when David stood to face Goliath on that hill.
I imagine that he shook with all his might
till You took his hand and held on tight

Cause You were there, You were there
in the midst of dangers snare.
You were there, You were there – always.
You were there, when the hardest fight seemed so out of reach.
Oh You were there, You were always there
You were always there…
Abraham with knife in hand was poised to kill.
But God in all His sovereignty had bigger plans,
and just in time He brought the ram.

Cause You were there, You were there
in the midst the unclear.
You were there, You were there – always.
You were there, when things seemed to not make sense.
Oh You were there, You were always there
You were always there!
Haven’t I learned that my ways
aren’t as high as Yours are?
And You alone keep the universe from crumbling into dust.
You are God and though we would not have understood You,
There You were…
Hanging blameless on a cross.
You would rather die, than leave us in the dark.
Every moment, every planned coincidence
just all made sense, with Your last breath.
You were there, You were there
during history’s darkest hour.
You were there, You were there – always.

You were the victor in the king!
You were the power in David’s sling!
You were the calm in Abraham!
You are the God who understands!
You are the strength when we have none!
You are the living Holy one!
You were, You are and You will always be
The Risen Lamb Of God!!
(by Avalon)
When I look back on the last six months of my life and what I have come through, when I faced my Goliath. When things were so unclear and so scary. When I was in the midst of danger - He was there. He was there through it all. He was my power, my calm and my strength and He is my victory. I look back and I can see where my God carried me through.
He was ALWAYS there.
What a pretty poem
Wow, this is powerful and wonderful. Thank you for this inspiration on a Monday.
Hey, I have been praying for you since I received your comment a few days back. How are you?
Wow, some testimony there Spookie and what a great poem. So glad you got the victory!!!
wonderful post sis!
Wow, it sounds like something major has happened, like a big burden has been lifted off you. I didn't realise you had been going through such an intense time these past months. This a great testimony!
Hello there your sis has started something........ so you are officially tagged - see my site for more details.
PS thanks for being such an awesome inspiration.
Hello my fabulopist woman! I feel your victory and I sense your jubilation. I too am in a very similar place and will share the details of it soon. I feel like I have climbed a mountain and been victorious. The difference in our heritage has us expressing our beliefs in different ways, but ultimately there is one truth, one love and one joy. When you get in touch with that, in what ever way it presents itself, it truly is the ultimate feeling. May everything continue to thrive and flourish in your life my friend. You deserve all of God's blessings. Love You. xox
Hi Spookie, what a wonderful testimony to the grace, mercy and strength of Jesus enabling you over the months.
Isnt it great that He has told us that He will be with us always even to the end of the age???
BTW Spookie , We are going to see Josh Groban on Sept, 28th. I am so excited. Want to come ? :)
Love Blue
Hey Spookie,
Just read this post again. Further to my email a few weeks back, things are hotting up again. Would very much appreciate your prayers on this for me. I feel embattled again, just when things are looking up for us moneywise!
Hi Spookles - Thanks for stopping by to say hi!!!!!!
Lovely post as always!!!!
Take Care and enjoy your weekend!!!
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