I chose a picture and she did the rest. Isn’t she just SO clever?
Angel, I love this new look! It is so pretty. No, not pretty – GAWJISSSSSS (new word I learned from you - he he)
Thank you for doing this for me, I really needed a bit of a change. And the blue roses are just so me – you were spot on there. I am SO happy with this new look and other people have told me it is beautiful too!
You are the world’s bestest sister eva
Love you madly!!

my sweet sis- i love you madly too! i'm so glad you like it!
I love this look too. These blue roses are stunning!
What is the weather like there in S.A? It is cold, cold, cold and raining raining raining here.
This new look is really fantastic and "feels" so much more like a true reflection of you ... vibrant, gentle, colorful and bold! Angel's style of help is the kind of help I like too i.e. Do the whole thing for me! That's what lekker sisters and friends are for! Hope all is wonderful for you and those you love. Big hugs xox
Very good job!! I like it, too - how did she do it?
I love your new look on the blog.... Sorry I haven´t been around for a while..... But I´m back now and will be catching up on your news!!!!
I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you for the thinking blog award... check out my blog for some thoughts on your person!!!!
have a good day
I must agree with you on that one - It is gawjissssss!!! Well done Angel!
Have to say, I love the new look.It's making me look at mine again.
How awesome is this! I love it. I was very surprised, as I've been awol lately. Hope all is well and God bless.
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