According to my sister that is, so much so that she gave me this award!! She thinks I rock, which to me is totally awesome!!! Cause I think she rocks!! So, I give this award right back to you too – only you can call it “The Rockin Sister” award.
Thanks my sweet sis, you made my day with this award, but technically this award should go to God, cause without Him I would not be able to deal with things the way I do. It is only through His agape love that I am able to love my boys and treat their mom like family – to use your words. I simply see it like this: She has no money, she misses her kids and she is on all kinds of medication too. So why make things worse? And, those boys never asked for a divorce or for a step mom or even to be here – they are the innocent ones and they deserve to be happy. And if I can make them happy, then I am happy.
But if not for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – none of this would have worked out this way. It is only because of His wisdom and guidance that it did. And I give ALL glory to Him!!
Thanks my sweet sis, you made my day with this award, but technically this award should go to God, cause without Him I would not be able to deal with things the way I do. It is only through His agape love that I am able to love my boys and treat their mom like family – to use your words. I simply see it like this: She has no money, she misses her kids and she is on all kinds of medication too. So why make things worse? And, those boys never asked for a divorce or for a step mom or even to be here – they are the innocent ones and they deserve to be happy. And if I can make them happy, then I am happy.
But if not for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – none of this would have worked out this way. It is only because of His wisdom and guidance that it did. And I give ALL glory to Him!!
He is my ROCK!!
And now I get to nominate some bloggers too, so here goes – in no particular order:
Gail at Blessed Be Your Name
This is one very special lady. She is a Christian and an inspiration. She doesn’t allow anything to stand in the way of her faith and growing.
Bunny Girl at Razors Edge Of Insanity
This lady is very talented. She writes the most amazing poetry and allows us to see into her heart. She too is a Christian and she is clings to Jesus in her journey of growth.. Her honesty and openness is refreshing and thought provoking.
Dawn Dawn at Dawn-Unplugged
Yes, I know she got this from Angel too, but this is a lady who totally Rocks!! She is a South Affie living in New Jersey and she is a HUGE inspiration to me. She faces life head-on and never backs down from a challenge. She is a precious friend and has become an important person in my life.
Karen at Karen's Ramblings
This lady is a powerful prayer. She spends a lot of time in God’s throne room and even though she is far away I can always feel it when she is praying for me too. She is being used by God – more than I think she realizes and her dreams and visions are always so amazing. There is always something there for me to learn from – and very often a message just for me.
And now I get to nominate some bloggers too, so here goes – in no particular order:
Gail at Blessed Be Your Name
This is one very special lady. She is a Christian and an inspiration. She doesn’t allow anything to stand in the way of her faith and growing.
Bunny Girl at Razors Edge Of Insanity
This lady is very talented. She writes the most amazing poetry and allows us to see into her heart. She too is a Christian and she is clings to Jesus in her journey of growth.. Her honesty and openness is refreshing and thought provoking.
Dawn Dawn at Dawn-Unplugged
Yes, I know she got this from Angel too, but this is a lady who totally Rocks!! She is a South Affie living in New Jersey and she is a HUGE inspiration to me. She faces life head-on and never backs down from a challenge. She is a precious friend and has become an important person in my life.
Karen at Karen's Ramblings
This lady is a powerful prayer. She spends a lot of time in God’s throne room and even though she is far away I can always feel it when she is praying for me too. She is being used by God – more than I think she realizes and her dreams and visions are always so amazing. There is always something there for me to learn from – and very often a message just for me.
Updated to say:
Mommy Darling sent me the following e-mail and asked me to please post it. This is for me, Angel, Genny, Dawn and even for Madam or Sister C as she is known on Angels blog. Ladies, this is for you from Mommy Darling (get your tissues out girls):
If I could give awards I would give them to -
Angel for being an amazing eldest sibling and a very precious daughter – in short I would give her A ROCKIN ANGEL AWARD!
To dearest Dawn Unplugged – my award to you would be THE BIGGEST HEART OF LOVE AWARD!
Because sister C does not blog does not mean I don’t want her to have STRONGEST AND BRAVEST CHICK AWARD!
You are all amazing women and I am honoured that you have touched my life!
As ever,
And to you Mommy Darling, I know all the girls would agree with me, you totally get the ROCKIN -EST MOM, FRIEND, MENTOR, SUPA CHICK AWARD!!
Love you too - SO much!!!
Hey Brigitte. Isn't it awesome that we get to play a part in bringing the Lord Jesus glory???
Thanks for the award. You are so sweet.
Three months till Josh :)
I suppose that I should get through Hillsong first!!!
My goodness ... I feel reluctant to say, 'I am at a loss for words' because I know I will end up leaving a long comment after that. I am not one of those people who find it difficult to accept love and warmth and kindness - but I have to say I feel completely overwhelmed by this outpour from Angel, Spookie and of course now, their incredible Mom. My spontaneous reaction to all of this, of course besides an enormous THANK YOU, is to walk away from my computer, go sit somewhere quietly and absorb all of this. There are those rare moments when (regardless of your religion or personal belief system) you feel the power and enormity of a deep and true soul connection with other beings having a human experience ... this is one of those moments for me. Until later, my dear friends!! xox
Well I am speechless - Thank you Auntie G - WOW!!!! This was totally unexpected!!!!!And yes B I do agree with what you say about your mommy darling! Right On!!!
Gail - yes, it is awesome to be a part of that. I am SO jealous that you are going to see Josh, you must enjoy it DOUBLY cause you will be enjoying it for me too. And then you must really enjoy Hillsong and just bask in all the Lord ahs to give you in that time.
Dawn - Face it my fabulopus friend. When you rock, YOU ROCK!!!
Gen - I knew you would like it. It's a nice warm fuzzy feeling hey? You desrve it girl!!
woohoo!!! two awards in two days!!! thank you mommy darling!
Thank you Brigitte. I feel so honoured and your Words really lifted me up and encouraged me - I have given you some mention in my latest post and have made my nominations. Your timing was perfection!
Congrats Brig!!! YOu deserve it!
Hi Spookie, been out of circulation a bit so was delighted to see my nomination. Thank you so much. I've seen a post on another blog about things going quiet on some blogs and I guess I have been one of those recently so this nomination spurs me on.
Your blog rocks and inspires.
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