Friday, March 31, 2006
One important lesson I have learned in life is to try to live your life so that you don't have regrets. Not easy, I know, trust me I know. But one thing I try to teach my children and young women who come to me with questions or seeking advice is that they shouldn't do things they are going to regret - or at least try. I tell them this because no-one ever told me these things. No-one ever really warned me that regret and hasty decisions are a heavy burden to carry and to live with.
I mean, face it, there is nothing you can do about regret. You just have to live with it. I am not saying that I have never made a wrong decision or a mistake, believe me - I have made the worst mistakes you can imagine. And some of them I have learned to get over, but others I really still battle with and berate myself for doing.
I say try to live your life in such a way that when you look back on your life as an adult you don't sigh and say "I wish I hadn't done that, or said that, or behaved like that". We have to live with the consequences of our decisions and so we must make them wisely. I asked the Lord for wisdom, if I could have one gift from Him, I want wisdom. Wisdom in the words I use to talk to people, in the way I behave around people, in the way I raise my children - and that is the most important one. I will be held accountable one day for my children and if I have not taught them about God and His saving power then I will be held accountable. But if I have done everything I can to teach them and show them and they choose to reject Him anyway, well then they will be held accountable for their own decisions.
I will also never judge someone for the mistakes or decisions they have made in their lives because if they have regret about what they have done, that is more than they need to deal with. One doesn't need someone saying "you shouldn't have" or "you could have" or "I would have" or what ever. Why rub someones nose in their screw-ups when the regret thay have to carry is more than they want to live with, why should they feel judged too.
We all mess up - BIG TIME - at one time or another, it is about whether or not you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going and learn from you mistake or whether you decide to throw in the towel and curl up in a corner and become a sticky mess of self pity and self loathing because of what you have done. I know the latter is often the more appealing option, but it will not get you anywhere and you will never learn anything.
I do know that you can never take back an action or a word - and this is where wisdom comes in. Say every word and take every action after careful thought, yes it is possible to think before you speak - try to be disciplined in the words you choose because what you say could make or break another person. The same with our actions - it is possible too, to think before you act "look before you leap". If we all try harder to put these things into action, what a happy world we could be living in hey? And please don't hear what I am not saying, it is impossible - because we are human to get this right all the time, but when we really try hard, we can get it right most of the time and then our regrets will be far less.
See these verses:
Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. (ESV)
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (ESV)
James 1:19 - 20 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God requires. (ESV)
Proverbs 15:4 Kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim. (MSG)
Thursday, March 30, 2006
My younger sister, I will call her Madam, is 5 years younger than me. From the minute mom brought her home from the hospital I wanted to protect her and hold her and keep her to my self. I still feel like that sometimes. She is a beautiful young woman today and I am very proud of her.
You see Madam has been through a few very difficult things lately. A divorce is one of them but I wont go into detail with the rest. All I can say is she has come out fighting and beating her problems. I know it hasn't been easy for her, and I know she still sometimes doubts her self worth. But to me she is worth more than all the treasures in the entire world.
She is loving and spontaneous and her bubbly nature is what makes her so endearing. She is loved by all who meet her and she has way of being unforgettable. She loves with all her heart.
When she was little she would talk endlessly and sing us songs. She and I shared a room for a quite a while and she had to go to bed before me for a long time because she was younger, but she would pull back and neatly fold my duvet and make it ready for me when I came to bed.
When our oldest sister went out with her friends and we couldn't cause we were still in school she and I would make a HUGE bowl of popcorn and some cooldrink and sit in our room and talk and play games and laugh the night away.
When I moved out she would come and visit me in my flat and we had some fun there too. All my memories of her and I growing up together are mostly funny ones. Though there was a period where Sis and I would chase her away and not want to play with her cause she was too small, and I regret having done that now - I often wish I could go back and do things differently.
Madam has brought an overwhelming and completely irresistable love and joy to my life since the first time I saw her. She is a precious sister, a jewel, a treasure and I know that if it had been me going through what she has, I wouldn't have made it. She is so strong and wont give up until she wins. I admire her and I am proud of her - so proud I don't have words to say, just a huge lump in my throat.
you tell me all the time you love me and I dont always get the chance to tell you what you mean to me. Well now I have told the whole world. You are one of the most beautiful people I know in soul and mind. I always want to tell you these things but when I get a chance and I want to start to tell you I get all choked up and then I want to cry - it is easier for me to tell you like this, because I dont have to talk. :-)
I am so, so, so, proud of you for how far you have come since June. I love having the old you back and I love that you are still here to make my life full the way you do. I cannot imagine life without you. I can't wait to create more happy and funny memories with you on our holiday. You have made me stop and look at life in a different way, you made me realise how precious and short our time together is and I plan to make it a blessed time filled with laughter and love.
You were always the laughter in our family, you were noisy and lively and bubbly, and you still have the nack of walking into a place and bringing everyone to life! Don't you ever change, you hear me, EVER. You are just perfect to me the way you are and I hope that when you look at yourself in the mirror you will see the beautiful woman that God created and be filled with His eternal joy. Here this is for you:
Rolling River God,
Little stones are smooth
Only once the water passes through.
So I am a stone,
Rough and grainy stone.
Trying to reconcile this river’s chill.
But when I close my eyes
And feel You rushing by
I know that time brings change
And change takes time
And when the sunset comes
My prayer would be this one
That You might pick me up
And notice that I am
Just a little smoother
In Your hand
Sometimes raging wild
Sometimes swollen high
But never have I known this river dry.
The deepest part of You
Is where I want to stay.
And feel the sharpest edges wash away
And when I close my eyes
And feel You rushing by
I know that time brings change
And change takes time.
And when the sunset comes
My prayer will be just one
That You might pick me up
And notice that I am
Just a little smoother
In Your hand
Rolling River God,
Little stones are smooth
Only once the water passes through.
Nicole Nordeman
I love you Madam, you are very special.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
To dedicate one post to each of my siblings. I will start with my oldest sister who I will call Sis. She is only 14 months older than me and we have a very special relationship. We share each others deepest darkest secrets and greatest joys. I cannot imagine life without her. She is fiercly loyal and woe betide the one who says or does anything wrong against her family. She is intelligent and talented and has a sixth sense about stuff that I dont even see. Our younger sister was going through a really rough patch a while ago and I didn't even pick up on it, well Sis did, she knew something was up.
Sis is a talented writer and can draw beautifully, and like me she loves taking photos - probably cause we grew up with a father who was into photography and photographed weddings and functions for a few years.
She always seems to know just when to visit or show up at my door with a little something for me. She makes killer cheescake and salads and she is the glue that hold us siblings together. And she is always riding around visitng us all in her little green car.
Sis is a single mom to a teenager. I think she is doing an amazing job with her child. He is a sweet young man with a wonderful sense of humour and a healthy love of reading and family. I know at times - ok, all times - single parenting is very very hard, but I really take my hat off to her. I don't think I would have coped as well as she is. She never misses a birthday and always has a present. I have many many happy and funny memories growing up with her, she is a blessing and treasure and I would move heaven and earth for her if I could to make life a bit easier for her - not that she moans and complains, but I would. I would pick a star from the sky for her if she asked me to.
Sis, you are so dear to me and I know I don't always take the time to tell you that. All the times we have spent together in shopping centers, or at home watching movies or chatting over coffee are times I really treasure. I want you to know too that no matter what you are going through or dealing with - you can talk to me. I am here for you. If you need a shoulder to cry on, a hug, or just somewhere to hide from the world, I am here for you. Please don't ever feel like you have to go through anything alone - you have done that WAY to many times. I know you have a sore heart and I know you have alot of things you are sorting through right now, but never feel like I have judged you or love you less because of these things - or that I ever will.
Stop judging yourself everytime you look at yourself and start seeing yourself for who you really are. You are a beautiful, strong and talented woman, one that I have looked up to all my life. Never forget that Jesus sees and knows everything you have gone through and He loves you for who you are. All that hurt and pain He can take away - you just have to give it to Him, let Him take it from you. If you have any unforgiveness in your heart, deal with it and give it to Him. Unforgiveness is like a slow poison and it does more harm to you than it does for the one you are harbouring the grudge for. And any unforgiveness you have for yourself, give it to Jesus too. And once you have done that - don't ever pick it up again. If you have forgiven someone for something, don't talk about it again cause then you pick up that unforgiveness again. Just as God never recalls or remembers anything we have asked forgivness for, that is how we should forgive - and if you do it that way you will forget too. I have wanted to share this with you for such a long time and now I finally have. I pray for you all the time.
Don't ever forget how special you are.
I love you
Monday, March 27, 2006
Why, because I have so much and so many who love me. I have a husband who treats me like a Queen, he spoils me with love and affection, he is a wonderful man. I have three children, two of which are doing so well in school and sports and are growing into fine young men, they make me proud and everywhere I go people compliment me on their behaviour. I have one little boy who is going to school next year and he takes great joy in making things for me and drawing pictures or even tidying my room for me as a surprise - this means putting everything on my dressing table in a straight stripe along the back of it, folding up a jersey I left on my chair and stuffing it in my cupboard and placing all my books on top of my bedside table, not in the shelf below. He makes me very happy too.
I have two wonderful sisters that bring so much into my life. They are always there for me even if times are tough for them, they never say no to me. I only hope that I bring as much joy to them as they do to me. I will call them Big Sis and Madam - you guys are so special to me. I thank God for you everyday!!!
I have a very dear Brother who is just the most wonderful daddy to his little boy. A doting father who is adored by his baby boy. Boerrie - you make my heart swell with pride!
I have the most awesome parents, they love and support and love and support and love and support endlessly. They never interfere and have always allowed us to learn and grow on our own. They offer advice and are never pushy. They love their grandchildren and accepted my stepchildren into their lives as if they were my own. They spoil them and love them, and all the children love going there to visit.
I have a strong spiritual family at church - a support system that holds no equal. They are so important to me and are as close to me as my very own family. I have been through a few moments in life which I doubt I could have come through on my own. They have all made my life so full and I love spending time with them. I searched many years for a church family that would feel like home and I finally found it in this small newly planted church 2 years ago. I have grown as a Christian SO much since then, and so has the church - in numbers as well as spiritually. God really is building His church when I look at these people - an exciting thing to be a part of.
I have many friends of all ages and I cherish them. They have created many happy memories with me and our friendships remain strong and real through distance, time and trials. I love my friends, they are one of the many riches of my life.
I have my friends in the blogosphere, a really special bunch of people who also support each other, encourage each other and have some good laughs together too. You guys are so cool! I love reading your blogs, and you may as well know, you are all in my prayers everyday too!!!
And last but NOT in any way least, I have my Father in Heaven. He loves me like no other, I have never experienced such a complete and unconditional love that I have felt in Him. He makes my life beautiful and I have all these wonderful people and blessings and opportunities in my life because of Him. I can only say that I love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.
I am truly blessed and today I was just reflecting on all these wonderful blessings that I have. May God Bless you too today wherever you may be. May you be restored and made whole and may you too experience the peace that passes all undertsanding.

Friday, March 24, 2006
Yesterday I remembered something Donovan did as a baby of about 2 yrs old. We had just moved him from his cot into a bed. This meant he could get out and walk around if he wanted to... which I never thought of actually.
One particular morning my hubby called me to the bathroom telling me to "come and look at something quickly!". He showed me little heaps of white powder in the bathroom and the dining room. We were very puzzled and on closer inspection discovered they were little heaps of washing powder. I went to the bathroom where my washing machine stood and I found the washing powder container standing in the middle of the bathroom floor and almost all of it was spilled out around it. What lead me to the culprit however was the little trail of footprints in the washing powder - one set leading out and another leading back in. What I could tell from the evidence was that he had walked back and forth with the scoop of the washing powder and left little heaps of it all over. What I couldn't find was the scoop.
I went to his bed and found him fast asleep holding the scoop to his face as one would a teddy as if nothing had happened.
My husband and I had to laugh. Obviously he had realised that he was not "trapped" in his cot anymore when he had woken up through the night, (and I always left a light on for the kids in case they wanted to go and drink water or something.) and so he went and played a lovely game all on his own in the wee hours of the morning with mommy's washing powder. And when he got tired of his game he promptly went back to bed with his beloved toy (my scoop) and slept happily.
Free of the bars of his cot he could do what he liked and go back to bed when he was tired. Funny little boy :-)
And once he felt he had to set my eggs free too and when I came to the kitchen he was standing in front of the fridge taking one egg at a time and throwing it on the floor - I think was up to number six when I found him, I guess he dropped one by accident and was so fascinated by result of a dropped egg that he wanted to see it again and again. At least he didn't go and sit in the sticky goo - but had I not found him sooner - he just may have done that.
Friday, March 17, 2006
I had a kitty, but a year ago this month I had to give her away because we moved. When we moved we discovered that the complex does not allow animals. Now there is a tricky twist in this rule. It states that any new tennants moving in could not bring pets with them, but current residents living there could keep their pets until they die (the pets - not the people), but are then not allowed to replace the pets. Funny enough, only the caretaker of the complex has a dog - a maltese poodle - UGH!! And another man has billions and billions of birds! We only discovered the rule when we went to sign our contract.
The other thing was that we had to move. We are a family of five and we were living in a two bedroom place with no garden, it was very small and the boys were all in one room. I know that my children are more important than an animal, and they really needed the space to get out of each others hair, and the new place is much bigger and has a garden and everything else we needed, and she really went to a good home, but I still miss her terribly. She was the only other female company I had in a house full of men! And she was a real lady too.
Her name was Pearl, but I always called her Kitty Witty. My husband got her for me when I was feeling broody, so she was really filling a longing I had for something to baby - anything. As I told my husband "A puppy, a kitten or another baby - you decide." So I got this kitty. She looked like a dust-bunny when I brought her home and fitted in my one hand. If she fell asleep on my lap and I needed to get up, I would just scoop her up in my hands and she would just continue to sleep there, in my hands in the air. She loved to be cuddled and carried around and would even ask to be picked up by standing up against my shoulder from my bed if I was in my room. Yes she was spoiled rotten. She had toys and scratching posts and she got meat every morning and evening and brushed every Saturday. She slept on top of me every night and if I moved or turned over she would simply walk on me until I was comfortable again then she would settle down. She had her own cookies, and she got two everyday.
When I sang to her she would roll around on the floor and act all coy - I taught her to chase gogos (bugs) and if I asked her "Where's the gogo?!" and pointed to the chair, she would jump up there to see where it was. Or run with me to the next room to find the gogo. She even played hide and seek with me. She has the sweetest nature you can ever imagine and the children in the complex would play with her and carry her all over the place, but she would never go into their houses. She never bit or scratched anyone and she loved visitors, as if they were there to visit her.
If we took her to the vet in the car, she would sit on my lap or at my feet in the car - no basket or box cause she was not naughty or badly behaved. I cried when I had to leave her at the vet to be fixed, and that was only overnight.
And I cried for weeks after giving her away, and still just talking about her gets me all choked up and I get a huge lump in my throat. One day I will have another kitty, and we will grow old together. I had Pearl for only a year, but a closer pair you couldn't find. She was my baby and everyone knew it. She would ignore my hubby if he called her, but would respond to me if I called her. We had a special bond that I dont think one shares very often with an animal, hopefully one day again I will have that same closeness with another kitty.
Look at how beautiful she is

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
We left quite early on friday morning, right after we had dropped the kids off at school. We drove through to Belfast and stopped there for breakfast. We were both really hungry by then and it was yummy. Had a lovely cup of coffee - much needed, and were off again. We got to our destination by about 11:30 am.
We were greeted by the old woman who lives and works on the farm, she cleans the cottages for a small fee and runs the place. She handed us our keys and told us what we needed to know about the fishing, the fire wood and the cleaning services. We unpacked our food etc in the kitchen, because it is a self catering place and were off to explore the farm. It is so beautiful, the veld is so pretty and there are no black-jacks or grasses that stick to your clothes and everywhere you go there are the most beautiful wild flowers, I took some pictures of them. I wanted to take more of each different type but hubby would tell me with each one that we already had pictures of those. We didn't, but I didn't argue. At least I got these - they all look the same to him anyway.
Hubby went and did some fishing that evening and I stayed in and did a bit of reading. When he came back we braaied some meat and had a wonderful supper on the wooden deck of our cottage. The picture below is the cottage we stayed in, pretty hey. There are three cottages and a fourth is still being built. They are named Oudekraal, Ribbok and the one we stayed in is Arum, I dont know what the fourth one will be called. The one we stayed in and Ribbok sleep 6 people and have only one bathroom. The other Oudekraal and the new one sleep 8 people and have two bathrooms. All the cottages have seperate bedrooms each containing two beds. A loung/dining room with a fire place and a kitchen and an outside braai area in each one. Fully stocked with oven, fridge, microwave, kettle, toaster and more than enough crockery and cutlery.

Below the wooden deck of our cottage there is a small dam too, but there is no fishing allowed in that one. Each cottage has a dam in front of it and they contain beautiful golden trout - but they are all "no fishing" dams, much to my hubby's dismay.
On Saturday after breakfast and some fishing we decided to do one of the walking trails that go to a beautiful waterfall. Well, what we thought was a walk soon turned into a hike. We hiked up to the top two dams - and I mean up and then from there you follow a small stream to a cliff that drops down into a valley where there is a waterfall. When we got there we decided to go down into the valley to the waterfall - we never once thought of the climb back out of the valley, did we. Anyway, it was really beautiful and I actually enjoyed climbing up and down a rocky valley wall. The waterfall was worth it too, look, this was taken from high up, before we headed down. When we got there it turned out the valley had a waterfall on each side.
We were a bit unprepared for such a hectic hike and one of the few things that kept me going back up was knowing that back at the top dam there was a natural spring with a spout that we could crink from. Ice cold, crystal clear, sweet water from underground - I couldn't wait to get to that spring.
Needless to say by the time we got home - after stopping to drink water we were starving and exhausted, all in all it was only about a six kilometer hike, but it was the steep up and down climb that was so tiring. We braaied again and I ate the biggest steak I have ever eaten in my life! It ws delicious, hubby sure knows how to braai a good steak.
At this lodge there are no t.v's, radios or anything - none allowed, it says so in the rules. So we had to think up ways to entertain ourselves. On saturday night we sat in front of the fire playing charades, and another game wher you have to try and guess what movie the other player is giving you clues about - we were rolling with laughter at each other.
On Sunday we were up quite early and went and tried some fishing. Hubby caught 9 fish in total and kept two cause you pay per kg to keep the fish you want - 50 bucks per kg. I had one fish on, but it got off the hook, and my line came flying out of the water so fast it wrapped the fly round and around and around my rod. So I caught nothing this time. But I also didn't go out as much as hubby did. It is amusing though to see how the other fishermen look at me when they see a woman fly fishing - they literally stare at me - very strange for them to see obviously.
We left on Sunday after a hearty breakfast at about 11:00 am. And headed home. We were both so tired - probably from the hike the previous day. It was such a wonderful weekend neither of us wanted to go home, we could happily have stayed another week or two - but for our budget. We have decided we will definitely be going back there this year again. I cant wait, I loved every minute of it.
Now this is funny, I have to share it because it is so funny and I think you will all enjoy it too. So here goes:
This one time (all together now: "AT BAND CAMP") we visited some friends of ours and they have a salt water swimming pool. We all swam and had a lovely time.
That evenng when we got home my hubby told me I should go and shower before bed - cause he doesn't like having "salty cracks" in his bed. (blush)
I was paraletic of course. Silly man, I often wonder where he comes up with some of the things he says. He is funny. Thats why I love him so much!
Some pictures of our wonderful weekend away will follow soon. For now, this will have to do!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Aha! I did it!! This is me people. Someone took this picture of me with my cell phone (left) while I was staring out into space and I didn't even know. I found it a few days later when I was looking for a photo I had taken of Donovan. I look the way I do on that photo cause I was at work and it was before I discovered blogging. So, yep, you can imagine how dull my life was at that stage - except for my funny hubby and funny children.
The other one (right) was taken for our work "info" thingy. They didn't use my picture in the end - phew.
Anyway, so I leave tomorrow for my long overdue long weekend away (YAY - Dance of happiness - YAY YAY!!!). I hope you all have a good weekend too. KN, if you try anything else exciting like a date or paragliding (or HAND GLIDING?? hee hee) - I hope it is fun. Zube, enjoy the baby - I know you will be playing with her alot. Terri, ja, you just have a good one, whatever you do. Write another FFF story, I will read it on Monday. And "A", have a jol. I Hope D & Marke are good and if not - don't call me, I am on leave, just deal with it. Mom, dont forget to fetch Donovan at 4:00 please. C, have a lekka fishing weekend with Sean!
Now I am going to the chemist cause I feel the start of flu or something and I cannot and will not be sick on my one weekend alone with hubby!!!
(Sheesh, it sounds like I am leaving forever - luckily for you all I'm not!!! - or unluckily...)
Huh! How do you like that! I tried to e-mail a photo of myself to my blog and it came back telling me I was too big. Well - the picture was too big, but that does nothing for my self esteem. I am huge, too big - even for a blog! :-(
I will try again, and hopefully - this time, I will have some positive results. (Deep Breath).
And now for something completely different!!
Ode to one of my faithful readers:
So I felt inspired there for a moment - but it is true - You make My day Terri - really, you do!
Ok, enough of that now. Gotta try to send another photo and come up with some poems for my other readers before you all start feeling like you ar not special or something - which you are, I live for my little comments, even the sarcastic profound ones, heh heh.
Emailing: 2005-10-25 003.JPG
2005-10-25 003.JPG
Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
My best friend got engaged last week and I am very happy for her.
Congratulations my Friend!!!
I thought that a little blessing for the happy couple would be appropriate for such a happy occasion. I have put a lot of effort into this and I mean it from the heart of my bottom! erm, I mean the bottom of my heart - no really.
My Friend this is for you and your Fiancé with the gorgeous hair and the impecable dance style:
May the love you have grow stronger with every passing day,
May the love you share grow lovlier in every single way.
May the new road that you travel on, be a long and happy one,
And may the life you build from this day on,
Be built on truth and trust, to keep you strong.
Here is a beautiful old song by The Carpenters for you two:
We've only just begun to live,
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way.
We've just begun.
Before the rising sun we fly,
So many roads to choose
We start our walking and learn to run.
And yes, We've just begun.
Sharing horizons that are new to us,
Watching the signs along the way,
Talking it over just the two of us,
Working together day to day
And when the evening comes we smile,
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow,
And yes, We've just begun.
I pray, my friend, that you will be truly happy. I love you lots!!!
And may your lives be bright and sunny, and your children fat and funny!!!!!
Monday, March 06, 2006
I am so looking forward to the weekend. Hubby and I are going away from Friday to Sunday. We were supposed to go with another couple but they can't go, so we decided that even if they couldn't make it we are still going. We are going to stay at a place called Treeferns Trout Lodge we will be staying in a stone cottage with a balcony overlooking the damns. It is self catering, but I prefer that sometimes.
We haven't been away for ages and yes it is fun when we all go somewhere together with the kids and all that, but I am looking forward to having 3 days without the kids tagging along. Am I terrible for feeling that way, yes probably - but I dont care, I need this weekend and so does he. The kids get to go and stay at relevant God parents and grandparents etc, which is great because no one feels left out that way.
I am off on Friday and as soon as we have dropped the kids at school we hit the road!
So this weekend I went and did some birthday shopping - I had such fun. My hubby came with me and tagged along sheepishly in the shops, eventually I asked him if he wouldn't like to go to Cash Converters or something, I can't shop with him watching my every move and commenting on my choice of clothing. So he left me in peace and I got some really cool stuff! Oh how I love to shop!! Shopping makes me so happy! Oh and hubby bought me my anniversary present now already (our anniversary is next month - 8 years !!!) - a beautiful cross with pink stones in it in silver, now I just need a silver chain to wear it on. Oh and of course I need to find some earrings and stuff to match it now - you know how it is ladies...
March is so stuffed with birthdays for me it is hectic. I have mine, my mom's, my brother's, my best friends baby girl, three of the young ladies at church, one of them shares a birthday with me and my stepchildren's mother also has a birthday in March, which I make certain they remember because she is their mom and it is important that they shower her with love and wishes and phone calls, even if they are to far for presents. I always imagine how I would feel if anyone in my family forgot my birthday - specially my children, and I try to imagine how it would feel not to have my children with me permanently. It must be tough for her too.
I so believe in celebrating birthdays and I am not afraid of getting old either. I am going to live to be at least 120 years old - at least!!!. Live LONG and live STRONG I always say. There is so much I want to do and see, and the only way I will do it all is if I live long enough. Why limit myself? Are you scared of growing old??
We went and visited my hubby's brother and his wife at their new house - stunning!! A really lovely place. Huge and spacious, the only thing they don't like are the light fittings - chandeliers everywhere! It doesn't go with the house. I personally like chandeliers - but it must be in the proper setting. I know my sister A would LOVE them though.
All in all a really lekka weekend. Loaded with shopping and visiting and getting presents - I am so spoiled.
Here is a list of pressies I got:
A weekend away from Hubby
New clothes and a CD form mom and dad
A beautiful journal - dateless - from sister C
Mall vouchers from In-laws and work
A travel mug from Bother G and his wife
A diary with kitties on and cream from a colleague
And a beautiful wooden beaded clip from sister A whichI have always wanted.
A HUGE bunch of pink and white roses from my precious boys - (thanks my Babe)
LOADS of e-mails and phonecalls and text messages
Spoiled!! spoiled!! spoiled!!!!
I am so blessed to be loved so much and to have people around me that remember the little things - Thank you to my dearest Sister A for making my birthday such a special one. What would my life be without you? I love you PLENTY!!!!