Queen, he spoils me with love and affection, he is a wonderful man. I have three children, two of which are doing so well in school and sports and are growing into fine young men, they make me proud and everywhere I go people compliment me on their behaviour. I have one little boy who is going to school next year and he takes great joy in making things for me and drawing pictures or even tidying my room for me as a surprise - this means putting everything on my dressing table in a straight stripe along the back of it, folding up a jersey I left on my chair and stuffing it in my cupboard and placing all my books on top of my bedside table, not in the shelf below. He makes me very happy too.
I have two wonderful sisters that bring so much into my life. They are always there for me even if times are tough for them, they never say no to me. I only hope that I bring as much joy to them as they do to me. I will call them Big Sis and Madam - you guys are so special to me. I thank God for you everyday!!!
I have a very dear Brother who is just the most wonderful daddy to his little boy. A doting father who is adored by his baby boy. Boerrie - you make my heart swell with pride!
I have the most awesome parents, they love and support and love and support and love and support endlessly. They never interfere and have always allowed us to learn and grow on our own. They offer advice and are never pushy. They love their grandchildren and accepted my stepchildren into their lives as if they were my own. They spoil them and love them, and all the children love going there to visit.
I have a strong spiritual family at church - a support system that holds no equal. They are so important to me and are as close to me as my very own family. I have been through a few moments in life which I doubt I could have come through on my own. They have all made my life so full and I love spending time with them. I searched many years for a church family that would feel like home and I finally found it in this small newly planted church 2 years ago. I have grown as a Christian SO much since then, and so has the church - in numbers as well as spiritually. God really is building His church when I look at these people - an exciting thing to be a part of.
I have many friends of all ages and I cherish them. They have created many happy memories with me and our friendships remain strong and real through distance, time and trials. I love my friends, they are one of the many riches of my life.
I have my friends in the blogosphere, a really special bunch of people who also support each other, encourage each other and have some good laughs together too. You guys are so cool! I love reading your blogs, and you may as well know, you are all in my prayers everyday too!!!
And last but NOT in any way least, I have my Father in Heaven. He loves me like no other, I have never experienced such a complete and unconditional love that I have felt in Him. He makes my life beautiful and I have all these wonderful people and blessings and opportunities in my life because of Him. I can only say that I love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.
I am truly blessed and today I was just reflecting on all these wonderful blessings that I have. May God Bless you too today wherever you may be. May you be restored and made whole and may you too experience the peace that passes all undertsanding.

I think the most important thing is to be able to be grateful for what you have - no matter what!! I too thank G-d everyday for my kids and husband. I think it does not matter which religion you follow as long as you treat people and yourself with love and respect!!
tammy - First of all, Howzit! and welcome. It is always lekka to have new visitors. I know you understand what I am saying cause I have read your blog too ;-D, and yes, being thankful is important you are quite right.. It is good for the soul to sit back and look at all you have and know how blessed you are.
Oh and I LUURRVV your blog "design" - hehe.
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