Some pictures for your enjoyment:

It was a fun day and Angel stayed till late and we watched The Huntchback of Notre Dam (I think thats the correct spelling) which was one of my christmas pressies - I want to colllect all the animated movies cause i just love them so much.
During the course of my holiday I noticed a new young resident in my garden, she is very little still and I began feeding her and caring for her. I call it "her" cause I have no idea if it is male or female, but just so cute. It's a baby turtle dove, she can fly so I haven't caught her but she stays in the garden and comes when I call her for food. She is rather silly though because she sleeps on the ground and not in a tree and I am afraid she will get into harms way like that, but I am afraid if I chase her she may not return. Last night though she was not looking well at all - she was breathing very hard - almost panting and this morning when I checked on her she was still asleep at 7:00 in the morning (not normal for a bird I don't think) and she was terribly off balance. I have become so attached to her and I am worried about her now. I am now considering in fact keeping her in a box inside for a while to see if I can help her get better... but I don't know. I just hope she is ok. She sleeps on our veranda behind the camping chairs leaning in the corner - isn't that sweet? Here are some pictures of her. None of them are zoomed in - I can get this close to her.
The last picture I took of her this morning, when she was looking quite unwell. I hope she will be ok. Oh and I have named her Val - cause it's a name that kinda goes both ways and cause she reminded me a little of Valiant - the little pigeon from the movie cause she is so little still.
Donovan had a birthday, he turned seven on saturday and we had a party for him too. Nothing major - about the same as Angels, only he didn't want any extremers up ... don't know why though. Here are some birthday photos :
And of course there was a lot of swimming throughout the holiday too. Donovan has now learned to dive and do a backflip in the pool. He is doing very well. Tomorrow will be his forst day at school, I wish I knew what he was feeling and thinking.

Thats all for now folks. If you go and check out "Pictures of my life" I plan to put up some Chritmas pics and some New year pics and some of the kids just having a jol!!
Bye for now
Edited to say:
Sadly my little bird Val didn't make it. She died this morning, but I thought she was looking very ill this morning, I didn't think she would make it. Poor little thing.
it was a jol and a half- thanx for my party sis!
Val was blessed to have known you!
I'm so glad you're back...I've missed reading over here!
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