I told you I would put up some Patrick Dempsey pictures for you, remember? Well here they are
(Tada!!!). I couldn't find any of him "topless" but I can assure you he is very nicely built too. If I had more time I would've surely found some of those -
maar nou ja!

And of course Matthew McHONEY, he is still my
favourite favourite - better by far than Brad...
(heh heh). I think his
best attribute is his voice and his accent - I could listen to him aaallllll day.
Mm! Liewe Jesus het beslis die volle nege maande op die twee gewerk nĂȘ!!
I totally agree - these two make up one big McDelicious - or is it a Big Mac! Have a wonderful weekend and lots of love to you McBuddy! xoxo
oooh matt mchoney is SOOO divine... i dream of lying in his lap with my eyes closed and just listening to him talk to me or read to me... that soft southern drawl of his is just so delectable!
and mr dempsey has definitely improved with age.
Man, now I could do with Matthew McHoney for breakfast!!!
Still Brad Pitt for me, but must say Matt was great in "10 ways to lose a guy", he's got a real easy sexy way with things...that aside, I was thinking about your blue rose. I have just felt for myself that God has been speaking to me (or maybe I've just taken a fancy to!) a blue butterfly. What inspired your blue rose? I love it btw.
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